27sePtember'2009 (: 9:43am
Hve not bEing bLoGgin sInce the staRt of attaChment! CoS I'm reaLly tirEd. Due tO the irreGular wOrking hOurs, I endEd up wIth irreGular eaTing haBIt thaT makeS me FAT!! ={ I'm reAlly wOrried that I cOuldn't cOmplete mY skiLls On time =( theN I wiLl faiL my atTachment. TwO mOre weeK to the enD Of my attAchmEnt #.# 8 mOre dayS to my daY bUt what's the bIg dEal! I have gOt attacHment! And I'm turning nInetEen =( sadded! OLd alreaDy..
Well, tOday wOke up at 7plus 8 tO cOok spaGhetTi =} firsT tiMe cOoking spahEtti wIth tomatO sauCe plUs bacon! Hmm. The tasTe? Not baD anD of cOurse edIble! Haha! XD I'm feeLing sO tired nOw.
YtD weNt to novena nTuc rOadshoW! (: at first reaLly can'T get uSed to It bUt stIll have to try mY bEst! (: then I gOtten One sales bUt frankly sPeaking, I was quiTe slacK! (x haha! DurinG break, wenT walk walk wIth wenDy then saW thiS shOes v cUte sO temptin to bUy bUt I'm reallY broke! It 79bUcks! I have reAlized that I shOuld stop bUying stuFf for myself cOs I have gOt no scHool fees. And gEt to knOw wenJie and he is like mE la! EverythIng mUst pay bY hImself. He sO pathetic la! Say wanna save mOney thEn one daY only onE meal! Then say wan to cUt dowN Fats whEn he Is alReady sO skiNny! LOL! SOmethinG is wrOng with hiM. Hee =P
Tml have gOt attachMent agAin! I gOnna have baD slEeping timIng agAin! MOrning shIft have to wakE up at 4am then normal slp 1am. #.# hai! =( u wanT to watCh accIdent that mOvie but dOn knOw nIce or nOt. TakE carE then.. (:
p.s. I misS u!
Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
11:23Pm 18sePt'09
tOo mAny stUff haPPened dOnt reaLly knOw hOw to stArt...
toDay was lOoking fOrward tO go kTv wIth shaWn, jeFf, CHrIs anD wenDy bUt becaUse sOmething haPPened thEn dIdnt gO =( sO, chrIs, my sis anD me wenT tOwn instEad (X
At deCided tO eaT SAKURA but mY sIs anD me is reaLly brOke So We caLLed chrIs to eat sMth else theN i suGgested to eaT BBQ CHICKEN! (: YuMmy!!!! BoUght canEle caKe caLl LE ROYALE home! theIr sIgnatUre caKe daMn nIce (X
tIme tO uplOad sOme phOtO...
my sIster (: see! sHe is like sUper hapPy.

toDay was lOoking fOrward tO go kTv wIth shaWn, jeFf, CHrIs anD wenDy bUt becaUse sOmething haPPened thEn dIdnt gO =( sO, chrIs, my sis anD me wenT tOwn instEad (X
At deCided tO eaT SAKURA but mY sIs anD me is reaLly brOke So We caLLed chrIs to eat sMth else theN i suGgested to eaT BBQ CHICKEN! (: YuMmy!!!! BoUght canEle caKe caLl LE ROYALE home! theIr sIgnatUre caKe daMn nIce (X
tIme tO uplOad sOme phOtO...

mY SiS ToOk phOto Of mE When i was Unprepared !
when i wAs in trAin jUst now thEn realiseD that i nV take phOto wIth chrIs! next tIme ba (: hee sOrry! reaLly enjOy mYself althou thEre are Only the thrEe of uS (:
wEnt freD PeRRy bUt the baG i WaNt nO mOre liaO >.<>
tIme to taLk abOut saD stUff thaT HApPened tOday! =(
I WakE uP earLy in the mOrninG bEcaUse my parents waS qUarreLling !
AFtEr thAt, i was bEing scOlded becaUse oF The bOdy scRuB! *If u reaLly unhaPpy then Use mY ScRub thEn (:*
thEn intEnD To BuY A BaG bUt dIdnt gEt One!
lOokin foRwarD to KTV but..
thE last thIng thaT HAppEned waS.....
JuST NoW TryIng tO depOsit caSh intO the DBS macHine tHen wiTh nO vaLid reasOns mY caRd is bEing reTained! f***! im sOrry tO say f wOrd bUt i was reaLly..... =(
at thAt mOment, i waS SpeecHlesS And wIth nO expreSsion tOtally cAlm bUt i was REALLY pissED!
tOday im rreaLly tIred! =( So tIreD thaT I DoN FeEl likE taLkinG..
p.s. imIssyOu!
endInG My BlOg at 23:47
Thursday, September 17, 2009
My life seems to be meaningless. When I don hve you by mY sIde, I waS lOst. WhEn I havE u bY my siDe, time jUst seems too pass sO faSt =( teLl me whAt is liFe all abOut? WheN can i stOp wOrrying abOut thIs and thaT? Perhaps whEn my hEart stOp bEatinG..
When caN sOmeone gIve me unlimIted happiness sO that I wiLl be haPpy for lifE? I knOw it will neveR haPpen.. COs sUch stuFf dOn exiSt!
I was sO touCh when sOmeone tOld me,"I wan to work harder". Then I asked hIm,"why?". Then he said,"so that i can get you all thE stUff yOu want". (: today bY riGht have to gO wOrk bUt u have gOt diarrHea anD I diDn't go and i knOw I cOnfirm wiLl get fIne =( I startEd to dislike promoting jOb =( todaY whOle day stay at hOme (: verY sleePy but dOn fEel like slEeping >.< hee. LoOking forward to tml cOs we havIng ouTinG. WiTh chriS, shaWn, jeff, wenDy, ZhEng mIn? Hmmm.
When caN sOmeone gIve me unlimIted happiness sO that I wiLl be haPpy for lifE? I knOw it will neveR haPpen.. COs sUch stuFf dOn exiSt!
I was sO touCh when sOmeone tOld me,"I wan to work harder". Then I asked hIm,"why?". Then he said,"so that i can get you all thE stUff yOu want". (: today bY riGht have to gO wOrk bUt u have gOt diarrHea anD I diDn't go and i knOw I cOnfirm wiLl get fIne =( I startEd to dislike promoting jOb =( todaY whOle day stay at hOme (: verY sleePy but dOn fEel like slEeping >.< hee. LoOking forward to tml cOs we havIng ouTinG. WiTh chriS, shaWn, jeff, wenDy, ZhEng mIn? Hmmm.
I started to reAlized that I'm reaLly bad in remembEring thIngs =(
It's gEttIng frOm bad tO wOrst >.< perhaps wHen you asK me, "whaT diD u dO ytD?" I miGhT neEd to awhile tO think anD theN teLl u.
And if u askEd me, "wHat dId u dO the day befOre ytd?". I can teLl u I can't rMb anymOre.
MayBe it's becaUse I didn't wanT tO rmb liTt liTt things thaT haPpened in my life. BUt sOme thing I dO rMb (X I caN't rmB thE tIme and daTe bUt I rmb thE stuFf thaT we dO (:
Ytd wOrking at novena anD I gOnna One salEs bUt need to pass tO brenDan to dO it (: then tOday wOrking at novena agAin! I'm tiRed of stanDing >.< my pOor lEgs! Hai =( hmmm. omG sO faSt attachMent is cOming bUt well, I still lOok fOrward to gO out On fridaY, sat, sUn and Mon (X onCe my attacHment start, then I don have timE perhaps evEn I have is onLy evening if I wOrk mOrning shift! >.<
It's gEttIng frOm bad tO wOrst >.< perhaps wHen you asK me, "whaT diD u dO ytD?" I miGhT neEd to awhile tO think anD theN teLl u.
And if u askEd me, "wHat dId u dO the day befOre ytd?". I can teLl u I can't rMb anymOre.
MayBe it's becaUse I didn't wanT tO rmb liTt liTt things thaT haPpened in my life. BUt sOme thing I dO rMb (X I caN't rmB thE tIme and daTe bUt I rmb thE stuFf thaT we dO (:
Ytd wOrking at novena anD I gOnna One salEs bUt need to pass tO brenDan to dO it (: then tOday wOrking at novena agAin! I'm tiRed of stanDing >.< my pOor lEgs! Hai =( hmmm. omG sO faSt attachMent is cOming bUt well, I still lOok fOrward to gO out On fridaY, sat, sUn and Mon (X onCe my attacHment start, then I don have timE perhaps evEn I have is onLy evening if I wOrk mOrning shift! >.<
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
In my lifE, alOt cOme and gO bUt oF course sOme staY (: ppl tOld me sOme Ppl is jUst a "passerBy" in yOur life and I think iT's trUe tOo. (:
Today wEnt cOmex intenDing to gEt a phOne bUt end up I dIdn't =( i'm brOke la =.=
hai =( meet uP witH chriS and richsOn. Then chrIS waS disappOinted that thIs iT fAir don have the camerA he wanTed >.< thEn richsOn kEep distuRbinG me la *pissed* then chris tOld me that we still quite close cOntaCt LOL! I he kEep disturbinG me lO! PerhaPS he is dOing this to other gIrls too bUt weLl I dOn gIve a daMn (: hee. TodaY we atE iCe cReam hee =P *pP Owe me iCe cream o!" hee =P today got gaStric agaIn but Im fIne! Hee (: sIan tMl have to gO henCa agAin >.< hOpe I wOn't be laTe!! >.< my attachmEnt is cOming and u wiLl be daMn bUsy =(
P.s. MissInG (:
Today wEnt cOmex intenDing to gEt a phOne bUt end up I dIdn't =( i'm brOke la =.=
hai =( meet uP witH chriS and richsOn. Then chrIS waS disappOinted that thIs iT fAir don have the camerA he wanTed >.< thEn richsOn kEep distuRbinG me la *pissed* then chris tOld me that we still quite close cOntaCt LOL! I he kEep disturbinG me lO! PerhaPS he is dOing this to other gIrls too bUt weLl I dOn gIve a daMn (: hee. TodaY we atE iCe cReam hee =P *pP Owe me iCe cream o!" hee =P today got gaStric agaIn but Im fIne! Hee (: sIan tMl have to gO henCa agAin >.< hOpe I wOn't be laTe!! >.< my attachmEnt is cOming and u wiLl be daMn bUsy =(
P.s. MissInG (:
BasicallY we spEnt halF of our life slEePing bUt the resT is waItinG.
We juSt dIdn't realiZed.. waItinG fOr time tO pass.
WaitinG sOmeone to notice u.
WaitinG foR sOmeOne to texT yOu.
WaitinG fOr sOmeonE to saY theY lOve u (: waiTinG fOr sOmeone to daTe u. In life we are jUst waitinG for too mUch stuff..
I reaLly haTe waItinG.
I'm awaKe (: ytd sleeP at 3 then wakE up at 9plus. It's like totally nOt sufficIent sleEp #.# bUt I jUst cOuldn't sleEp anymOre (X
How I wIsh I caN jUst slEep and nV wakE uP.......
BasIcally gastric is alreadY paRt of my life rigHt nOw.
We juSt dIdn't realiZed.. waItinG fOr time tO pass.
WaitinG sOmeone to notice u.
WaitinG foR sOmeOne to texT yOu.
WaitinG fOr sOmeonE to saY theY lOve u (: waiTinG fOr sOmeone to daTe u. In life we are jUst waitinG for too mUch stuff..
I reaLly haTe waItinG.
I'm awaKe (: ytd sleeP at 3 then wakE up at 9plus. It's like totally nOt sufficIent sleEp #.# bUt I jUst cOuldn't sleEp anymOre (X
How I wIsh I caN jUst slEep and nV wakE uP.......
BasIcally gastric is alreadY paRt of my life rigHt nOw.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
So tired! =( but I can't sleep any mOre so I juSt wake up lo! AftEr workin fOr twO day at comeX, I'm really tireD cos keeP promOting.. It's like nOn stOp! But well ytD my sales us lesseR thAn d neW comer! She daMn gOod! (: well dOne. Sad =( hee =P hOwever I enjOyed wOrking cOs I saW thOse dealEr shOp staFf plUs heLlo shOp staFf (: I miSs thEm. Ben ChnG sO cute anD jUn an alSo. Hee =P he keeP poKinG me la =X stupiD gaRy buLly me! Haha xD when I wOrk, it's damn colD la >.< I was treMbLinG! =( firsT tIme la! Then saW thIs promoter veRy taLl theN his heiGht is 188 la! I stanD besiDe hIm is likE so biG differEnce la =x he got dimples bUt he dOn smiLe de! SuCh a wasTe!!!! (: ytd richsOn pass me hIs jacket cOs I verY coLd buT too baD I can'T wEar cos got greeN colOur >.< oh ya ytd got this staff ask me whether my age is more than 16 or not la! Haha! I really look so younG? Anw amanDa very cUte! She gOt babY cOmplexion and dimples!!! ((:
I wan to waTch g foRce! (: seems cuTe! Anw my shi qi's friend ytd ask me want go oUt or not he saY that hiS friend treatIng LOL so randOm! Chris juSt told me that he gg to study at SIM Liao right besIde my schOol la (x haha!
Super long nv hang out wiTh pOoh, jia, weihan and wenDy Liao! Miss theM la! Thot we gg fishinG? Thot we gg to make popcorn? Thot we gg to eat? Hai!
It doesn't matter whEther you love me perhaps likE me or noT. EveN if sOmeday u wanna leaVe me, I noT gg tO stOp yOu. U have uR frEedOm to do every sinGle thIng thaT u wAnt. If waiTinG is a issUe den thIs already sHow hoW muCh u loVe me. LOL!
23days to gO. (: but I ahve nothing to lOok forwarD to....
I wan to waTch g foRce! (: seems cuTe! Anw my shi qi's friend ytd ask me want go oUt or not he saY that hiS friend treatIng LOL so randOm! Chris juSt told me that he gg to study at SIM Liao right besIde my schOol la (x haha!
Super long nv hang out wiTh pOoh, jia, weihan and wenDy Liao! Miss theM la! Thot we gg fishinG? Thot we gg to make popcorn? Thot we gg to eat? Hai!
It doesn't matter whEther you love me perhaps likE me or noT. EveN if sOmeday u wanna leaVe me, I noT gg tO stOp yOu. U have uR frEedOm to do every sinGle thIng thaT u wAnt. If waiTinG is a issUe den thIs already sHow hoW muCh u loVe me. LOL!
23days to gO. (: but I ahve nothing to lOok forwarD to....
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
RiGht noW, sOMeone who caRe for me iS ignORing me. perhaPs if ignOring me wiLl make u fEel beTTer theN I wOn't blamE u (:
I jUst don undErstanD whY whEn I neEd sOmeone tHe mOst u wiLl keeP sayinG thOse sad thInGS =(
Do whatever u wanT and I nOt gg tO caRe >.<
My teArs started tO flow onCe agaIn.. ToDay is 090909 thankS for makinG it sO memOrable fOr me.
And it's aLl my baD.
I have no idEa whY I m having gastrIc nOw..
I jUst don undErstanD whY whEn I neEd sOmeone tHe mOst u wiLl keeP sayinG thOse sad thInGS =(
Do whatever u wanT and I nOt gg tO caRe >.<
My teArs started tO flow onCe agaIn.. ToDay is 090909 thankS for makinG it sO memOrable fOr me.
And it's aLl my baD.
I have no idEa whY I m having gastrIc nOw..
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I'm feeling sooo tired >.<
Ytd slp at around 3 then wake up at 10plus. Previous night sleep at 2plus then wake up at 7plus >.< cos was chatting with Gary through the phone >.< he broke my record for not chattin on the phone >.< haha! Hmmm. Today I just feel like sleeping the whole day but I can't #.#
ytd after gg office then went out with Gary, Kenneth and elin. Actually wanted to watch movie but no interestin movie =( eh. Then I saw the hamster keychain very cute then inserted 3X$1 into the machine then end up nothing come out =( I was disappointed! hmmm. Then after that decided to go Kbox but kenneth didn't really sing only me and elin keep singing and Gary sing abit! Well, Gary voice quite nice eh! He is good in singing jay Chou's songs (: wah seh! I kept being bully by them la keep saying me small eyes and short! Is Gary too tall la =X hee. After that went to eat yoshinoya! But Kenneth nv eat! No wonder he so thin! >.< eh. While we eating, the atmosphere is like super quiet and it's like the four of us is like stranger #•# hee. After we finished our food we finally started talking (X chit chat for like 1hour plus then home sweet home (: hope u guys did enjoy yourself (:
P.s. I will always be there for u when u need me that's a promise!!
ytd after gg office then went out with Gary, Kenneth and elin. Actually wanted to watch movie but no interestin movie =( eh. Then I saw the hamster keychain very cute then inserted 3X$1 into the machine then end up nothing come out =( I was disappointed! hmmm. Then after that decided to go Kbox but kenneth didn't really sing only me and elin keep singing and Gary sing abit! Well, Gary voice quite nice eh! He is good in singing jay Chou's songs (: wah seh! I kept being bully by them la keep saying me small eyes and short! Is Gary too tall la =X hee. After that went to eat yoshinoya! But Kenneth nv eat! No wonder he so thin! >.< eh. While we eating, the atmosphere is like super quiet and it's like the four of us is like stranger #•# hee. After we finished our food we finally started talking (X chit chat for like 1hour plus then home sweet home (: hope u guys did enjoy yourself (:
P.s. I will always be there for u when u need me that's a promise!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I'm exhausted =(
Back from chalet! (: didn't really sleep. Now feeling so tired!!!! >.< just ate cup noodle (X and now I'm lyinG On my beD (X haha!
First day of chalet got shi qi, angie, Gloria, zhen ling, sylvia and me (: actually quite fun we started the fire with our own Hand without the help from guys (: we are awesome! Hee =P after BBQ then play mahjong, play poker and drink! I drink quite alot but didn't get drunk >.< then turn in at 4plus! Hmmm. Wake up at 7plus cos sylvia have to leave earlier. =( oh ya! Angie so noisy la! Keep disturbing us when we wanted to sleep *beatbeat* hee!
Second day!
My phone is dead. I was sad cos I can't survive without phone >.<
Everyone left shi qi and angie cos they wanted to acc me (: they so sweet la! Love u girls (X hmmm then ard 3plus, chris, Kenneth and two other friend came (: one call Gary another one, erm.. Can't rmb! Just get to know them like ytd and ytd they ton at the chalet with us (: very fun lo! Co they very friendly so very easy to get along (: we played truth or dare and the game that we need to guess number one! After that went to red house there but only walk pass (X quite creepy!!! I'm scared at that moment of time. After that go back to sleep! Cos I'm really tired. Oh ya! And anw kenneth's friend zhi hong also stay overnight with ua then he gay with Gary. Eeeyer!!!! >.<
Haha! For second night BBQ, my ex bf came which is richson, and a few of my classmates (: not forgetting elin. She so cute lo! Hee =p really have lots of fun (: thanks guys for acc us thru the night! (:
Well, I realized I have started to dislike...
And I don wan you back!
P.s. I M U M L
First day of chalet got shi qi, angie, Gloria, zhen ling, sylvia and me (: actually quite fun we started the fire with our own Hand without the help from guys (: we are awesome! Hee =P after BBQ then play mahjong, play poker and drink! I drink quite alot but didn't get drunk >.< then turn in at 4plus! Hmmm. Wake up at 7plus cos sylvia have to leave earlier. =( oh ya! Angie so noisy la! Keep disturbing us when we wanted to sleep *beatbeat* hee!
Second day!
My phone is dead. I was sad cos I can't survive without phone >.<
Everyone left shi qi and angie cos they wanted to acc me (: they so sweet la! Love u girls (X hmmm then ard 3plus, chris, Kenneth and two other friend came (: one call Gary another one, erm.. Can't rmb! Just get to know them like ytd and ytd they ton at the chalet with us (: very fun lo! Co they very friendly so very easy to get along (: we played truth or dare and the game that we need to guess number one! After that went to red house there but only walk pass (X quite creepy!!! I'm scared at that moment of time. After that go back to sleep! Cos I'm really tired. Oh ya! And anw kenneth's friend zhi hong also stay overnight with ua then he gay with Gary. Eeeyer!!!! >.<
Haha! For second night BBQ, my ex bf came which is richson, and a few of my classmates (: not forgetting elin. She so cute lo! Hee =p really have lots of fun (: thanks guys for acc us thru the night! (:
Well, I realized I have started to dislike...
And I don wan you back!
P.s. I M U M L
Friday, September 4, 2009
I'm sayinG this one last tiMe..
Because I know that u are reading my blog that's why I'm blogging it often. U know that the first time I saw the smiley that u tag on my board, I smile (: u did it in surprising me.
Somehow trying to forget about the existence of u in my life but litt litt thing always remind me of u. Today was searching for rough paper then I found the cute clothes that u gave it to me for my Ipod >.<
Bit and pieces of memories appeared one after another! I miss you I miss your everything. Do u miss me? Or perhaps u are too busy to miss me. Ever since we break up till now, I still love you. I somehow know that u still love me, am I right? I don know or u already started to forget me bit by bit! How I wish that i can hug u in my arms. I don like myself to cry but I just can't control. And u are really good at pretending that nothing happen. That time when u purposely ask your friend who I'm then she say I'm ur girlfriend then u say she is my ex girlfriend. U know how much it hurts.. Maybe after those girls know that u are single then they might go after u. I don know what u r thinking. Do u know why I call u to tell me we are impossible? Cos I no longer want to have any hope that we will be tgt anymore. I'm tired! Really. Life still goes on................. Cos I'm learning to let go cos u no longer want me back cos u told me that it's over!
Today went to henca then we saw shawn and jeff after that we went vivo (: I saw this white guinea pig (X but yew tee pet shop ones are cuter (: eh then walk awhile, saw Kenneth working (: eh. Then went cck to buy stuff for chalet! So ex!!!! =(
Hai! recently have been chatting with chris and Kenneth! Whatever happening now there are only two person who understand how I'm feeling now. O.o my chalet is at downtown room 1623. Hope thatvit will be fun (X
P.s. M L I M U !
Somehow trying to forget about the existence of u in my life but litt litt thing always remind me of u. Today was searching for rough paper then I found the cute clothes that u gave it to me for my Ipod >.<
Bit and pieces of memories appeared one after another! I miss you I miss your everything. Do u miss me? Or perhaps u are too busy to miss me. Ever since we break up till now, I still love you. I somehow know that u still love me, am I right? I don know or u already started to forget me bit by bit! How I wish that i can hug u in my arms. I don like myself to cry but I just can't control. And u are really good at pretending that nothing happen. That time when u purposely ask your friend who I'm then she say I'm ur girlfriend then u say she is my ex girlfriend. U know how much it hurts.. Maybe after those girls know that u are single then they might go after u. I don know what u r thinking. Do u know why I call u to tell me we are impossible? Cos I no longer want to have any hope that we will be tgt anymore. I'm tired! Really. Life still goes on................. Cos I'm learning to let go cos u no longer want me back cos u told me that it's over!
Today went to henca then we saw shawn and jeff after that we went vivo (: I saw this white guinea pig (X but yew tee pet shop ones are cuter (: eh then walk awhile, saw Kenneth working (: eh. Then went cck to buy stuff for chalet! So ex!!!! =(
Hai! recently have been chatting with chris and Kenneth! Whatever happening now there are only two person who understand how I'm feeling now. O.o my chalet is at downtown room 1623. Hope thatvit will be fun (X
P.s. M L I M U !
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sometimes I really feel so helpless. Cos I hve to pay for my everything. My bill, school fees, own expenses bascially all! Tell me, at my age which child pay for their everything? I started working at the age of fourteen. Some times I am just feeling soo tired. Perhaps this is what life is all about. Trying to maintain my smile when I meet new ppl when I hang out with friends. no point crying cos nothing will change. Trying hard to slp more everyday but I can't I just simply can't sleep! What the hell is happening.
ytd went to work gotten two sales (: better than Monday but well it still consider as bad! But quite slack but the only thing is have to stand for the whole day >.< my poor legs!
Then he came and fetch me home (X hee. So happy that I don have to travel home alone!!!!! (: thanks ah!
I'm sorry that I cried that day. Too many thing in mind and it's not only about him but u >.< thanks for being there again when I cry cos having u with me, I know that I'm not alone (:
well. Life still goes on....
ytd went to work gotten two sales (: better than Monday but well it still consider as bad! But quite slack but the only thing is have to stand for the whole day >.< my poor legs!
Then he came and fetch me home (X hee. So happy that I don have to travel home alone!!!!! (: thanks ah!
I'm sorry that I cried that day. Too many thing in mind and it's not only about him but u >.< thanks for being there again when I cry cos having u with me, I know that I'm not alone (:
well. Life still goes on....
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