So tired! =( but I can't sleep any mOre so I juSt wake up lo! AftEr workin fOr twO day at comeX, I'm really tireD cos keeP promOting.. It's like nOn stOp! But well ytD my sales us lesseR thAn d neW comer! She daMn gOod! (: well dOne. Sad =( hee =P hOwever I enjOyed wOrking cOs I saW thOse dealEr shOp staFf plUs heLlo shOp staFf (: I miSs thEm. Ben ChnG sO cute anD jUn an alSo. Hee =P he keeP poKinG me la =X stupiD gaRy buLly me! Haha xD when I wOrk, it's damn colD la >.< I was treMbLinG! =( firsT tIme la! Then saW thIs promoter veRy taLl theN his heiGht is 188 la! I stanD besiDe hIm is likE so biG differEnce la =x he got dimples bUt he dOn smiLe de! SuCh a wasTe!!!! (: ytd richsOn pass me hIs jacket cOs I verY coLd buT too baD I can'T wEar cos got greeN colOur >.< oh ya ytd got this staff ask me whether my age is more than 16 or not la! Haha! I really look so younG? Anw amanDa very cUte! She gOt babY cOmplexion and dimples!!! ((:
I wan to waTch g foRce! (: seems cuTe! Anw my shi qi's friend ytd ask me want go oUt or not he saY that hiS friend treatIng LOL so randOm! Chris juSt told me that he gg to study at SIM Liao right besIde my schOol la (x haha!
Super long nv hang out wiTh pOoh, jia, weihan and wenDy Liao! Miss theM la! Thot we gg fishinG? Thot we gg to make popcorn? Thot we gg to eat? Hai!
It doesn't matter whEther you love me perhaps likE me or noT. EveN if sOmeday u wanna leaVe me, I noT gg tO stOp yOu. U have uR frEedOm to do every sinGle thIng thaT u wAnt. If waiTinG is a issUe den thIs already sHow hoW muCh u loVe me. LOL!
23days to gO. (: but I ahve nothing to lOok forwarD to....
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