
time to upload some photOs (= sOme is already at my facebook! these are the extra ones (:
just some "CutE" photo =p DonE! Uploaded 6 (:
today is my first day working at m1 and my job scOpe is MCARD. my workIng hOurs is frOm1 to 9pm not that baD! den saw SanDra anD sOme othEr prOmoters aNd thOse gUys prOmoter arE lOokin at gIrls. haha xD
anD one of the m1 staff is pregnant (: *cOngrAts!!
hmm. nothing muCh happened today den hEnf mUn kEep Bullying me!!! *BITE HIM AR!" keep asking me when i want to be with him! LOL!!
Guess wiLl be mEeting my kOr sOon cOs he asK when i frEe! quite lOng nv sEe hIm alreAdy. >.<
reCently sOo mAni thinGs haPpened! im unDer lOts oF stRess =( maYb One daY i migHt nOT be abLe to takE iT AnymOre!
sOmetiMe i wonDeR is thEre sOmething wrOng wIth mE Or yOu! i dOn knOw hOw to dEscRibed hOw i fEel!
knOck me hArd sOo i Can fOrget aLl thOse unwanTed mEmories anD i miGht be haPpier
i nEed haPpiest piLls anD I wan tO watCh thE uNinvIted (= gUess it will be nIce!
gOodniGht! rEst wEll (:
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