Monday, December 21, 2009

21thDecemBer'2009 01:05am
phOtOs!!!! (:

stEambOat bUffet On 12 dEcembEr2009 wIth haN, pOOh anD mY sistEr!

thiS phOto is takEn lasT WEeK WhEn we aRe eatIng stEambOat bUffEt! thEn its pOoh pOoh whO caLled me To pOse thIs waY! haha =D

thIs lItt bOy vEry cUte hOr! anD weIhan waS starIng at hIm (:
haha =D pOoh wIth bOtak hEad =p LOL! he tryIng to acT CuTe!
mE wIth mY marShmaLlow pIgGy nOse ^-^v
mY favOurite pIctUre (: im thE phOtograPher!
haN anD Me (:
20thdEcembEr2009 (: tOwn cUm mOvie Day! haN, pOoh anD My Sister anD rIchsOn!
at Han's hSe theY PLayIn pS3. *whiLe waItinG fOr mOvie tO stARt* thEy havE lOts Of expReSSions! d:

mY sIS tOOk phOto wIthOut me knOwing! *sleepy*

afTer mOvie, wIth Our 3D spEcts (:
----------------------------------------------------------------------thE enD! (:

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