On mY birThday 6ThOctoBer2009 (: i aM nInetEen alReaDy!!! hee =p On My BiRthDay thAt daY i havE GoT AtTachmEnt,By RIgHt is aftErnOon sHiFT BuT I ChanGe tO MoRnIng shIft (: sO i waS wOrking frOm 7am tO 3pm! anD i waS kInd of sUpRised that theY bOught a caKe aNd cElebRATe fOr me! aLL Thanks tO sylvIa! (: lOve!

thEre! ThIs is me In my nUrsIng uNiforM (: Is it fUnny? the gIrl besIde me is sunIta. hEr bIrthday On 7 October! (: sO sWeet of my aTtachMent mate!
after attacHment, i rUshed hOme (x whIle On the waY hOme, my mUm calLed mE tO saY that jIahaO bOught a caKe over! Haha xD he is sweet toO!
then whEn i reAched hOme i baTh! (: theN rIchsOn caMe ovEr tO paSs mE preSent! (: thEn weNt lOt1 wIth hIm tHen waIt fOr my sIs tO reAch!
aftEr my sIs reaChed thEn we heAd tO OutraM! (: Cos we Gg vivO tO meet shAwn, chrIs anD keNneth (: its shAwnwhO orgAnised thIs oUting! (:
rIchsOn anD Me! hE is the phOtOgrapHer Of the daY! (: hee =p
phOto at bEn anD jErry! (: i dId sMth sIlly! i fEll dOwn anD i zhOu gUANg >.< waH!!!! i sO embarrassed lA The tabLe of Ppl besIde me alSo lauGhinG =(
dO u fEel like eaTing iT? hee!
us agAin!
theN hOme sWeet hOme afTer thAt (: i havE gOt a enjOyabLe daY! ThAnks fOr aLL the preSents! (: u gUys sO swEet!!!!!
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