Saturday, June 5, 2010

sUshiiii (:

05062010 10.15pm

today went to Wei Han's house to make sushi!! (: its the my first time making sushi and it taste good! gUess, we (hanyo, wendy, pooh pooh) enjoyed ourselves (X Hee =P the One On tOp is maDe by me.
wendy, hanyo and pooh went to watch movie -> nightmares at the elm street at 9.15pm slot.
heard from my friend that its quite sCary + disgusting!
i took his snoopy out without him knowing then guess it upset him! =( snoopy is too cute! it looked like a PHONE! haha =D hmmm. hope we will meet up soon!
sleep earLy ba (:
gOodnight! headIng for mOvie sOon.

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