reCently my wEekends are weLl plannEd. i rEally enjOyed myself (: * all thAnks to hIm!* HUGGS!
Last sUnday i went to fly kite (: firSt time eh! quitE sImple but Its frEaking hOt thEn thOse uncOvered arEA of my bOdy is bUrnt! im tAnned nOw and mY classMates kEep lauGhIng at me =( theY sO bAd la!
laSt sAtuRday i weNt chInatoWN to eaT riCeball (: its deLicIous! esPeciaLly the YAM and thE peanUts Ones!
SEE! whEn i Eat danG yUan, im likE daMn hAppy (:
He teach me hOw to fLy kIte (: HUGGS!
thIs One i Look One! quIte nIce lOr! (X
rEcently i very bUsy wiTh schOol stUff like presentatIonsssss.. OMG!
AcTually quIte alot of stUff haPpened. i reAlly dOn nOe who to trUst anD WhO nOt tO trUst. i havE No Idea whO is the One lyIng tO me bUt weLl...... imDisaPpOinted =(
anW, my scH is riGht besIde chRis sCh bUt dIdnt gEt to meEt hIm at aLL!
ToDay i waS MoOdlEss! mOrnIng weNt to PlAy badMintOn, celebRated weIlun fRiends bDay (: theN pOng pOng mEet Ah bE.. (: *aH be hAir lOnger liaO! He bOtak sUits hIm weLl* wIth wenDy. weNt yEw tEe tO EAT Then alsO gOt Go LOt1! WEnT FoR IntErview bUt wonDered whEther thEy wIll emPloy me or not >.<
gOoDnigHt (: hoPe im nOt late tmL anD My preSentatIons wIll be fIne!
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