Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21october'2009 08:21am

I'm in schOol right nOw! I thOt thaT lessOn stArt at 8 bUt it's at 9am =.= =.=
haha! XD on mOn and tuEs I late fOr schOol I'd today I know that lesson start at 9 I think I migHt be late tOo! >.< hee =P
ReCently have beeN lOoking for pArt timer jOb cOs I'm tired of prOmoting =( then ytd weNt to lOt 1 then finD out thaT one of thE shOp call heiDi waNted to employ ppl. TheN weNt in anD asK then the fiRst thIng that laDy aSk me waS we arE emploYing ppl at the age of 18 and abovE! Haha! I dOubt the LaDy will emploY me cOs she is nOt the bOss theN whEn I was talkin to hEr theN her facE so blaCk! LikE charCoal. Hee =P hmmm. During my lectUre lesSon I have beEn struGgling to kEep myselF awakE! But u sImply love ELAHa that lEssOn cos d lEctUrer is awesOme! (: she vEry hilarIous!! Hee =P
ThIs sUnday I'm gg to fLy kIte anD pIcnIc! =} I'm lOokinG fOrwaRd to iT! Hee! I reaLly miSs yOu (:
Hee =P hmm. My necklaCe snapped!! I thInk it's fatEd ba. The fiRst onE also like that. >.< haha! But the paiR of buTterfLy Is niCe but iT's gOne nOw. Hmmm. Ytd I saW a bOard sayIng thIngs shOuld be in a paIr! Ant reallY rmb alsO. WaIting fOr lessOn to staRt nOw! My stomaCh is achIng! :( bloG agAIn some othEr day. Hee! =P byeeeee.

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