Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I'm always tempted!
Everyone is working hard to lose their weight for a brand new year but yet I'm eating non stop! =(
Someone told me that as long as I used to go jogging, it will become a habit! (:
I used to feel guilty when I eat too much but now I no longer feel that way! =(
And my appetite is growing! Become a MONSTER STOMACH! OMG!
I shoul really start jogging! =D
Friday, December 24, 2010
Its Christmas eve! (:
1st Attempt for making potato with bacon! and i make it with my beloved today (: hee.
ingredient needed:
1. bacon
2. potato
3. spring onion
4. bread crumb
Didnt have bread crumb and used "something else" instead but i believe bread crumb will definitely taste better than the "something else" that i'm used today!
beloved family says that its nice but not took sure if hanyo they all will like it.
and the thinG is i accidentally put my finger inside the oil when i wanted to put the potato in to fried cos i was distracted as i was talking! =(
it was so painful! but luckly its alright =}
P.s. i wish my life is always as sweet as now ("v")
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
13/232010 11.52am
quoted from someone's blog!
"This is what I really feel now and towards you. (For his girlfriend)
Deep in my heart,
I miss you time to time because you’re always running on my mind.
I hold on tighter to you every moment that passes by because I don’t want to lose you.
I love till my last breathe because you’re my only one in my heart.
I need you in my life because you make me the best of the best.
I hug you because I want you to feel my love and warmth.
I kiss you because I want us to exchange affections and love.
I think of you because you’re my sweetest addiction.
I see your smile, it makes me smile because I know I made you happy.
I see your frown, it makes me worry because I’m afraid I’m the reason that made you upset.
Your love is my drug,
the drug that keeps me going.
I love You!
I hope you feel of how much I feel towards you because I want you to know what I want to express to you from the bottom of my passionate loving heart. ♥ "
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010

i am always happy
i don't cry easily
i don't care so much
i don't whine about things
i don't bother about whatever u do
and i can forget about things that i doesn't want
When i was drinking, i started to think about stuff, things that happened and how happy i used to be. its you who always surprised me without fail and made me happy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010
i felt..as though my legs aren't mine! =(
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
260910 - billyBomber dinner!
well, im having attachment now at raffles hospital and the nurses there are soooo PRETTY! haha =D those patient are so fortunate (X
I REALLY HOPE THAT MY ATTACHMENT WILL END FASTER! left three more week of attachment to my 2 weeks of holiday! WOO HOO! (:
And my weekends are so important now! haha! =D
P.S. Sometimes i wish that im not who i am, sometimes i wish that im emotionless and sometimes i wish that i can dont care so much and things will be easier for me!
the first time! 12sept'2010
overall not bad ah! at least can choose the sweetness which made me feel healthier when drinking bubbletea! (=
well, i enjoyed my day with my baby!
p.s. i wish everyday can be as happy as today!
Monday, August 30, 2010
ny right, im at library studying but in less than one hour, i left and went to eat LJS! im full nOw and im SO SO SO LAZY to study and thurs is my first paper. OMG!
okay! lets get started now! (:
Went PS On 22August as baby wanted to return cable tv but we forgotten to bring remote control. LOL very dumb right? So we decided to watch movie and the movie he said he wanted to watch is expanable! (: very nice action movie! =D
before that we went arcade and we spent less than 10bucks, my baby gotten me something CUTE! loves!
sometimes happiness is just the surface of everything, when u look indepth, perhaps everything will be different. cos simply because this is life!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Haha! =D will update my blog aftEr next week, after my tioman trip (: but well, I have no idea who is reading mY blog!
07082010 1.09am
Monday, July 12, 2010
it's late but I'm not asleep yet!
Have got photo but lazy to upload. Haha =D thIs week is a busy week, juSt hope that everything will be Alright! Bless Me!
Later on I will Ba havin NURM class test but I haven't study! LOL hope that I have got tips from friends (X haha
tues -> Napfa test! Wed -> oncoloGy test! Thurs -> Ns5 teSt! OMG thIs is insane la !!
Went to watch despicable me with pooh an sister! And that day I ate te most popcorn in my liFe! =( love salted popcorn. Hee =P
Went to watch predator toDay but I prefer DESPICABLE ME then predator! That tiny yellow thinggy is so cUte la <3
anw, thanks baby for getting me a new bottle oF perfume! (: I was surprised when he says that he wanted to buy for me lor (: love!
P.s. The trap that u set, caught me! And I'm falling too deep Inside now! =(
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Relying vs indepenDent
am I relying too much on u? Tell me?
You always come and fetch me and I definitely appreciate it and of course I'm happy about it. Perhaps fetching me from work makes me rely on u more. It makes me want u by my side more!
The more I fall deeper, the more I care an the more I bother. Cos i'm scare of losing! =(
u told me that u are gg for someone's birthday celebration althou u are not close with her. But it's not u. U are someone who don't do such things? Perhaps u changed? I know u definitely enjoyed the accompany of ur friends. Or perhaps we are meeting up too often and u started to feel it's nothing special.
This is life. Perhaps I should be like my friend and just meet up once a week then perhaps u will start to realized or think whether do u still need me in your life.
I'm not perfect but I'm trying to change but u can't see it. Cos the same old blame is always there. Cos I was once that way..
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I have come to realized things isn't the same anymore!
Sometimes I really wish that I can go back to that day, that time when we kiss and the feeling is eventually different as compared to now.
Perhaps when things doesn't belong to u then u will realized that that someone actually care just that that someone always say the same thing and it become something isn't sweet and thoughtful.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
its like finally!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
musCle acHe like hEll!

15062010 10.25pm
Monday, June 14, 2010
today is my first day of holiday which is also my sister first day of school! =P
an today guess what?! I went jogging! (: *a clap for myself* went joGging with pOoh pooh! ThanKs for accOmpany me! =D hee!
Just nOw whEn joGging, I cAn feel thy my lunGs are tryIng hard o grasps for mOre oxygen! Abit uncomfOrtable at my right chEst! #.# bUt I'm fIne nOw. MaYbe is bEcause of less haemoglobin leads to Lesser oxygen transport to my lungs and body! Haha =D mEeting baby later fOr lUnch! (: hee.
I want to wath furry vengence! ={
Saturday, June 12, 2010
today is saturday already means one more day my baby is gg to work already..=(
just now went to IT FAIR then baby bOught sennheiser ear piece for me and himself (: loves! <3
then after that went J.C.O to chill awhile then hOME SWEET HOME!
AND NOW IM BORED! play zombies vs plant. a lame games anyway! haha =D
Friday, June 11, 2010
finally! common test is over! (: gotten back my lit review and last night i dreamt that i get 10/20 and true enough whatever happened in my dream last night happened today! kind of creep! >.<
im feeling tired as last night only slept 3hrs but im not asleep yet and the worst thing is i gonna work later! next week will be busy working already! =(
FYP PRESENTATION ON 23thjuly'2010 *OH NO!!!!*
and PRCP and attachment infromation are all up in MEL.
Im scared! =( sometimes i wish that im still a year one student. everyday just go school to sleep in lecture hall. LOL! im a bad student anw!
wanted to go the clinic but ended up everyone is busy. anw im starting to have headache..=(
i feel somehow feel like gg underwater world and dolphin logoon cos i nv go before! so pathetic can!
hmmm. byeeee! anw i feel like shopping but im break! its GSS NOW! *CRIED*
i really really hope things will be better for us >.<
Monday, June 7, 2010

07062010 8.30pm
finally fIrst paper over (: im relieved! althought some question i cannot do But at lEast i can get a C? bUt there is stIll One mOre papEr On frIday =( NURSING MANAGEMENT! DON LIKE!
but FyP Data cOllection stIll got lOng wAy to go! #.#
actually nOthing mUsh to blOg also. (:
im lOoking fOrward to gO THE CLINIC sOon! (:
Saturday, June 5, 2010
sUshiiii (:

05062010 10.15pm
today went to Wei Han's house to make sushi!! (: its the my first time making sushi and it taste good! gUess, we (hanyo, wendy, pooh pooh) enjoyed ourselves (X Hee =P the One On tOp is maDe by me.
wendy, hanyo and pooh went to watch movie -> nightmares at the elm street at 9.15pm slot.
heard from my friend that its quite sCary + disgusting!
i took his snoopy out without him knowing then guess it upset him! =( snoopy is too cute! it looked like a PHONE! haha =D hmmm. hope we will meet up soon!
sleep earLy ba (:
gOodnight! headIng for mOvie sOon.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Managed to upload some photo just now (: but acTually stIll got alot mOre..!
tOday i wenT to the zOo wiTh babY <3 and the unfoRtUnate thIng is tHat it rAin!! sOmemOre i nEver bRing umbrElla THeN BoTH oF uS Were Drenched anD Our shOes are weT! =(
The pOlar bEar is so cUte i jUst sImply fEel like tOuching it (: hee =p
have gOt an enjOyable day tOday bUt its very tiRing alsO! >.<
wEll, mOnday is alReady my cOMMon tEst bUt im stIll in relAxing mOde! haha =D DIE!
TML WIlL BE gG HANYo HouSe to make sUshi. hopE that it wiLl be fUn thEn niGht time sHoUld be waTching Nightmares at the eLm strEEt! (X wOoooooo. iTs M18 anD im nOt UnderaGe! =D
Will be wOrking foR nOkia sOon starTing wOrk On 18jUne at jUrong pOint =} hOpe everythIng wiLL Be fIne (: and im In Love wIth mac cAfe dOuble chOco! <3 and im lOoking fOrward to the nExt fIshing trip and 18062010! (:
got to enD here! gOodnight.
p.s. im glad to have u in my life ("v") hold me tight
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Hmm nEver Been uploading photo cos I'm not using lappy to bloG!
BaD nEws! My phOne sPeaker spoil! =( anD tml is mY practical eXam! I'm nOt prepared! OH NO!!!
So. Start Off wIth 28thMay2010.
I waS daMn mOody dUe to sOme cOmmunication bReakdOwn and unDerstandin issuE. That Day just sEems to bE a sTay hOme Day.
I reaLized I nEed sOmeone I hEar me Out cOs kEeping things to mYselF is so mIserabLe! I Cried. =(
WenDy at fIrst kEep pyco me go toWn bUt nOt in the mOod then alSo dOn fEel likE bEing the Extra One bTw thEm
BUt enDed decideD to mEet up for diNner! =] i bOUght alOng a vEry cUte snOopy cheeseCake! UploAD sOon (: ate at xIn WanG aNd we deCideD tO gO fishIng! First TIme anD I Was lOoking fOrward tO it (: wEnt to bouGht sQuid as bAit! TitbIts fOr us anD bAsicaLly hAnyo was like bAby sitter! And me and Wendy is the bAby! LOL =D waiTed wEndy at lOt 1 cOs sHe wanNa cHange lEns and stuFf. Me and hanYo walK arD lot 1 and decided tO chill at rooftOp! (: GOT COCKROACHHHHHHH...! Later hE pUlling me. Thanks gOd >.<
ThEn hEad tO hanYo house, Get prepAre, watcH lOst taPe! (: fishing at 11plUs to 3am? No fish =( bUt nEw expErienCe! I waNt to gO AgAinnnnnn! AnW gOt thEir two frienDs! ThEn waLked hOme, bAth, watCh gHost lAb bUt faLlen aslEep! =( guEss hanYo anD wenDy havE lots Of fUn! =D anD pOoh sprAined hIs ankle! Get weLl sOon!
Cab hOme at nine plUs, baTh, mEet babY for Zoo! BUt alOt oF pPls sO decIded nOt to gO! HEaded tOwn instead to gEt his altEred jEans, AtE tOri Q anD bacOn and cheese, wenT waLk walk, chill at cEdele! (: drAnk iCe chOlcolate, bAby drAnk vallina cUppacIno, nOt that awesome afTer aLl! J.C.O anD stARbUck is bEtter =] *thUmbup* hEe. BabY paiD for the whole dAy expenSes! >.< I Only paiD for choco! thAnks baby! Love <3 afTer that Went hOme, sOmething saD haPpened, criEd tIll Eyes sO swolLen! =(
TOday gg tO watch mOvie wiTh babY an it's mY trEat! (: deciDe to eaT iCE cream too lAter! (:
ByEeeee! (:
Friday, May 28, 2010
Finally, my interview for my wpd Is over! (: but I know I didn't do well cos I was out if point! (X
And Monday is my practical exam! OmG. WondEr if I cAn ScOre or not. =(
If u Ask me if I'm fine? I will tEll u. I gUess so? Cos my lIve is consistenCe. A fEw Day of nOrmal of happy Day + sOme Arguement anD UnhaPpiness. I'm tiRed. =( gg thrU all thOse Days jUst seems unfOrgEtable. I dOn wAnt thOse mEmories. U arE innOcent, sO am I. I'm not the bEst, I'm nOt gOod enOugh coS my Ear chOoses WorDs thAt shE wanna hEar. If unwanTed anD mEan wOrds is a "No No" to hEr. Cos it hUrts. I always RejEct u anD dOn wanT u nOt becAuse I dOn lOve u iT's becAuse I thInk u will be hAppIer wiTh someOne else, wiTh sOmeone who diDn't gO thrU all thOse stUff, with sOmeOne who knOw u the waY u aRe nOw. SOon, u wiLl mEet more Ppl, mayBe ppl whO will whO will bRing u lOng tErm of happiness, lauGhter anD joY. Even if I cAn't bEar to lEt u gO, I will lEt gO. I'm reAaly tIred sO do u cos we dOn undErstand eacH other.
Anw we havE made oReo cheeseCake last weEkenD I think! It's nIce. IT's a sUccess! (: I Went interview fOr nokia anD I gOtten thE jOb. Should I Feel hAppy? I'm scAred thAt I cAn't cOpe with my stuDies. #.#
And Im dOing nothing nOw, I'm aLl alOne.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
HavE nOt beEn bLoggIng cOs I havE beEn bUsy wIth scHool, wOrk anD hIm.
AftEr sChool reoPen, EveryDaY sEems so tirIng aNd thIs already enD of thiRd Week! It's dAmn fAst!
I havE decided tO study hArd bUt sEems like the mOtiVatiOn is dYinG oFf.....=(
I hvE to rUn faster thAn time or elSe I wOn't be abLe to catCh up! I'm stUck at my lIteratUre reView! STUPID ME =(
AnW, by rIght I havE lOts of pHotos thaT are sUpposed to upload iT hEre bUt weLl.. I'm laZy plUs tiRed! =( hoWever aLl the piCture in my fcEbOok aLready! (: On weD jUst went senTosa! I'm bUrn! So itChy pluS pAin.
I alSo have lOts of fun wiTh hIm but somehOw things chAngEd! ThAnk fOr everythIng bAby! (:
ThAnks fOr Ur bIg bIg lOLlipop! ThE biGgest one I evEr recEived! ThAnks for aLl thoSe cUte stuFf that bRighten Up my daY. LOves!
ThIs weEkenD DIE DIE must fIniSh my lIt revIew! ThEn wOn't bE meetIng hIm. Think for thE paSt few days u havE seen enOugh of me.
SOmetImes I wOnder....if I shOuld.....
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Just nOw we was veRy haPpy, isn'T it? ThE lasT fEw Days wE enjOyed oUrselvEs too?
WhY my haPpinEss is alWays so shOrt?
Why mY happiNess iS alWays lInk with saDness?
I thot everYthIng waS fIne? I thOt thE lAst Day bEfOre the One weEk bReak shOuld enDed wiTh huGgs and a gOodbYe kiss?
I hAve gOt nothIng but tEars anD hEavY hEarT.
WhAt's wrOng? It wAs mY fAulT?
PErhAPs.. SOmeone cAn teLl me?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
lOvIng hIm isnT A liE

HaVe got aN enjOyaBle daY wIth hIm arOund bUt tOo baD That im wOrking at 7pm Or elSe cAn havE DinnEr tGt! =(
sOmetImes hAppinEss iS jUst thE cOvEr uP fOr sadnEss.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
mY phOtos (:
Friday, April 9, 2010
I FAll sIck anD fEver FoR 4 DAYS! MY DoC AT First thOt that iTs denGue! bUt im finE NoW.
at fIrst wanTed to UplOad sOme pHoto bUt CAnnOt! =( nvM thEn nExt tIme!
anW, mY BaBy cAn waLk alReadY (: (: SoO HApPy fOr hIm.
thE daY b4 yTd, we weNt fOr mOvie + sUshi bUffet trIp at cAuseway pOint. hee =p havE gOt aN enjOyaBle daY we waTch clAsh Of tItans In 3D. hee (:
rEcenTly i wENt fOr sOme reSearCh thIngGy thEn Have gOt exTra incOme bUt sEemS likE finIshIng sOon cOs i Gg rebOnd my hAir! hAppy lOr!
sOoN SCh gG To REopen aNd i WiLL be yEar 3! daMn fASt =( im scAred thAT i Cant cAtch uP im scARed thAt i cANt dO weLl! >.< im sCare of sO mani sTuff!!!!! i scAre thAt my bABy......
hMmm, im lOoking fOrward to gO watCh mOvie wiTh baby On wweD HoPEFully by thEn my cOugh recOver anD IT WIll Be my trEat On that dAy (:
reCently the weAther is freakIng hOt =( cAnnot takE IT!!!!!
Gt tO enD herE (:
Monday, March 22, 2010
hey (: Never bEen bloGging cOs of my attachment! Thot like poSting at IMH can slaCk abIt bUt I wAs wrOng. The fiRst day I'm already sTress likE hell =( jUSt 4mORe days to gO!
AttacHment cAuses pImples OutbreAk and alSo my eyEs baG is likE bIgger than mY eyEs! =.= WTH.
Anw I dIdn't do weLl fOr exAm tOo anD yEar tHree tImetAble likE shIt >.< OMG! lEssOn alMost aLl enDin at 6pm =(
reALly hOpe that I can sCored 3.5 fOr my yEar three GPA bUt seeMs impOssible cOs nOw onLy 2.8 #.#
anD lasT saT wenT to waTch mOvie -> how tO trAin a dragOn 3D. Ilove TOOTHLESS (X suPer cUte de.
I alSo went tO taKe bLood tEst anD mY hB is stIll lOw aNd lymPhacytes is slIghtly highEr. NoW On suPplement aNd doC wiLl revIew agAin afTer 3 mOnths (: I wiLl be fIne!
WiLl updaTe agaIn afTer my attAchment (: gOodnIte.
Lots Of lOve ("v") B...!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
jUst wOrk Up frOm afTernOon nAp *yAwns!*
tHe weAThEr is fReakiNg hOt!!!!!!!!!!!
it have been quite some times since i blog bUt i woNder whO reAd my blOg nOwadaY? Only hIm i gUess (: havE beeN quIte bUsy wIth aTtACHmeNt! ANd ItS is kIllIng mY lEgs! mY lEgS ArE AcHinG anD it havE bEen tWo Days bUt stIll acHinG! THe WoRst thIng is thEre is stILL THReE WeEks tO gO.. BuT WeLL, Im lOoking fOrward to my IMH Attachment! (X cOnfIrm vEry intEreStIng! it seEms inTeresTinG wOrking at IMH! ANd SHoULD I siGn bOnd wIth thEm? *infLuenCe by eLin* bUt theN wOrking thEre wiL Lose aL the nUrsing skIlls!
ToDAY Wanted to meet aH baO fOr bReakfaSt bUt i dIdnt wAke up earLy enOugh fOr bReakfaST So EndEd uP mUnched a bRead! tOday was suPer bUsy lOr! OMG! NeaRly dIed bUt at lEaST GoT JoANne! (: fIrst tIme wOrking wIth hEr! (: anD alSo i gOtten mY paY TodAY ALTHoUGH its lEss thAn 150 bUt im sAtISfied! (: cOs at lEAST CaN USEd To BuY CoNCeSSiOn! hmM, have beEn sPendIng vEry lItt tIme wIth bf and FrIends. anD FrIEnDS ShOuldnt be nEgLeCTED Too! *thAts whAT eLin sayS*. HEE =p
Gg To HAve mY earLy Dinner anD mEetIng mY sIster latEr at Cck.
P.S. i wiLl nEveR lET U DoWn (:
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Im baCk (: