Sunday, December 20, 2009

20decembEr2009 04:15am
Have nOt bEen bLogging fOr quite awhIle due tO attacHment and Have bEen sPending aLl my frEe tIme wIth him (:
ReasOn why I'm nOt aslEep right nOw cOs jUst nOw wenT to waTch lAte nIght mOvie wiTh Han, pOoh anD mY sister! The mOvie caLl AVATAR! =] the mOvie is daMn nIce! The efFect is gOod. Omg I reaLly lOve it! Hee =P
SpEnd 13hrs oUtside! Met pOoh and Han at 2plus at Cck. As uSual we arE late! >.< oOps! TheN tOok 190 tO toWn. WenT to eaT Bbq chIcken (: thEir kOrean charbrOiled is sUper duPer nIce (: *drOolinG* hee. TheN richsOn reacHed. He paSsed me sOme stuff thaT he bOught for me duRing thailanD triP and I reaLly lOve it. GOt one tshIrt is gReen! *favOurite coLour* then on the tshIrt itself iT stated, "vEry cOld nEed huG". So cute lOr! After tryIng On jUst nOw, it quIte fItting! saDded. Is because I becOme fat! *SAD* even sInce 22nOvember2009 tiLl now, have bEen sleep fOr like leSs thAn 4hOurs almost fOr evEry nIte *SHAG* pErhaPs I shOuld stArt to exercIse. Hee =P coS I die dIe also mUst slIm abIt to wEar that tshIrt! (: wenT tO uniQlo. Han anD me bOught a plAin tshirt. Cos it cOst only $9.90. HahahA =D ovEraLl I did enjoy mYSelf (: thAnks hAn for thE jaCket anD snOopy! Hee =P
I reaLized I really nEed to staRt searChing for a jOb! Cos I'm really BROKE! #.# anD thIs is the fiRst time I failed my cOmmon tEst cOs I nevEr stUdy >.< sIan. HavE to bUck up already!!! =.=
hMm. ToDay dIdn't wenT to vIsIt hIm and I fEel kind oF weIrd >.< hIs mEmory isnt aS gOod as lAst time. He tenD tO forget abOut liTt liTt stuFf. But he alWays saYs that it's hIs hEadacHe that cAusing hIm to fOrget about stUff. ThEre's nOthing I can do jUst hOpe that he wiLl be hapPy. he is gG for oPeratIon agaIn anD I'm so afRaid thaT he miGht foRget abOut me agAin. Hai =( I'm reaLly tirEd.......! GOodnighT.
PaRt of me is haPpy anD pArt of mE is saD. I jUst don't WaNna thInk abOut it! I nEed huggs right nOw. >.<
My bloGg is frEaking wOrdy! WiLl upload some photos sOon! =}

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