15thnOv'2009 11:40am
ListeninG to Try bY Asher bOok (: havE u trY..?
BaCk hOme aftEr plaYIng badmInton. I don havE mOod to plaY lOr! PlayEd for ard tWo hOUrs! (: perhaPs evEninG alsO gg jOGginG! GambatEh! (:
Have nOt been blogginG for quIte sOme tiMe! >.< cOs I'm bUsy or dUe to there is nO meaninG to continuE blOgging!
PracTical exaM is juSt tml but I hvEnt even starTed stUDy! I'm nOt very cLear toWard that 12craniel nerves and gCs skills! Omg! TonIght mUst chIonG (: well, I jUst cUt my haIr! Eh nOt very nIce I prefer my longEr hAir =( nvm ba my haIr will grOw baCk!
Listening to broken hearted gIrl bY beyOnCe! When I lOoked at the mirrOr, I realized I lOok quite hagGard! hahha! What haPpened? I tOTally have no clUe! #.# I fEel like watChing mOvie today (: I want to watCh 2010 cOs my sis says That iT's nIce!!!!!! (: perhaPs it's time fOr me to watch alOne cOs I have nO One? Hmmm.. Alot of presentation is dUe sOon bUt yet nOthinG is done! My indiviadual assignment, NS4 role plaY, psychOloGy presentation and sociology preSentation!!!!!!! LoAds and lOads of things is awaiting for me...=( die! HOpefully I will sleep afTer I baTh then at nigHt can stUdy hard for practical! Listening to I DO frOm westliFe (:
Actually lOts of thIngs haPpened but......=( ytD wenT ann sIang hiLl followed bY orchard iOn then jUrong pOint to eat teppanYaki (: I enjOyed myself! (:
One mOre day to my pracTical exam.
Five mOre days to weI Han's bIrthday.
11 mOre days to work at m1 iT faIr 26 to 29 November (:
12 more daYs to richson's bIrthday.
18 mOre days to chEe sianG birthday.
22 more dayS to my attachment at KkH.
EnD here thEn (: take caRe pEeps! ....lOves!
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