Thursday, December 3, 2009

11.17pm 3rd December2009
Once agAin haPpy bIrthday ANG CHEE SIANG! (:
Eh! Faster wEar that frEd pErry shIrt and go oUt tgt! HOpe u likE the cOokies althOu it's haRd =.=

Tml is the laSt paper anD it'S like FINALLY! =D buT I reGreTted fOr nOt stUdyinG fOr nsL, ns3 anD ns4 >.< bUt iT's ovEr I cAn't do anyThinG anymOre. WhEnever I trIed to stUdy, he jUst kEep appearing in my mInd! >.< arEn't yOu tiRed of wonDering in my mInd? Haha! I'm tiRed. ReaLly tiRed! =( I haTe mYself fOr beinG paranOId but I just cAn't heLp it cOs lItt liTt jUst aFfecTs me. KnoWing that whEn u wAke up, u onLy rmb hEr. How wOuld I fEel? My hEart scAttered inTo piecEs. It's jUst so fraGile plS hanDle it wiTh caRe. When u teLl me thaT u lOve me, I sTarted to dOubt.. Don't lOve me beCause I take caRe of u anD yOu wanTed to retUrn the favOr baCk to me. Things arE diffErent nOw. >.< plS remOve all my unWanted thOts. I don wanNa caRe! If u lOve her, go fOr it (: u wiLl have my blessinGs. I jUst misses u sO mUch! (: finaLly u are gG hOme!!! (: weLl, gOod for u deN.
U wOn't knOw hOw mUch I crIed whEn somethinG haPpened cos u Nv mE. I crY tIll I fEel thaT I'm dying anD I'm fEeling so helpless at that tIme! Everyday afTer scHool jUst rush to the hospital hOping that u will wakE up and say soMething to me but u didn't. U wouLdn't knOw hOw disaPpointed I'm.
AnW tOday is the oFficiaL reLease Of new mOon! I wan to watCh!!! AnyOne?
It's likE I nv gO watCh mOvie for a lOng time cOs all thE time I have is given to u. JuSt gEt weLl sOon (:
GOodnighT! (X

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