toDay was lOoking fOrward tO go kTv wIth shaWn, jeFf, CHrIs anD wenDy bUt becaUse sOmething haPPened thEn dIdnt gO =( sO, chrIs, my sis anD me wenT tOwn instEad (X
At deCided tO eaT SAKURA but mY sIs anD me is reaLly brOke So We caLLed chrIs to eat sMth else theN i suGgested to eaT BBQ CHICKEN! (: YuMmy!!!! BoUght canEle caKe caLl LE ROYALE home! theIr sIgnatUre caKe daMn nIce (X
tIme tO uplOad sOme phOtO...

mY SiS ToOk phOto Of mE When i was Unprepared !
when i wAs in trAin jUst now thEn realiseD that i nV take phOto wIth chrIs! next tIme ba (: hee sOrry! reaLly enjOy mYself althou thEre are Only the thrEe of uS (:
wEnt freD PeRRy bUt the baG i WaNt nO mOre liaO >.<>
tIme to taLk abOut saD stUff thaT HApPened tOday! =(
I WakE uP earLy in the mOrninG bEcaUse my parents waS qUarreLling !
AFtEr thAt, i was bEing scOlded becaUse oF The bOdy scRuB! *If u reaLly unhaPpy then Use mY ScRub thEn (:*
thEn intEnD To BuY A BaG bUt dIdnt gEt One!
lOokin foRwarD to KTV but..
thE last thIng thaT HAppEned waS.....
JuST NoW TryIng tO depOsit caSh intO the DBS macHine tHen wiTh nO vaLid reasOns mY caRd is bEing reTained! f***! im sOrry tO say f wOrd bUt i was reaLly..... =(
at thAt mOment, i waS SpeecHlesS And wIth nO expreSsion tOtally cAlm bUt i was REALLY pissED!
tOday im rreaLly tIred! =( So tIreD thaT I DoN FeEl likE taLkinG..
p.s. imIssyOu!
endInG My BlOg at 23:47
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