Hey (: u gUyS mUst be thInkin wHy I dIdn't bLog fOr quiTe awhIle! But weLl, my blOg is stiLl alive (:
TodAy is mOon cakE festIval buT it's jUst another daY. TodaY beIng wakE up by my parenTs cOs theY quarrEllinG!
whaT's wrOng wiTh my fAmily? I'm feeLing sO miserAble nOw. My 'hOme' is likE a niGhtmare. I haTe mY mUm. ShE is alWays riGht and we aRe wrOng! She saY thIs and we can'T say anythIng mOre. She always feel thAt we shOuld aPpreCiate whatEver she dOes. BuT I feEl that iT's her whO waNted to do it wiLling then wHy expeCt a retUrn? I don unDerstaNd whY my famIly is likE that? I haD enougH of everythinG. SometImes I fEel that iF I dOn't exIst maybe wiLl be bettEr.
I wiLl alwaYs rmb 1octOber! ShE slaPped me. She jUst beinG unreasOnable! I gOing to be a Mute at hOme whEn she use hOme! Cos we sImply can'T cOmmUnicatIon. AnD my granDma I livIng at my houSe nOw. AlthOugh sOmetime shE vEry trOublesome bUt we is not a bUrden (:
FInally lefT laSt week of aTtachMent anD my laSt day attacHment is afternOon shIft! And my CF alreaDy siGn all the skiLls that required In my attachment! =} I'm glaD. Next weeK caN reLax liaO. SchOol openIng sOon =( neeD to bUy lecTure nOtes agAin. How?
Today gg out again, I'm brokE. >.< toDay whEn I wakE up, the fIrst tHIng cOmes iNtO my mInd is tOday is whaT day? Do I havE attachmEnt and aM I laTe! Hahah! Too strEss! =( anD my phOne is spOil! WhEn ppl caLl me, theY caN't hEar my vOice bUt I cAn hEar thEir vOice.
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