Wednesday, December 30, 2009

30decemBer2009 11:08pm
EveryThing chanGed. It'S alreAdy One mOnth plUs.
Memories scAttered everywhere. WhereVer I gO, thEre's alWays meMories of u anD me (:
WeLl, u bEtter jIayou and get weLl sOon! I'm waiTing fOr yOu to hOld me wiTh ur righT hanD.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

CurrEntly at maLacca 7:40pm 26deC'2009
Today jUst reachEd bUt will be leaving tMl cOs mUm caN't ReQuest fOr oFf On mOn =(
I'm extremely tired ##. Had been wAlking the whOle day. The purpOse of me hEre is to pray my granDma bUt nOt holiday =(
imisshIm. I reAlly hOpe that he is bY my side Cos he cAn mOtivate me (: right nOw siTting On the beD anD watchin tv bUt I reaLly feel like slEeping. LOoking fOrward to later! Later gg to the pasamalam. Hopefully can gEt sOme stuFf back? Haha =D I haven't baTh so smElly #.# hee (: anw. HAPPY BIRThDAY kERriE!!!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I dOn't undErstand at aLl

24deCember2009 1:15pm
Why do I alWays have to decIde whEther I wan tO go oUt with mY siS and frIends or spendIng time wIth hIm?
ThE faCt is I alreaDy hve beeN spendInG vEry liTtle tiMe wIth hIm and sPend aLmOst all my time with my sistEr. WhY is she askIng for so mUch? WhY can'T she jUst apprecIate? AlwaYs being sacAstIc and angry over liTtle liTtle stuFf! PLEASE I'm a human bEing With fEelings.
When she is enjOyin herselF wiTh her friEnds hve she thot Of me? She dIdn't! onLy when she is bOred when sHe have no accOmpany thEn she will cOme to me caLl me to go out wIth her thEn I hve to canCel my plAns?
LiFe Is alWays unfaiR

Monday, December 21, 2009

21thDecemBer'2009 01:05am
phOtOs!!!! (:

stEambOat bUffet On 12 dEcembEr2009 wIth haN, pOOh anD mY sistEr!

thiS phOto is takEn lasT WEeK WhEn we aRe eatIng stEambOat bUffEt! thEn its pOoh pOoh whO caLled me To pOse thIs waY! haha =D

thIs lItt bOy vEry cUte hOr! anD weIhan waS starIng at hIm (:
haha =D pOoh wIth bOtak hEad =p LOL! he tryIng to acT CuTe!
mE wIth mY marShmaLlow pIgGy nOse ^-^v
mY favOurite pIctUre (: im thE phOtograPher!
haN anD Me (:
20thdEcembEr2009 (: tOwn cUm mOvie Day! haN, pOoh anD My Sister anD rIchsOn!
at Han's hSe theY PLayIn pS3. *whiLe waItinG fOr mOvie tO stARt* thEy havE lOts Of expReSSions! d:

mY sIS tOOk phOto wIthOut me knOwing! *sleepy*

afTer mOvie, wIth Our 3D spEcts (:
----------------------------------------------------------------------thE enD! (:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

20decembEr2009 04:15am
Have nOt bEen bLogging fOr quite awhIle due tO attacHment and Have bEen sPending aLl my frEe tIme wIth him (:
ReasOn why I'm nOt aslEep right nOw cOs jUst nOw wenT to waTch lAte nIght mOvie wiTh Han, pOoh anD mY sister! The mOvie caLl AVATAR! =] the mOvie is daMn nIce! The efFect is gOod. Omg I reaLly lOve it! Hee =P
SpEnd 13hrs oUtside! Met pOoh and Han at 2plus at Cck. As uSual we arE late! >.< oOps! TheN tOok 190 tO toWn. WenT to eaT Bbq chIcken (: thEir kOrean charbrOiled is sUper duPer nIce (: *drOolinG* hee. TheN richsOn reacHed. He paSsed me sOme stuff thaT he bOught for me duRing thailanD triP and I reaLly lOve it. GOt one tshIrt is gReen! *favOurite coLour* then on the tshIrt itself iT stated, "vEry cOld nEed huG". So cute lOr! After tryIng On jUst nOw, it quIte fItting! saDded. Is because I becOme fat! *SAD* even sInce 22nOvember2009 tiLl now, have bEen sleep fOr like leSs thAn 4hOurs almost fOr evEry nIte *SHAG* pErhaPs I shOuld stArt to exercIse. Hee =P coS I die dIe also mUst slIm abIt to wEar that tshIrt! (: wenT tO uniQlo. Han anD me bOught a plAin tshirt. Cos it cOst only $9.90. HahahA =D ovEraLl I did enjoy mYSelf (: thAnks hAn for thE jaCket anD snOopy! Hee =P
I reaLized I really nEed to staRt searChing for a jOb! Cos I'm really BROKE! #.# anD thIs is the fiRst time I failed my cOmmon tEst cOs I nevEr stUdy >.< sIan. HavE to bUck up already!!! =.=
hMm. ToDay dIdn't wenT to vIsIt hIm and I fEel kind oF weIrd >.< hIs mEmory isnt aS gOod as lAst time. He tenD tO forget abOut liTt liTt stuFf. But he alWays saYs that it's hIs hEadacHe that cAusing hIm to fOrget about stUff. ThEre's nOthing I can do jUst hOpe that he wiLl be hapPy. he is gG for oPeratIon agaIn anD I'm so afRaid thaT he miGht foRget abOut me agAin. Hai =( I'm reaLly tirEd.......! GOodnighT.
PaRt of me is haPpy anD pArt of mE is saD. I jUst don't WaNna thInk abOut it! I nEed huggs right nOw. >.<
My bloGg is frEaking wOrdy! WiLl upload some photos sOon! =}

Saturday, December 12, 2009

8.45am 11decEmber2009
I'm feEling sO tiRed reAlly tIred >.< I sleeP fOr arOund 8hoUrs? BUt the pasT fEw nIte Only arOund 3-4hoUrs of slEep.
AnYwAy, if u Get to reaD thIs poSt, I'm teLling u I'M CHUAWEITING I'M NOT HER!
I nV angRy that u cAlled wrOng naMe, I'm jUst saD. I'm reAlly reaLly saD. ThEre mUst be mEmories Of her rUnning thrOugh ur mInd thaT's whY u KEep rememberIng hEr namE. PerHaps I dIdn't caUses anY impaCt in uR liFe. No One to bLame bUt mYself.
I dOn mInd tO takE caRe of yOu. I dOn mInd to baTh, to fEed, tO hOld yOu (: sO u mUst take gOod cAre Of urseLf. (: sOme thing haPpen fOr sOme reasOn if we puLl thrOugh thIs tgT u wiLl be strOngEr. No maTter what haPpened, u havE me. For nOw I knOw I wOn't leavE u unlesS u dOn love me anymOre. SometimEs I hOpe thAt I wIll faLl anD knoCk my heaD so thAt I wiLl fOrget abOut u calling her nAme when I'm riGht besiDe u. I'm reaLly tirEd! I dOn waNt to be emO >.< can sOmeOne taKe emO away frOm me..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

StArted bLoggInG at 11:57pm 8deCember'09
Days thaT im lOoking fOrward to...
10 dEcember'09, 11deC, 15 anD 16 DeC - cOs I wiLl be abLe to SeE u afTer my attacHment (:
18 DecembEr'09 mOnth-nivErsary? LasT day of atTachMent! =D
25 deCEmber'09 a daY to spenT wIth lOve Ones! (:
Frankly speaking, it's a fact tHat I always lOok forward to see u =D that's whY I always caB over! I'm reallY brOke nOw!!
ReaLly glaD that u cAn gO hOme (: I knOw u mUst be haPpy tOo!
PerhaPs I shouldn't thInk too mUch I'm realLy tiRed =(
I always heaR whaTeveR stuff that my friend say abOut her bF and her stuff, I'm always very envy! >.<
I always hOpe that that accIdent didn't haPpened bUt my friend tOld me, "there mUst be a reasOn why suCh thing haPpen.".

I'm fEeling sO cOld nOw........

Saturday, December 5, 2009

6:57am 5thdECembEr2009 (:
I'm mIssinG u sOo mUch thaT u aPpearEd in mY drEam.
LiFe wiThOut u iS likE the eaRth wiThout a sUn =(
IlOveyOu my beLoved. HuGgs! I'm sOrry that I gEt saD ovEr liTt liTt stuff =(
Get weLl sOon (X maUck!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

11.17pm 3rd December2009
Once agAin haPpy bIrthday ANG CHEE SIANG! (:
Eh! Faster wEar that frEd pErry shIrt and go oUt tgt! HOpe u likE the cOokies althOu it's haRd =.=

Tml is the laSt paper anD it'S like FINALLY! =D buT I reGreTted fOr nOt stUdyinG fOr nsL, ns3 anD ns4 >.< bUt iT's ovEr I cAn't do anyThinG anymOre. WhEnever I trIed to stUdy, he jUst kEep appearing in my mInd! >.< arEn't yOu tiRed of wonDering in my mInd? Haha! I'm tiRed. ReaLly tiRed! =( I haTe mYself fOr beinG paranOId but I just cAn't heLp it cOs lItt liTt jUst aFfecTs me. KnoWing that whEn u wAke up, u onLy rmb hEr. How wOuld I fEel? My hEart scAttered inTo piecEs. It's jUst so fraGile plS hanDle it wiTh caRe. When u teLl me thaT u lOve me, I sTarted to dOubt.. Don't lOve me beCause I take caRe of u anD yOu wanTed to retUrn the favOr baCk to me. Things arE diffErent nOw. >.< plS remOve all my unWanted thOts. I don wanNa caRe! If u lOve her, go fOr it (: u wiLl have my blessinGs. I jUst misses u sO mUch! (: finaLly u are gG hOme!!! (: weLl, gOod for u deN.
U wOn't knOw hOw mUch I crIed whEn somethinG haPpened cos u Nv mE. I crY tIll I fEel thaT I'm dying anD I'm fEeling so helpless at that tIme! Everyday afTer scHool jUst rush to the hospital hOping that u will wakE up and say soMething to me but u didn't. U wouLdn't knOw hOw disaPpointed I'm.
AnW tOday is the oFficiaL reLease Of new mOon! I wan to watCh!!! AnyOne?
It's likE I nv gO watCh mOvie for a lOng time cOs all thE time I have is given to u. JuSt gEt weLl sOon (:
GOodnighT! (X

haPpy bIrthdaY (:

12am 3rD dEcemBer2009 =D

thIs mY faV phOto (:
hEy! (: itS ur bIrthdaY!!! haPpy bIrthday my lOve! u are jUst sOoooo cUte! jUst bEar In mInd, nO maTter whAt haPPened, u havE Me (: evEn iF a daY the wOrld cOllapse, i wiLl stILL hOld u tIght teLling u thaT U Will be fIne.
welL, EverYthIng cHanged, incLuding u bUt i wiLL b strOng! u jIa yOu oh!! bEst wIshes.
MAUCK IlOveyOu! mY One anD onLy!
baBy! =D

Sunday, November 29, 2009

29nOvembEr2009 11:18Am

tOday sUppOse to wOrk bUt I dIdn't gO cOs I dOn have mOod. =( thEn tml is mY firSt paPer bUt I havEn't stUdy yEt. Cos mY brAin is nOt wOrking! >.< whAt's iN my mInd nOw is yOu. All abOut u =(
AfTer the accIdent, I reAlize the iMpoRtanT of u In my liFe. U wOn't kNow hOw mUch tEars I have shEd whEn sOmethinG haPpened to u. I have beeN tryIng haRd to be therE for yOu sO thaT u wOnt think sO mUch.
BUt nOw.. I nO lOngEr havE idEa hOw mUch yOu neEd me in yOur liFe. U wOn't knOw hOw hUrtfUl iT is whEn u cAn't even rmb u tAlk to me, cAn't evEn rmb thaT u tOld me thAt u mIsses me, u caN't even rmb thaT I dId vIsit u bUt u dId rmb that the sunflOwer anD baLloon is sHe gaVe yOu. WhY? PerhAps I shOuLd leaVe aftEr u recOver thEnnu can gO afTer hEr. Its nOt about u bEing a bastArd or whaT.. WheneVer u told me, I caN't rmb anD I dOn know, I fEel like cRying.. SometImes I wAs wonderinG, whY I'm nOt behInd hIm whEn he mEt with accident sO that I wOn't be cryIng so mUch nOw.. If I reaLly mEt wIth an acCident, I wanTed to forgEt..forGet whAtever that makes me saD =( I cAn't takE it anymOre.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


25nOvemBer2009 9.40 am
NormaLly On mOrning whEn I waKe uP, the fIrst I wiLl dO is lOok at my PhOne cOs I knOw he gOt MSG mE. bUt.....=(
imIss hIm teLling me hOw mUch hE miSses me anD I sO mUch waNted to huG hIm anD teLl hIm ImiSs hIm sO mUch.
ImIss hIm whIspherIng in my eaR teLling me that, "ilOveyOu".
ImiSs him teLling mE, "baby yOu gOt pIGgy snOre!". I wiLl snOre whEn theRe is obStrUction wIth my aIrway! >.<
imiss hIm teLling me that, "my baby waLk like pEngUin and baby iS so cUte!". Anw he lOve pengUin alot!!! (: fastEr recOver thEn I bRing yOu to zoo anD sIt at the pEngUin sectIon fOr hours!! (X anD mY lOve is cUter!
Imiss hIm huggInG me in his arM wHen we slEep! AnD I rEmembeRed he huGg me frOm nIte tIll I wake up the nExt mOrning! He is the fIrst gUy thAt reaLly hUg me to slEep wiThouT leTting gO.
Imiss yOu bY my sIde chEering me up!! AnD taLking laMe lamE stuff tO me bUt I nEver faIl to lauGh!
I'm missing u sO mUch! FastEr wake uP anD tell me u mIss me alOt!!! (: MAUCK! My One anD Only lOve.

Monday, November 23, 2009

my lOve.

23:16PM 23nOvember2009

from ytd 9plus aM till nOw, i Only slEep for less thAn twO hOurs!
whenever i stepped into his ward, my heart beat will become faster and when i stepped into his room, my tears just cant just keep on flowing..=(
when i talk to him, i have no idea whether he recognise me or not. then he will reply some other stuff. he is very very very PAIN now. it hUrts to see hIm thIs way. really hope that he will be matter what happened to him in the future, i will be there for him. (: reaLLy mIss heaRing u saYing hOw mUch you miss me.i havE so mUch tO teLl u.
oN SATuRDAy nIte, we havE GoT LoTs OF Fun bUt.....WHY?
JuSt gg to upLoad sOme pHotos fOr u gUys to see..

photo taken by him on the rooftopof orchard central (:

Us (: Part of YoU WIll bE pArt of mE (: SMiLinG WiThoUT TEetHS

smIlinG wIth tEeths (x

he tOok thIs phOto On rOoftop!

we went to eat this On saT 21nOvember2009

please dOnt lEave me alOne, im fEeling sO cOld wIthOut ur hUgg!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18nOVember2009 9:25am (:
Currently having NS3 tutOrial bUt my classMates are presenTinG (: and I m uSing my itOuch! Hahah XD
ToDay whEn I wOke up, I have got gastRic =( fEeling so tired. I'm leadin a insuFficienT slEep liFe. =( FOr the paSt twO nIght I dreAmt of zOmbie! LOL! My frIend, NIna, tOld me that if u dream Of pOntianaK, mEans that sHe Is iN ur rOom. *laUghs* mEans that jUstin'S rOom gOt POntianaK!!!! (X eH. I'm gG oUt tOday (: gg tO waTch mOvie! Hee =P I fEel like sLeepinG nOw..(:
-if LIFE is abOut HAPPINESS thEn whAt's my liFe abOut?-

Sunday, November 15, 2009

15thnOv'2009 11:40am
ListeninG to Try bY Asher bOok (: havE u trY..?

BaCk hOme aftEr plaYIng badmInton. I don havE mOod to plaY lOr! PlayEd for ard tWo hOUrs! (: perhaPs evEninG alsO gg jOGginG! GambatEh! (:
Have nOt been blogginG for quIte sOme tiMe! >.< cOs I'm bUsy or dUe to there is nO meaninG to continuE blOgging!
PracTical exaM is juSt tml but I hvEnt even starTed stUDy! I'm nOt very cLear toWard that 12craniel nerves and gCs skills! Omg! TonIght mUst chIonG (: well, I jUst cUt my haIr! Eh nOt very nIce I prefer my longEr hAir =( nvm ba my haIr will grOw baCk!
Listening to broken hearted gIrl bY beyOnCe! When I lOoked at the mirrOr, I realized I lOok quite hagGard! hahha! What haPpened? I tOTally have no clUe! #.# I fEel like watChing mOvie today (: I want to watCh 2010 cOs my sis says That iT's nIce!!!!!! (: perhaPs it's time fOr me to watch alOne cOs I have nO One? Hmmm.. Alot of presentation is dUe sOon bUt yet nOthinG is done! My indiviadual assignment, NS4 role plaY, psychOloGy presentation and sociology preSentation!!!!!!! LoAds and lOads of things is awaiting for me...=( die! HOpefully I will sleep afTer I baTh then at nigHt can stUdy hard for practical! Listening to I DO frOm westliFe (:
Actually lOts of thIngs haPpened but......=( ytD wenT ann sIang hiLl followed bY orchard iOn then jUrong pOint to eat teppanYaki (: I enjOyed myself! (:
One mOre day to my pracTical exam.
Five mOre days to weI Han's bIrthday.
11 mOre days to work at m1 iT faIr 26 to 29 November (:
12 more daYs to richson's bIrthday.
18 mOre days to chEe sianG birthday.
22 more dayS to my attachment at KkH.
EnD here thEn (: take caRe pEeps! ....lOves!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

12:48am 4thNovember'2009
Emotional Collapsed...........=(

Sunday, November 1, 2009

22:01 1st NOvember2009

My blOg Is not dEad yEt (: reCently qUite bUsy sO dIdnt bLog! i havE got phOto that i waNted to uplOad bUt Im laZy.. bUt aLl thOse phOtos are In my fAcebOok!
reCently my wEekends are weLl plannEd. i rEally enjOyed myself (: * all thAnks to hIm!* HUGGS!
Last sUnday i went to fly kite (: firSt time eh! quitE sImple but Its frEaking hOt thEn thOse uncOvered arEA of my bOdy is bUrnt! im tAnned nOw and mY classMates kEep lauGhIng at me =( theY sO bAd la!
laSt sAtuRday i weNt chInatoWN to eaT riCeball (: its deLicIous! esPeciaLly the YAM and thE peanUts Ones!

MY bowl Of danG yUan (: One gReen tEa, twO peanUt anD twO yam! yuMmY!
SEE! whEn i Eat danG yUan, im likE daMn hAppy (:

He teach me hOw to fLy kIte (: HUGGS!

thIs One i Look One! quIte nIce lOr! (X

SoMEoNe tOok phOto of mE!! NATuRAL SHot bUt UGLY! BeNny anD hIS Gf (X LovInG?
rEcently i very bUsy wiTh schOol stUff like presentatIonsssss.. OMG!
AcTually quIte alot of stUff haPpened. i reAlly dOn nOe who to trUst anD WhO nOt tO trUst. i havE No Idea whO is the One lyIng tO me bUt weLl...... imDisaPpOinted =(
anW, my scH is riGht besIde chRis sCh bUt dIdnt gEt to meEt hIm at aLL!
ToDay i waS MoOdlEss! mOrnIng weNt to PlAy badMintOn, celebRated weIlun fRiends bDay (: theN pOng pOng mEet Ah bE.. (: *aH be hAir lOnger liaO! He bOtak sUits hIm weLl* wIth wenDy. weNt yEw tEe tO EAT Then alsO gOt Go LOt1! WEnT FoR IntErview bUt wonDered whEther thEy wIll emPloy me or not >.<
gOoDnigHt (: hoPe im nOt late tmL anD My preSentatIons wIll be fIne!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21october'2009 08:21am

I'm in schOol right nOw! I thOt thaT lessOn stArt at 8 bUt it's at 9am =.= =.=
haha! XD on mOn and tuEs I late fOr schOol I'd today I know that lesson start at 9 I think I migHt be late tOo! >.< hee =P
ReCently have beeN lOoking for pArt timer jOb cOs I'm tired of prOmoting =( then ytd weNt to lOt 1 then finD out thaT one of thE shOp call heiDi waNted to employ ppl. TheN weNt in anD asK then the fiRst thIng that laDy aSk me waS we arE emploYing ppl at the age of 18 and abovE! Haha! I dOubt the LaDy will emploY me cOs she is nOt the bOss theN whEn I was talkin to hEr theN her facE so blaCk! LikE charCoal. Hee =P hmmm. During my lectUre lesSon I have beEn struGgling to kEep myselF awakE! But u sImply love ELAHa that lEssOn cos d lEctUrer is awesOme! (: she vEry hilarIous!! Hee =P
ThIs sUnday I'm gg to fLy kIte anD pIcnIc! =} I'm lOokinG fOrwaRd to iT! Hee! I reaLly miSs yOu (:
Hee =P hmm. My necklaCe snapped!! I thInk it's fatEd ba. The fiRst onE also like that. >.< haha! But the paiR of buTterfLy Is niCe but iT's gOne nOw. Hmmm. Ytd I saW a bOard sayIng thIngs shOuld be in a paIr! Ant reallY rmb alsO. WaIting fOr lessOn to staRt nOw! My stomaCh is achIng! :( bloG agAIn some othEr day. Hee! =P byeeeee.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

im jUst.................

13thOctober'2009 22:40pm
im feElin sO dOwn riGht nOw. i knOw if i sTart cRying thEn it cOnfirm wOnt stOp!
im fEeling sO heLpless nOw..
it jUst caNt stOP RiGht nOw.

im a lIar?

Monday, October 12, 2009

11october'2009 1:40am
Hey (: I'm nOt aslEep yet! Haha! Tml firsT daY wOrking and have to gIve oUt flyers (: wondErIng whEther is it tirIng or noT! JiayOu (:
On sUnday 10october'2009 , went out fOr the whOle day. Went to watCh that cloudy mEatbaLl mOvie. It's nICe! Also quIte tOuching (: bUt in the threatre, I'm In pAin! So paIn tHaT I fEEl like cryIng =( don fEEl hElpless that u nOt beIng abLe to do anything! (: coS u are by my sIde jUst nOw (: so I'm nOt alOne whEn I'm in pAin! HuGGs! (: tOday dInner at fOOdcourt! =] waNted to saVe mOney. Cos at first wanted tO eaT cafe cArtel bUt so ex la! So I suGgestEd fOodcourt! (: I have realized that I reallY have to save mOney! I'm sO brOke! >.< havIng headache nOw! ArGh!! GOodniGht everyOne! (:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

10thOctober2009 15:45pm

jUst uPload sOme pHotOS oN THat Day I WEnT oUt wIth pOoh, weI han, Yi Jia anD WenDy On 7OctOber! we weNt tO watCh thE MoVie thAt sTarts wIth s... i dOn knOw hOw tO spEll!
had a enjOyabLe daY tOo (:

mE AnD wEiHaN (: FiRst tIme samE HeIght daMn cUte la!

he tIp tOe lOr! cHeatEr! bUt he is reaLly TALL!

ME And pOoh pOoh! baCkgrOund vEry cUte hOr (:

i reaLized i nV taKe pHoto wIth yI jia! (: nExt tIme taKe ba! hOme SWeEt hOme afTer thaT (:

10thOctober2009 15:33Pm

i wIll bE bLoGging abOut ytd (:
ytd afTer aTtacHment i wEnt Out wIth hIm (: whIch is cHee sIanG anD alSO zhIwei anD Ivy! (:
we wEnt tO eaT dIan xIn! thEn SenD iVy hOme (: shE stAy At taMp!
afTer thaT Went praWning (X So HaPppy! i reaLly enJoyed mYself aLl tHanks tO u! lOve!

weNt prAwninG With cHee sIang, rena, beNny, tOmmy and zhIwei!

the bIggesT anD the smALLest PRAWN!

The pRawns faLl in tGt! (: bUt i thInk we gOtten quIte alOt prawN aT the enD!
theN hOme Sweet hOme at 6plUs Am! sO tIred lOr! thEn tOday i waKe uP at twO plUs pM (: wOo! lOve!

10thOctober2009 15:03pm

On mY birThday 6ThOctoBer2009 (: i aM nInetEen alReaDy!!! hee =p On My BiRthDay thAt daY i havE GoT AtTachmEnt,By RIgHt is aftErnOon sHiFT BuT I ChanGe tO MoRnIng shIft (: sO i waS wOrking frOm 7am tO 3pm! anD i waS kInd of sUpRised that theY bOught a caKe aNd cElebRATe fOr me! aLL Thanks tO sylvIa! (: lOve!

thEre! ThIs is me In my nUrsIng uNiforM (: Is it fUnny? the gIrl besIde me is sunIta. hEr bIrthday On 7 October! (: sO sWeet of my aTtachMent mate!
after attacHment, i rUshed hOme (x whIle On the waY hOme, my mUm calLed mE tO saY that jIahaO bOught a caKe over! Haha xD he is sweet toO!
then whEn i reAched hOme i baTh! (: theN rIchsOn caMe ovEr tO paSs mE preSent! (: thEn weNt lOt1 wIth hIm tHen waIt fOr my sIs tO reAch!
aftEr my sIs reaChed thEn we heAd tO OutraM! (: Cos we Gg vivO tO meet shAwn, chrIs anD keNneth (: its shAwnwhO orgAnised thIs oUting! (:

rIchsOn anD Me! hE is the phOtOgrapHer Of the daY! (: hee =p

phOto at bEn anD jErry! (: i dId sMth sIlly! i fEll dOwn anD i zhOu gUANg >.< waH!!!! i sO embarrassed lA The tabLe of Ppl besIde me alSo lauGhinG =(

dO u fEel like eaTing iT? hee!

us agAin!

theN hOme sWeet hOme afTer thAt (: i havE gOt a enjOyabLe daY! ThAnks fOr aLL the preSents! (: u gUys sO swEet!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

1:11aM 9thOCtobEr'2009
Have nOt been updaTinG my blOg bUt sOon! COs nOw havIng aTtacHment (x laSt day alreaDy!
So mAny thinGs tO saY hOw am I gG to sTart. hee =P

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hey (: u gUyS mUst be thInkin wHy I dIdn't bLog fOr quiTe awhIle! But weLl, my blOg is stiLl alive (:
TodAy is mOon cakE festIval buT it's jUst another daY. TodaY beIng wakE up by my parenTs cOs theY quarrEllinG!
whaT's wrOng wiTh my fAmily? I'm feeLing sO miserAble nOw. My 'hOme' is likE a niGhtmare. I haTe mY mUm. ShE is alWays riGht and we aRe wrOng! She saY thIs and we can'T say anythIng mOre. She always feel thAt we shOuld aPpreCiate whatEver she dOes. BuT I feEl that iT's her whO waNted to do it wiLling then wHy expeCt a retUrn? I don unDerstaNd whY my famIly is likE that? I haD enougH of everythinG. SometImes I fEel that iF I dOn't exIst maybe wiLl be bettEr.
I wiLl alwaYs rmb 1octOber! ShE slaPped me. She jUst beinG unreasOnable! I gOing to be a Mute at hOme whEn she use hOme! Cos we sImply can'T cOmmUnicatIon. AnD my granDma I livIng at my houSe nOw. AlthOugh sOmetime shE vEry trOublesome bUt we is not a bUrden (:
FInally lefT laSt week of aTtachMent anD my laSt day attacHment is afternOon shIft! And my CF alreaDy siGn all the skiLls that required In my attachment! =} I'm glaD. Next weeK caN reLax liaO. SchOol openIng sOon =( neeD to bUy lecTure nOtes agAin. How?
Today gg out again, I'm brokE. >.< toDay whEn I wakE up, the fIrst tHIng cOmes iNtO my mInd is tOday is whaT day? Do I havE attachmEnt and aM I laTe! Hahah! Too strEss! =( anD my phOne is spOil! WhEn ppl caLl me, theY caN't hEar my vOice bUt I cAn hEar thEir vOice.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

27sePtember'2009 (: 9:43am
Hve not bEing bLoGgin sInce the staRt of attaChment! CoS I'm reaLly tirEd. Due tO the irreGular wOrking hOurs, I endEd up wIth irreGular eaTing haBIt thaT makeS me FAT!! ={ I'm reAlly wOrried that I cOuldn't cOmplete mY skiLls On time =( theN I wiLl faiL my atTachment. TwO mOre weeK to the enD Of my attAchmEnt #.# 8 mOre dayS to my daY bUt what's the bIg dEal! I have gOt attacHment! And I'm turning nInetEen =( sadded! OLd alreaDy..
Well, tOday wOke up at 7plus 8 tO cOok spaGhetTi =} firsT tiMe cOoking spahEtti wIth tomatO sauCe plUs bacon! Hmm. The tasTe? Not baD anD of cOurse edIble! Haha! XD I'm feeLing sO tired nOw.
YtD weNt to novena nTuc rOadshoW! (: at first reaLly can'T get uSed to It bUt stIll have to try mY bEst! (: then I gOtten One sales bUt frankly sPeaking, I was quiTe slacK! (x haha! DurinG break, wenT walk walk wIth wenDy then saW thiS shOes v cUte sO temptin to bUy bUt I'm reallY broke! It 79bUcks! I have reAlized that I shOuld stop bUying stuFf for myself cOs I have gOt no scHool fees. And gEt to knOw wenJie and he is like mE la! EverythIng mUst pay bY hImself. He sO pathetic la! Say wanna save mOney thEn one daY only onE meal! Then say wan to cUt dowN Fats whEn he Is alReady sO skiNny! LOL! SOmethinG is wrOng with hiM. Hee =P
Tml have gOt attachMent agAin! I gOnna have baD slEeping timIng agAin! MOrning shIft have to wakE up at 4am then normal slp 1am. #.# hai! =( u wanT to watCh accIdent that mOvie but dOn knOw nIce or nOt. TakE carE then.. (:
p.s. I misS u!

Friday, September 18, 2009

11:23Pm 18sePt'09

tOo mAny stUff haPPened dOnt reaLly knOw hOw to stArt...
toDay was lOoking fOrward tO go kTv wIth shaWn, jeFf, CHrIs anD wenDy bUt becaUse sOmething haPPened thEn dIdnt gO =( sO, chrIs, my sis anD me wenT tOwn instEad (X
At deCided tO eaT SAKURA but mY sIs anD me is reaLly brOke So We caLLed chrIs to eat sMth else theN i suGgested to eaT BBQ CHICKEN! (: YuMmy!!!! BoUght canEle caKe caLl LE ROYALE home! theIr sIgnatUre caKe daMn nIce (X

tIme tO uplOad sOme phOtO...

my sIster (: see! sHe is like sUper hapPy.

mY SiS ToOk phOto Of mE When i was Unprepared !

natUral shOOt! (X haha!
when i wAs in trAin jUst now thEn realiseD that i nV take phOto wIth chrIs! next tIme ba (: hee sOrry! reaLly enjOy mYself althou thEre are Only the thrEe of uS (:
wEnt freD PeRRy bUt the baG i WaNt nO mOre liaO >.<>
tIme to taLk abOut saD stUff thaT HApPened tOday! =(
I WakE uP earLy in the mOrninG bEcaUse my parents waS qUarreLling !
AFtEr thAt, i was bEing scOlded becaUse oF The bOdy scRuB! *If u reaLly unhaPpy then Use mY ScRub thEn (:*
thEn intEnD To BuY A BaG bUt dIdnt gEt One!
lOokin foRwarD to KTV but..
thE last thIng thaT HAppEned waS.....
JuST NoW TryIng tO depOsit caSh intO the DBS macHine tHen wiTh nO vaLid reasOns mY caRd is bEing reTained! f***! im sOrry tO say f wOrd bUt i was reaLly..... =(
at thAt mOment, i waS SpeecHlesS And wIth nO expreSsion tOtally cAlm bUt i was REALLY pissED!
tOday im rreaLly tIred! =( So tIreD thaT I DoN FeEl likE taLkinG..
p.s. imIssyOu!
endInG My BlOg at 23:47

Thursday, September 17, 2009

17sePt'2009 9:59pm

I wiLl live mY life tO the fUllness frOm tMl OnwaRds. (:
My life seems to be meaningless. When I don hve you by mY sIde, I waS lOst. WhEn I havE u bY my siDe, time jUst seems too pass sO faSt =( teLl me whAt is liFe all abOut? WheN can i stOp wOrrying abOut thIs and thaT? Perhaps whEn my hEart stOp bEatinG..
When caN sOmeone gIve me unlimIted happiness sO that I wiLl be haPpy for lifE? I knOw it will neveR haPpen.. COs sUch stuFf dOn exiSt!
I was sO touCh when sOmeone tOld me,"I wan to work harder". Then I asked hIm,"why?". Then he said,"so that i can get you all thE stUff yOu want". (: today bY riGht have to gO wOrk bUt u have gOt diarrHea anD I diDn't go and i knOw I cOnfirm wiLl get fIne =( I startEd to dislike promoting jOb =( todaY whOle day stay at hOme (: verY sleePy but dOn fEel like slEeping >.< hee. LoOking forward to tml cOs we havIng ouTinG. WiTh chriS, shaWn, jeff, wenDy, ZhEng mIn? Hmmm.
I started to reAlized that I'm reaLly bad in remembEring thIngs =(
It's gEttIng frOm bad tO wOrst >.< perhaps wHen you asK me, "whaT diD u dO ytD?" I miGhT neEd to awhile tO think anD theN teLl u.
And if u askEd me, "wHat dId u dO the day befOre ytd?". I can teLl u I can't rMb anymOre.
MayBe it's becaUse I didn't wanT tO rmb liTt liTt things thaT haPpened in my life. BUt sOme thing I dO rMb (X I caN't rmB thE tIme and daTe bUt I rmb thE stuFf thaT we dO (:
Ytd wOrking at novena anD I gOnna One salEs bUt need to pass tO brenDan to dO it (: then tOday wOrking at novena agAin! I'm tiRed of stanDing >.< my pOor lEgs! Hai =( hmmm. omG sO faSt attachMent is cOming bUt well, I still lOok fOrward to gO out On fridaY, sat, sUn and Mon (X onCe my attacHment start, then I don have timE perhaps evEn I have is onLy evening if I wOrk mOrning shift! >.<

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hai =(
The prev blOg is a misunderStanding.
>.< mixture of lime juice + dang yUan really upset my stomach =(

Sunday, September 13, 2009

In my lifE, alOt cOme and gO bUt oF course sOme staY (: ppl tOld me sOme Ppl is jUst a "passerBy" in yOur life and I think iT's trUe tOo. (:
Today wEnt cOmex intenDing to gEt a phOne bUt end up I dIdn't =( i'm brOke la =.=
hai =( meet uP witH chriS and richsOn. Then chrIS waS disappOinted that thIs iT fAir don have the camerA he wanTed >.< thEn richsOn kEep distuRbinG me la *pissed* then chris tOld me that we still quite close cOntaCt LOL! I he kEep disturbinG me lO! PerhaPS he is dOing this to other gIrls too bUt weLl I dOn gIve a daMn (: hee. TodaY we atE iCe cReam hee =P *pP Owe me iCe cream o!" hee =P today got gaStric agaIn but Im fIne! Hee (: sIan tMl have to gO henCa agAin >.< hOpe I wOn't be laTe!! >.< my attachmEnt is cOming and u wiLl be daMn bUsy =(
P.s. MissInG (:
BasicallY we spEnt halF of our life slEePing bUt the resT is waItinG.
We juSt dIdn't realiZed.. waItinG fOr time tO pass.
WaitinG sOmeone to notice u.
WaitinG foR sOmeOne to texT yOu.
WaitinG fOr sOmeonE to saY theY lOve u (: waiTinG fOr sOmeone to daTe u. In life we are jUst waitinG for too mUch stuff..
I reaLly haTe waItinG.

I'm awaKe (: ytd sleeP at 3 then wakE up at 9plus. It's like totally nOt sufficIent sleEp #.# bUt I jUst cOuldn't sleEp anymOre (X
How I wIsh I caN jUst slEep and nV wakE uP.......
BasIcally gastric is alreadY paRt of my life rigHt nOw.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Omg just nOw I stanD uP I fEel like fainTinG then I lEan againSt my chAir =(
So tired! =( but I can't sleep any mOre so I juSt wake up lo! AftEr workin fOr twO day at comeX, I'm really tireD cos keeP promOting.. It's like nOn stOp! But well ytD my sales us lesseR thAn d neW comer! She daMn gOod! (: well dOne. Sad =( hee =P hOwever I enjOyed wOrking cOs I saW thOse dealEr shOp staFf plUs heLlo shOp staFf (: I miSs thEm. Ben ChnG sO cute anD jUn an alSo. Hee =P he keeP poKinG me la =X stupiD gaRy buLly me! Haha xD when I wOrk, it's damn colD la >.< I was treMbLinG! =( firsT tIme la! Then saW thIs promoter veRy taLl theN his heiGht is 188 la! I stanD besiDe hIm is likE so biG differEnce la =x he got dimples bUt he dOn smiLe de! SuCh a wasTe!!!! (: ytd richsOn pass me hIs jacket cOs I verY coLd buT too baD I can'T wEar cos got greeN colOur >.< oh ya ytd got this staff ask me whether my age is more than 16 or not la! Haha! I really look so younG? Anw amanDa very cUte! She gOt babY cOmplexion and dimples!!! ((:
I wan to waTch g foRce! (: seems cuTe! Anw my shi qi's friend ytd ask me want go oUt or not he saY that hiS friend treatIng LOL so randOm! Chris juSt told me that he gg to study at SIM Liao right besIde my schOol la (x haha!
Super long nv hang out wiTh pOoh, jia, weihan and wenDy Liao! Miss theM la! Thot we gg fishinG? Thot we gg to make popcorn? Thot we gg to eat? Hai!
It doesn't matter whEther you love me perhaps likE me or noT. EveN if sOmeday u wanna leaVe me, I noT gg tO stOp yOu. U have uR frEedOm to do every sinGle thIng thaT u wAnt. If waiTinG is a issUe den thIs already sHow hoW muCh u loVe me. LOL!
23days to gO. (: but I ahve nothing to lOok forwarD to....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

RiGht noW, sOMeone who caRe for me iS ignORing me. perhaPs if ignOring me wiLl make u fEel beTTer theN I wOn't blamE u (:
I jUst don undErstanD whY whEn I neEd sOmeone tHe mOst u wiLl keeP sayinG thOse sad thInGS =(
Do whatever u wanT and I nOt gg tO caRe >.<
My teArs started tO flow onCe agaIn.. ToDay is 090909 thankS for makinG it sO memOrable fOr me.
And it's aLl my baD.
I have no idEa whY I m having gastrIc nOw..
I'm a bad gIrL dOn faLL fOr me >.<
P.s. I M S M L =(

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm feeling sooo tired >.<

Ytd slp at around 3 then wake up at 10plus. Previous night sleep at 2plus then wake up at 7plus >.< cos was chatting with Gary through the phone >.< he broke my record for not chattin on the phone >.< haha! Hmmm. Today I just feel like sleeping the whole day but I can't #.#
ytd after gg office then went out with Gary, Kenneth and elin. Actually wanted to watch movie but no interestin movie =( eh. Then I saw the hamster keychain very cute then inserted 3X$1 into the machine then end up nothing come out =( I was disappointed! hmmm. Then after that decided to go Kbox but kenneth didn't really sing only me and elin keep singing and Gary sing abit! Well, Gary voice quite nice eh! He is good in singing jay Chou's songs (: wah seh! I kept being bully by them la keep saying me small eyes and short! Is Gary too tall la =X hee. After that went to eat yoshinoya! But Kenneth nv eat! No wonder he so thin! >.< eh. While we eating, the atmosphere is like super quiet and it's like the four of us is like stranger #•# hee. After we finished our food we finally started talking (X chit chat for like 1hour plus then home sweet home (: hope u guys did enjoy yourself (:
P.s. I will always be there for u when u need me that's a promise!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm exhausted =(

Back from chalet! (: didn't really sleep. Now feeling so tired!!!! >.< just ate cup noodle (X and now I'm lyinG On my beD (X haha!
First day of chalet got shi qi, angie, Gloria, zhen ling, sylvia and me (: actually quite fun we started the fire with our own Hand without the help from guys (: we are awesome! Hee =P after BBQ then play mahjong, play poker and drink! I drink quite alot but didn't get drunk >.< then turn in at 4plus! Hmmm. Wake up at 7plus cos sylvia have to leave earlier. =( oh ya! Angie so noisy la! Keep disturbing us when we wanted to sleep *beatbeat* hee!
Second day!
My phone is dead. I was sad cos I can't survive without phone >.<
Everyone left shi qi and angie cos they wanted to acc me (: they so sweet la! Love u girls (X hmmm then ard 3plus, chris, Kenneth and two other friend came (: one call Gary another one, erm.. Can't rmb! Just get to know them like ytd and ytd they ton at the chalet with us (: very fun lo! Co they very friendly so very easy to get along (: we played truth or dare and the game that we need to guess number one! After that went to red house there but only walk pass (X quite creepy!!! I'm scared at that moment of time. After that go back to sleep! Cos I'm really tired. Oh ya! And anw kenneth's friend zhi hong also stay overnight with ua then he gay with Gary. Eeeyer!!!! >.<
Haha! For second night BBQ, my ex bf came which is richson, and a few of my classmates (: not forgetting elin. She so cute lo! Hee =p really have lots of fun (: thanks guys for acc us thru the night! (:
Well, I realized I have started to dislike...
And I don wan you back!
P.s. I M U M L

Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm sayinG this one last tiMe..

Because I know that u are reading my blog that's why I'm blogging it often. U know that the first time I saw the smiley that u tag on my board, I smile (: u did it in surprising me.
Somehow trying to forget about the existence of u in my life but litt litt thing always remind me of u. Today was searching for rough paper then I found the cute clothes that u gave it to me for my Ipod >.<
Bit and pieces of memories appeared one after another! I miss you I miss your everything. Do u miss me? Or perhaps u are too busy to miss me. Ever since we break up till now, I still love you. I somehow know that u still love me, am I right? I don know or u already started to forget me bit by bit! How I wish that i can hug u in my arms. I don like myself to cry but I just can't control. And u are really good at pretending that nothing happen. That time when u purposely ask your friend who I'm then she say I'm ur girlfriend then u say she is my ex girlfriend. U know how much it hurts.. Maybe after those girls know that u are single then they might go after u. I don know what u r thinking. Do u know why I call u to tell me we are impossible? Cos I no longer want to have any hope that we will be tgt anymore. I'm tired! Really. Life still goes on................. Cos I'm learning to let go cos u no longer want me back cos u told me that it's over!

Today went to henca then we saw shawn and jeff after that we went vivo (: I saw this white guinea pig (X but yew tee pet shop ones are cuter (: eh then walk awhile, saw Kenneth working (: eh. Then went cck to buy stuff for chalet! So ex!!!! =(
Hai! recently have been chatting with chris and Kenneth! Whatever happening now there are only two person who understand how I'm feeling now. O.o my chalet is at downtown room 1623. Hope thatvit will be fun (X
P.s. M L I M U !

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sometimes I really feel so helpless. Cos I hve to pay for my everything. My bill, school fees, own expenses bascially all! Tell me, at my age which child pay for their everything? I started working at the age of fourteen. Some times I am just feeling soo tired. Perhaps this is what life is all about. Trying to maintain my smile when I meet new ppl when I hang out with friends. no point crying cos nothing will change. Trying hard to slp more everyday but I can't I just simply can't sleep! What the hell is happening.
ytd went to work gotten two sales (: better than Monday but well it still consider as bad! But quite slack but the only thing is have to stand for the whole day >.< my poor legs!
Then he came and fetch me home (X hee. So happy that I don have to travel home alone!!!!! (: thanks ah!
I'm sorry that I cried that day. Too many thing in mind and it's not only about him but u >.< thanks for being there again when I cry cos having u with me, I know that I'm not alone (:

well. Life still goes on....

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lying on my bed thOu my hair is still wet >.< omg! I have been eating alot =( and I felt so guilty!
Went to my friend'S chAlet (: 21th birthDay!
Then brendaN calleD me and teLl me that I will be wORking at ps On Mon to weD. Got to pray haRd that I will gEt salEs! (:
Hee =P jia you! Hee!
I have starTed to realized that..
Life goes on even without yOu and same goes to u (:
I needed sOmeone to hug me thrU the nIte withOut lettIng go.
I shOuld staRt wORking haRD so that I can get a GuInea piG fOr myself (X
I neEd to sleEp mOre co my blaCk eyes is really BAD!
I just neeD to kEep myself oCcupied..
I have bEen hOping that you wiLl cOme bacK bUt I dOubt sO..

Well, gOt to tUrn in (:
P.s. Thanks fOr being thEre for me (: hUggs
GoodniGht!! (:

Friday, August 28, 2009


Im back (:
=p thanks for all ur smiley! ((: -> for u.
Today, wake up having slight shock cos have got very bad dream and luckily ricHson called me and I'm awake from my nightmare! Thanks alot! After that, bath then meet richson anD maTt at cck then bUs to toWn. YeaH! Today I have got a pack of canDies anD 4 diff cOlour sweet! I'm happy (: thanks ah! Matt went to alter his jean after that walk awhile then we decided to go starbuck to chill out (: guess what I drank today? Eh! I also don know the name but inside gOt coffee jellY and I kInd of like it (X hee =p
After that watch final destinatiOn! Not bad ba (x the three d effecT is awesOme. After moviE went to eaT then home sweet hOme (:
I did enjoy myself but my feets got blister! So painful! >.<
-currently looking for job!- hope u enjoyed itself too (:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why? What the hell is wrong? Stop making life difficult for the whole family!! U are making me insane!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stop commenting about my life when u don't know how I feel. How I feel right inside me is explanable, confusion, pain...
You are not me u won't know! Seriously! I'm so unsettled cos there is lots of stuff in my mind. Who an guide me through? I think I will collapse one day without people knowing.
Nothing last forever just like us. Whereby alot of couple treasure whatever time they have together.
Im depressed! Sometime I really hope that something really bad happen to me and take away all my memories so that my pain will be removed. Sadness, pain, tears are all taking away my smile! RETURN ME BACK!
U think all the while I have been lying to myself that I will be fine I will survive through this obstacles in my life. Come tell me what u want and what I want and what I should do. Tell me!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

so long never blog already simply because I'm lazy! I become so lazy nowaday (:
I went to the four day three night bintan trip (: it's more like adventure trip! So fun!! Wanted to blog about it but I very lazy >.~
pictures are uploaded on facebook (: met quite alot of cute peeps. Really enjoy alot! Tml gg sentosa! Yeah (:

Friday, June 5, 2009

I always tell myself that I won't cry but it out of control right now..
Really hope that getting myself drunk can remove my sadness! What the he'll is happening to me?
I feel like dying =( I feel like giving myself up. I just feel that....
Why some ppl can pretend that nothing went wrong and they still continue with their life why can't I?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Im so indecisive so how am I gg to make decision?
Can I not make any decision :( I'm depressed! How I wish I....

Monday, June 1, 2009

whenever i blog, i have no idea what to put for my title so i shall just leave it blank!
i just realised, so many of my friends are breaking up? i guess, every relationship have got its own problem. hai =( its sad to c my cute litt friend sad! cheer up! cutie! im always there for u! (: even if the whole worldpall apart,ppl are ignoring u but u still have ME.
my life seemed so complicated now! oMg! its really bad. so bad that i don know what i should do!im so tired too! mentally and physically tired! =(

Monday, May 25, 2009

Everyone is rushing their nursing research critique but im not >.< what's wrong with me?
Now sitting at one corner of the library emo-ing? Listenin to some sad songs plus blogging (: was wondering I can complete my critique tonight or not! Wondering how Many marks will be deducted for late submittion. Sian =( today in school spent like one hour doing i/v therapy practical but up all unsuccessful )= think I gg to fail >.< what's gg on in my life?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Whatever that u looked forward today turned out to be disappointment. The fred perry shoes that u want don have my size an this time round is the first time that I saw something like. Den wanted to get Agnes b necklaces but don know how to match with the clothing so en up never buy! :( anw, agnes b is having ten percent discount right now! Get it now (:
Nursing research critique is due on coming Monday but I haven't even started cos don really know how I do! =(
my practical exam is on Thursday but I totally don know how! =( so most slightly I will fail!
My pharmacology tutorial worksheet is due on Monday too but haven't do yet! There is really alot to do! =(
Can someone feel how helpless I'm right now?
I cry till my eyes is red and swollen >.< I can't breath now my nose is totally blocked! Oh gosh!
Spent the whole day outside but I was moody the whole day and tis is really not what I want!
It's just so unfair that someone is borned with looks, body, talent and money. Cos they simply have nothing to worry abt!
Wad about me? I have to work to earn for my own school fees and allowance. I can't have what I want! I'm not smart too! And my family is so.... I feel like giving up everythin =( nobody can understand how I feel!

Monday, May 18, 2009

What the hell?

Today I cab to school again cos I'm late and it's not because I'm loaded. I rushed to school then realized I never bring lecture notes! Omg! What's wrong with me? Or perhaps can someone give me a good reason that can motivate me to go school. Ytd trying to finish my pharmacology but I failed. But at least I have completed part of it (: hmmm. Today gg chomp chomp to eat with sister and friends. I definitely will feel guilty after eating :( it so fattening lo!
I'm feeling very tired (physically+mentally). Imtendin to get Agnes b stuff for myself but don know worth it or not >.< I need some MC break! Oh ya! From today till wed I wanted to go chalet and it's located at some "wu lu" place I also don know how to go =( wonder if my darling is gg or not. Anw, the chalet is organized by m1 staff (: my collleagues!
Can someone give me a reason to smile too?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What happened? What happened to me? Tell me? Even today my friend ask me" weiting, what happen to u? U seems so
Everything seems different compare to last time. I m sure I'm still treating u the same compare to last. (:
Is because we have been tgt for long that's why it fade away? Is our love started to fade or u are too busy?
Its so shameful of me to cry during my lecture =( wiping it off before ppl noticed it >.<
God! Pls make me transparent so no one will notice me..

Monday, May 11, 2009

Today didn't attend school but managed to get a mC (: but queue for one hour plus. However, it's still not very long! (x hmm, today spent whole day outside! Went to bank to settle PDA loan application, went westmall cos my mum wants to do a recontract for phone den went amk to eat MAC cos they have got the chick and cheese burger. Quite nice! After that around 3plus four went to polyclinic! Den today reach home at 7plus. >.< I'm feel quite tired! =(
Den my sister bought two syrain hamster. SoOo cUTe lo! hee :p
anw, I was wondering whether I can make it for this semester ): have to jia you! (:

Sunday, May 10, 2009


time to upload some photOs (= sOme is already at my facebook! these are the extra ones (:
just some "CutE" photo =p DonE! Uploaded 6 (:
today is my first day working at m1 and my job scOpe is MCARD. my workIng hOurs is frOm1 to 9pm not that baD! den saw SanDra anD sOme othEr prOmoters aNd thOse gUys prOmoter arE lOokin at gIrls. haha xD
anD one of the m1 staff is pregnant (: *cOngrAts!!
hmm. nothing muCh happened today den hEnf mUn kEep Bullying me!!! *BITE HIM AR!" keep asking me when i want to be with him! LOL!!
Guess wiLl be mEeting my kOr sOon cOs he asK when i frEe! quite lOng nv sEe hIm alreAdy. >.<
reCently sOo mAni thinGs haPpened! im unDer lOts oF stRess =( maYb One daY i migHt nOT be abLe to takE iT AnymOre!
sOmetiMe i wonDeR is thEre sOmething wrOng wIth mE Or yOu! i dOn knOw hOw to dEscRibed hOw i fEel!
knOck me hArd sOo i Can fOrget aLl thOse unwanTed mEmories anD i miGht be haPpier
i nEed haPpiest piLls anD I wan tO watCh thE uNinvIted (= gUess it will be nIce!
gOodniGht! rEst wEll (:

Friday, May 8, 2009

What happened yESterdAy? (:

Ytd I skipped two lecture then end up only attend my nsl lesson (: Was happy to see elin ytd den we all went to eat at makan place with charmanie they all (:
I left school at around 2pm. Bus to clementi then train to bugis to get Nydc bOo bOo cake (: then travel to tampines and passed to him. After that I travel to boonlay. The whole journey is around two hour plus >.< then I waited for one hour for my sis and elin cos I gg to elin house to play! Haha xD then her maid cooked dinner for us (: quite nice! Hee!
After dinner, we took alot of photo tgt using elin's lappy (x most probably tonight I will upload for u guys to see (: after that went home at nine plus. Tired >.<

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

tOday im sOooo shaGged!

see! this friend of mine always fall asleep in school but he is smart! (: he is allergy to..
life sucks to be me! =(
finally i managed to get some stuff organised! today, my lesson is from 8-6pm. and i was late so i cab to sch again! there goes my money =( today brought the wrong lecture note la =.=" stupid right? then my classmates all falling sick except me (: my immune is strong but i don mind to have MC break too! *TAKE CARE PEEPS* simply because sch is so boring and lifeless.
i feel like crying! im a cry baby but cant blame me also cos my tear duct too active! haha xD
today ate subway again for dinner lo! getting sick of it already >.<"
and then went to play badminton with tian poh, sis and elin (= today quite lazy to run! den intending to skip tml lesson im sooo tired i need rest!
guess what just now went to view my friend's blog and she and her boyfriend tgt for nearly three year but the guy is still very sweet to my friend lo *envy!* haha xD
got to end here already!
goodnight (:

Monday, May 4, 2009

what the hell is going on?

today then i realised i have so much stuff to do! omg! i guess its time to wake up. no more day dreaming )= today managed to survived through two quiz which is nsl and ns2 (: but there are more to go! struggling with my pharmacology and ns1 presentation for tml >.<>

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My blOg iS alivE OnCe agAin! (x

tOday tOok sOme phOtO I shaLl shAre wIth u aLl (:
this weekend, my sis and i nv work den went walk walk with my sis but we have nothing todo so decided to eat POPCORN. so fAttenIng ==." haha!
i very long nv blog im busy plus sch reopen already quite tired den don feel like doing anything =( to be frank i have no idea what's gg on in sch. anw my cute litt elin is gg tohelp me to do up my blog and i m looking forward to it (= thanks cute!
recently alot of thing happened.. what i can do is to suppressed my unwanted memories!
this is my LIFE!
now my mind is totally blank! don know what to blOg but the thing i shLd do nOw is eaT lEsseR! Im becOming fatter and fatter >.<>
to be cOntinued..
im miSsing u in prOcess! (: gOodnite

Saturday, May 2, 2009


hey (: peeps! guess whats the black dot on the shirt? its sOmething cute! >> its a black lady bird with red spot (x SoO CuTe! just that my camera sucks so cant capture clearly for u gUys to sEe.

After knOwing that itS a ladY bIrd, we pUt it intO a patCh of graSs. hOpefUlly it wiLl sUrvIve (= TO Be cOntinUe!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

aTtacHment = nO freedOm + tirEd!

finally one week of attachment have passed. (: twO mOre weeks to gO. but itS reaLli veri tIrinG!!! case studying also not done yet >.< mOrning shift start at 7am = veri high percentage that i will be late =( de weekend still have to work at Singtel sO strEssed Up.
was chatting with my ex classmates on msn den the first thing that he say was "you are so cute!". haha xD
tOday i was so angry with Gary and i Cant beliEve that i actUually scolDed him in The OffiCe!!! he is sO IRRITATING!!!! ytd and today's sales was so BAD! feeling quite sad too! wondering is it because of the upcoming IT fair? hmmm..
amw, im sO FAT nw lO!!! every night so late den eat dinner >.< Once agAin, mOre sadnEss is being added On to my cUrrent sadnEss! Hai =(
goodnight everyone (= slptight!

sEntOsa ClasS OutinG

basically i look quite ugly on most of the photo but i managed to get two which is presentable ones to show u guys (= it have been ages since i last blog! hee d= anw, that day after the gathering i went to watch my bloody valentine and it cost me 13bucks cos its a 3D mOvie however the movie is nice!! (:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

FinaLly ItS OVER!!!

so glad that my exam ended (= but the saddest part is that i know i didnt do well for all my paper simply because im LAZY!
Friday i am gOing SENTOSA with my clAssmates (: i wan to sun tan!!! haPpy!! anD juSt nIce On thAt daY BlOODY VALENTINE is out! its m18 movie so under 18 cant watch d= i want to watch!
now not feeling well >.< think i falling sick soon! really did not have sufficient rest for the past fews day! )= so after exam went to town to meet him cos he wanted to alter his clothes so i accompany him. im good right! haha XD hmmm den as for dinner i ate at cck food court at in love with the duck rice. its quite nice. you guys should try too!! hmm got to end here already. so tired! take care everyone. Goodnight! dOn Catch a colD (:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

tOday iS a pInk PanTher Day (:

nOtice a Change in my font size? simply becos i wan to become smaller in size *haha XD* I sound so STUPID!! Today after my exam, my friend came and fetch me from school bus stop and went to watch the pink panther2 (= the movie is so hilarious xD MUST WATCH! after the movie im much happier cos i laugh all my stress away.
sad to say, today my AAP is so badly done. when i flipped thru the paper, the SAQs........
only can blame myself for skipping my AAP revision lesson =( haha xD.
now is already like twelve plus but havent even started my revision think i not gg to do well again. i wan to go sentosa after my exam (; hmmm. im feeling so tired now. got to end here already. takEcare my lOve!

piCtures!! (=

thIs is ObviOusly me (: bEst hAir Day! mY haIr sO nEat lO!!

this Is eLin (= vEri Cute hOR!!

thiS is mY sistEr (=

takEn On 19feB at thE liBrary. by riGht intending to stuDy for PharmacOlogy eXam bUt enD up playIng (x