Saturday, May 8, 2010

1:04am 08052010 #.# I'm tireD. Pls stOp taLkinG to mE in thAt tOne anD plS stOp sayIng sorry.

HavE nOt beEn bLoggIng cOs I havE beEn bUsy wIth scHool, wOrk anD hIm.
AftEr sChool reoPen, EveryDaY sEems so tirIng aNd thIs already enD of thiRd Week! It's dAmn fAst!
I havE decided tO study hArd bUt sEems like the mOtiVatiOn is dYinG oFf.....=(
I hvE to rUn faster thAn time or elSe I wOn't be abLe to catCh up! I'm stUck at my lIteratUre reView! STUPID ME =(

AnW, by rIght I havE lOts of pHotos thaT are sUpposed to upload iT hEre bUt weLl.. I'm laZy plUs tiRed! =( hoWever aLl the piCture in my fcEbOok aLready! (: On weD jUst went senTosa! I'm bUrn! So itChy pluS pAin.
I alSo have lOts of fun wiTh hIm but somehOw things chAngEd! ThAnk fOr everythIng bAby! (:
ThAnks fOr Ur bIg bIg lOLlipop! ThE biGgest one I evEr recEived! ThAnks for aLl thoSe cUte stuFf that bRighten Up my daY. LOves!

ThIs weEkenD DIE DIE must fIniSh my lIt revIew! ThEn wOn't bE meetIng hIm. Think for thE paSt few days u havE seen enOugh of me.

SOmetImes I wOnder....if I shOuld.....

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