30decemBer2009 11:08pm
EveryThing chanGed. It'S alreAdy One mOnth plUs.
Memories scAttered everywhere. WhereVer I gO, thEre's alWays meMories of u anD me (:
WeLl, u bEtter jIayou and get weLl sOon! I'm waiTing fOr yOu to hOld me wiTh ur righT hanD.
Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
CurrEntly at maLacca 7:40pm 26deC'2009
Today jUst reachEd bUt will be leaving tMl cOs mUm caN't ReQuest fOr oFf On mOn =(
I'm extremely tired ##. Had been wAlking the whOle day. The purpOse of me hEre is to pray my granDma bUt nOt holiday =(
imisshIm. I reAlly hOpe that he is bY my side Cos he cAn mOtivate me (: right nOw siTting On the beD anD watchin tv bUt I reaLly feel like slEeping. LOoking fOrward to later! Later gg to the pasamalam. Hopefully can gEt sOme stuFf back? Haha =D I haven't baTh so smElly #.# hee (: anw. HAPPY BIRThDAY kERriE!!!!!!
Today jUst reachEd bUt will be leaving tMl cOs mUm caN't ReQuest fOr oFf On mOn =(
I'm extremely tired ##. Had been wAlking the whOle day. The purpOse of me hEre is to pray my granDma bUt nOt holiday =(
imisshIm. I reAlly hOpe that he is bY my side Cos he cAn mOtivate me (: right nOw siTting On the beD anD watchin tv bUt I reaLly feel like slEeping. LOoking fOrward to later! Later gg to the pasamalam. Hopefully can gEt sOme stuFf back? Haha =D I haven't baTh so smElly #.# hee (: anw. HAPPY BIRThDAY kERriE!!!!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I dOn't undErstand at aLl
24deCember2009 1:15pm
Why do I alWays have to decIde whEther I wan tO go oUt with mY siS and frIends or spendIng time wIth hIm?
ThE faCt is I alreaDy hve beeN spendInG vEry liTtle tiMe wIth hIm and sPend aLmOst all my time with my sistEr. WhY is she askIng for so mUch? WhY can'T she jUst apprecIate? AlwaYs being sacAstIc and angry over liTtle liTtle stuFf! PLEASE I'm a human bEing With fEelings.
When she is enjOyin herselF wiTh her friEnds hve she thot Of me? She dIdn't! onLy when she is bOred when sHe have no accOmpany thEn she will cOme to me caLl me to go out wIth her thEn I hve to canCel my plAns?
LiFe Is alWays unfaiR
Why do I alWays have to decIde whEther I wan tO go oUt with mY siS and frIends or spendIng time wIth hIm?
ThE faCt is I alreaDy hve beeN spendInG vEry liTtle tiMe wIth hIm and sPend aLmOst all my time with my sistEr. WhY is she askIng for so mUch? WhY can'T she jUst apprecIate? AlwaYs being sacAstIc and angry over liTtle liTtle stuFf! PLEASE I'm a human bEing With fEelings.
When she is enjOyin herselF wiTh her friEnds hve she thot Of me? She dIdn't! onLy when she is bOred when sHe have no accOmpany thEn she will cOme to me caLl me to go out wIth her thEn I hve to canCel my plAns?
LiFe Is alWays unfaiR
Monday, December 21, 2009
21thDecemBer'2009 01:05am
phOtOs!!!! (:
stEambOat bUffet On 12 dEcembEr2009 wIth haN, pOOh anD mY sistEr!

thiS phOto is takEn lasT WEeK WhEn we aRe eatIng stEambOat bUffEt! thEn its pOoh pOoh whO caLled me To pOse thIs waY! haha =D

phOtOs!!!! (:
stEambOat bUffet On 12 dEcembEr2009 wIth haN, pOOh anD mY sistEr!
thiS phOto is takEn lasT WEeK WhEn we aRe eatIng stEambOat bUffEt! thEn its pOoh pOoh whO caLled me To pOse thIs waY! haha =D
thIs lItt bOy vEry cUte hOr! anD weIhan waS starIng at hIm (:
haha =D pOoh wIth bOtak hEad =p LOL! he tryIng to acT CuTe!
mE wIth mY marShmaLlow pIgGy nOse ^-^v
mY favOurite pIctUre (: im thE phOtograPher!
haN anD Me (:
20thdEcembEr2009 (: tOwn cUm mOvie Day! haN, pOoh anD My Sister anD rIchsOn!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
20decembEr2009 04:15am
Have nOt bEen bLogging fOr quite awhIle due tO attacHment and Have bEen sPending aLl my frEe tIme wIth him (:
ReasOn why I'm nOt aslEep right nOw cOs jUst nOw wenT to waTch lAte nIght mOvie wiTh Han, pOoh anD mY sister! The mOvie caLl AVATAR! =] the mOvie is daMn nIce! The efFect is gOod. Omg I reaLly lOve it! Hee =P
SpEnd 13hrs oUtside! Met pOoh and Han at 2plus at Cck. As uSual we arE late! >.< oOps! TheN tOok 190 tO toWn. WenT to eaT Bbq chIcken (: thEir kOrean charbrOiled is sUper duPer nIce (: *drOolinG* hee. TheN richsOn reacHed. He paSsed me sOme stuff thaT he bOught for me duRing thailanD triP and I reaLly lOve it. GOt one tshIrt is gReen! *favOurite coLour* then on the tshIrt itself iT stated, "vEry cOld nEed huG". So cute lOr! After tryIng On jUst nOw, it quIte fItting! saDded. Is because I becOme fat! *SAD* even sInce 22nOvember2009 tiLl now, have bEen sleep fOr like leSs thAn 4hOurs almost fOr evEry nIte *SHAG* pErhaPs I shOuld stArt to exercIse. Hee =P coS I die dIe also mUst slIm abIt to wEar that tshIrt! (: wenT tO uniQlo. Han anD me bOught a plAin tshirt. Cos it cOst only $9.90. HahahA =D ovEraLl I did enjoy mYSelf (: thAnks hAn for thE jaCket anD snOopy! Hee =P
I reaLized I really nEed to staRt searChing for a jOb! Cos I'm really BROKE! #.# anD thIs is the fiRst time I failed my cOmmon tEst cOs I nevEr stUdy >.< sIan. HavE to bUck up already!!! =.=
hMm. ToDay dIdn't wenT to vIsIt hIm and I fEel kind oF weIrd >.< hIs mEmory isnt aS gOod as lAst time. He tenD tO forget abOut liTt liTt stuFf. But he alWays saYs that it's hIs hEadacHe that cAusing hIm to fOrget about stUff. ThEre's nOthing I can do jUst hOpe that he wiLl be hapPy. he is gG for oPeratIon agaIn anD I'm so afRaid thaT he miGht foRget abOut me agAin. Hai =( I'm reaLly tirEd.......! GOodnighT.
PaRt of me is haPpy anD pArt of mE is saD. I jUst don't WaNna thInk abOut it! I nEed huggs right nOw. >.<
My bloGg is frEaking wOrdy! WiLl upload some photos sOon! =}
Have nOt bEen bLogging fOr quite awhIle due tO attacHment and Have bEen sPending aLl my frEe tIme wIth him (:
ReasOn why I'm nOt aslEep right nOw cOs jUst nOw wenT to waTch lAte nIght mOvie wiTh Han, pOoh anD mY sister! The mOvie caLl AVATAR! =] the mOvie is daMn nIce! The efFect is gOod. Omg I reaLly lOve it! Hee =P
SpEnd 13hrs oUtside! Met pOoh and Han at 2plus at Cck. As uSual we arE late! >.< oOps! TheN tOok 190 tO toWn. WenT to eaT Bbq chIcken (: thEir kOrean charbrOiled is sUper duPer nIce (: *drOolinG* hee. TheN richsOn reacHed. He paSsed me sOme stuff thaT he bOught for me duRing thailanD triP and I reaLly lOve it. GOt one tshIrt is gReen! *favOurite coLour* then on the tshIrt itself iT stated, "vEry cOld nEed huG". So cute lOr! After tryIng On jUst nOw, it quIte fItting! saDded. Is because I becOme fat! *SAD* even sInce 22nOvember2009 tiLl now, have bEen sleep fOr like leSs thAn 4hOurs almost fOr evEry nIte *SHAG* pErhaPs I shOuld stArt to exercIse. Hee =P coS I die dIe also mUst slIm abIt to wEar that tshIrt! (: wenT tO uniQlo. Han anD me bOught a plAin tshirt. Cos it cOst only $9.90. HahahA =D ovEraLl I did enjoy mYSelf (: thAnks hAn for thE jaCket anD snOopy! Hee =P
I reaLized I really nEed to staRt searChing for a jOb! Cos I'm really BROKE! #.# anD thIs is the fiRst time I failed my cOmmon tEst cOs I nevEr stUdy >.< sIan. HavE to bUck up already!!! =.=
hMm. ToDay dIdn't wenT to vIsIt hIm and I fEel kind oF weIrd >.< hIs mEmory isnt aS gOod as lAst time. He tenD tO forget abOut liTt liTt stuFf. But he alWays saYs that it's hIs hEadacHe that cAusing hIm to fOrget about stUff. ThEre's nOthing I can do jUst hOpe that he wiLl be hapPy. he is gG for oPeratIon agaIn anD I'm so afRaid thaT he miGht foRget abOut me agAin. Hai =( I'm reaLly tirEd.......! GOodnighT.
PaRt of me is haPpy anD pArt of mE is saD. I jUst don't WaNna thInk abOut it! I nEed huggs right nOw. >.<
My bloGg is frEaking wOrdy! WiLl upload some photos sOon! =}
Saturday, December 12, 2009
8.45am 11decEmber2009
I'm feEling sO tiRed reAlly tIred >.< I sleeP fOr arOund 8hoUrs? BUt the pasT fEw nIte Only arOund 3-4hoUrs of slEep.
AnYwAy, if u Get to reaD thIs poSt, I'm teLling u I'M CHUAWEITING I'M NOT HER!
I nV angRy that u cAlled wrOng naMe, I'm jUst saD. I'm reAlly reaLly saD. ThEre mUst be mEmories Of her rUnning thrOugh ur mInd thaT's whY u KEep rememberIng hEr namE. PerHaps I dIdn't caUses anY impaCt in uR liFe. No One to bLame bUt mYself.
I dOn mInd tO takE caRe of yOu. I dOn mInd to baTh, to fEed, tO hOld yOu (: sO u mUst take gOod cAre Of urseLf. (: sOme thing haPpen fOr sOme reasOn if we puLl thrOugh thIs tgT u wiLl be strOngEr. No maTter what haPpened, u havE me. For nOw I knOw I wOn't leavE u unlesS u dOn love me anymOre. SometimEs I hOpe thAt I wIll faLl anD knoCk my heaD so thAt I wiLl fOrget abOut u calling her nAme when I'm riGht besiDe u. I'm reaLly tirEd! I dOn waNt to be emO >.< can sOmeOne taKe emO away frOm me..
I'm feEling sO tiRed reAlly tIred >.< I sleeP fOr arOund 8hoUrs? BUt the pasT fEw nIte Only arOund 3-4hoUrs of slEep.
AnYwAy, if u Get to reaD thIs poSt, I'm teLling u I'M CHUAWEITING I'M NOT HER!
I nV angRy that u cAlled wrOng naMe, I'm jUst saD. I'm reAlly reaLly saD. ThEre mUst be mEmories Of her rUnning thrOugh ur mInd thaT's whY u KEep rememberIng hEr namE. PerHaps I dIdn't caUses anY impaCt in uR liFe. No One to bLame bUt mYself.
I dOn mInd tO takE caRe of yOu. I dOn mInd to baTh, to fEed, tO hOld yOu (: sO u mUst take gOod cAre Of urseLf. (: sOme thing haPpen fOr sOme reasOn if we puLl thrOugh thIs tgT u wiLl be strOngEr. No maTter what haPpened, u havE me. For nOw I knOw I wOn't leavE u unlesS u dOn love me anymOre. SometimEs I hOpe thAt I wIll faLl anD knoCk my heaD so thAt I wiLl fOrget abOut u calling her nAme when I'm riGht besiDe u. I'm reaLly tirEd! I dOn waNt to be emO >.< can sOmeOne taKe emO away frOm me..
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
StArted bLoggInG at 11:57pm 8deCember'09
Days thaT im lOoking fOrward to...
10 dEcember'09, 11deC, 15 anD 16 DeC - cOs I wiLl be abLe to SeE u afTer my attacHment (:
18 DecembEr'09 mOnth-nivErsary? LasT day of atTachMent! =D
25 deCEmber'09 a daY to spenT wIth lOve Ones! (:
Frankly speaking, it's a fact tHat I always lOok forward to see u =D that's whY I always caB over! I'm reallY brOke nOw!!
ReaLly glaD that u cAn gO hOme (: I knOw u mUst be haPpy tOo!
PerhaPs I shouldn't thInk too mUch I'm realLy tiRed =(
I always heaR whaTeveR stuff that my friend say abOut her bF and her stuff, I'm always very envy! >.<
I always hOpe that that accIdent didn't haPpened bUt my friend tOld me, "there mUst be a reasOn why suCh thing haPpen.".
I'm fEeling sO cOld nOw........
Days thaT im lOoking fOrward to...
10 dEcember'09, 11deC, 15 anD 16 DeC - cOs I wiLl be abLe to SeE u afTer my attacHment (:
18 DecembEr'09 mOnth-nivErsary? LasT day of atTachMent! =D
25 deCEmber'09 a daY to spenT wIth lOve Ones! (:
Frankly speaking, it's a fact tHat I always lOok forward to see u =D that's whY I always caB over! I'm reallY brOke nOw!!
ReaLly glaD that u cAn gO hOme (: I knOw u mUst be haPpy tOo!
PerhaPs I shouldn't thInk too mUch I'm realLy tiRed =(
I always heaR whaTeveR stuff that my friend say abOut her bF and her stuff, I'm always very envy! >.<
I always hOpe that that accIdent didn't haPpened bUt my friend tOld me, "there mUst be a reasOn why suCh thing haPpen.".
I'm fEeling sO cOld nOw........
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
11.17pm 3rd December2009
Once agAin haPpy bIrthday ANG CHEE SIANG! (:
Eh! Faster wEar that frEd pErry shIrt and go oUt tgt! HOpe u likE the cOokies althOu it's haRd =.=
Tml is the laSt paper anD it'S like FINALLY! =D buT I reGreTted fOr nOt stUdyinG fOr nsL, ns3 anD ns4 >.< bUt iT's ovEr I cAn't do anyThinG anymOre. WhEnever I trIed to stUdy, he jUst kEep appearing in my mInd! >.< arEn't yOu tiRed of wonDering in my mInd? Haha! I'm tiRed. ReaLly tiRed! =( I haTe mYself fOr beinG paranOId but I just cAn't heLp it cOs lItt liTt jUst aFfecTs me. KnoWing that whEn u wAke up, u onLy rmb hEr. How wOuld I fEel? My hEart scAttered inTo piecEs. It's jUst so fraGile plS hanDle it wiTh caRe. When u teLl me thaT u lOve me, I sTarted to dOubt.. Don't lOve me beCause I take caRe of u anD yOu wanTed to retUrn the favOr baCk to me. Things arE diffErent nOw. >.< plS remOve all my unWanted thOts. I don wanNa caRe! If u lOve her, go fOr it (: u wiLl have my blessinGs. I jUst misses u sO mUch! (: finaLly u are gG hOme!!! (: weLl, gOod for u deN.
U wOn't knOw hOw mUch I crIed whEn somethinG haPpened cos u Nv mE. I crY tIll I fEel thaT I'm dying anD I'm fEeling so helpless at that tIme! Everyday afTer scHool jUst rush to the hospital hOping that u will wakE up and say soMething to me but u didn't. U wouLdn't knOw hOw disaPpointed I'm.
AnW tOday is the oFficiaL reLease Of new mOon! I wan to watCh!!! AnyOne?
It's likE I nv gO watCh mOvie for a lOng time cOs all thE time I have is given to u. JuSt gEt weLl sOon (:
GOodnighT! (X
Once agAin haPpy bIrthday ANG CHEE SIANG! (:
Eh! Faster wEar that frEd pErry shIrt and go oUt tgt! HOpe u likE the cOokies althOu it's haRd =.=
Tml is the laSt paper anD it'S like FINALLY! =D buT I reGreTted fOr nOt stUdyinG fOr nsL, ns3 anD ns4 >.< bUt iT's ovEr I cAn't do anyThinG anymOre. WhEnever I trIed to stUdy, he jUst kEep appearing in my mInd! >.< arEn't yOu tiRed of wonDering in my mInd? Haha! I'm tiRed. ReaLly tiRed! =( I haTe mYself fOr beinG paranOId but I just cAn't heLp it cOs lItt liTt jUst aFfecTs me. KnoWing that whEn u wAke up, u onLy rmb hEr. How wOuld I fEel? My hEart scAttered inTo piecEs. It's jUst so fraGile plS hanDle it wiTh caRe. When u teLl me thaT u lOve me, I sTarted to dOubt.. Don't lOve me beCause I take caRe of u anD yOu wanTed to retUrn the favOr baCk to me. Things arE diffErent nOw. >.< plS remOve all my unWanted thOts. I don wanNa caRe! If u lOve her, go fOr it (: u wiLl have my blessinGs. I jUst misses u sO mUch! (: finaLly u are gG hOme!!! (: weLl, gOod for u deN.
U wOn't knOw hOw mUch I crIed whEn somethinG haPpened cos u Nv mE. I crY tIll I fEel thaT I'm dying anD I'm fEeling so helpless at that tIme! Everyday afTer scHool jUst rush to the hospital hOping that u will wakE up and say soMething to me but u didn't. U wouLdn't knOw hOw disaPpointed I'm.
AnW tOday is the oFficiaL reLease Of new mOon! I wan to watCh!!! AnyOne?
It's likE I nv gO watCh mOvie for a lOng time cOs all thE time I have is given to u. JuSt gEt weLl sOon (:
GOodnighT! (X
haPpy bIrthdaY (:
12am 3rD dEcemBer2009 =D
thIs mY faV phOto (:
hEy! (: itS ur bIrthdaY!!! haPpy bIrthday my lOve! u are jUst sOoooo cUte! jUst bEar In mInd, nO maTter whAt haPPened, u havE Me (: evEn iF a daY the wOrld cOllapse, i wiLl stILL hOld u tIght teLling u thaT U Will be fIne.
welL, EverYthIng cHanged, incLuding u bUt i wiLL b strOng! u jIa yOu oh!! bEst wIshes.
MAUCK IlOveyOu! mY One anD onLy!
baBy! =D
hEy! (: itS ur bIrthdaY!!! haPpy bIrthday my lOve! u are jUst sOoooo cUte! jUst bEar In mInd, nO maTter whAt haPPened, u havE Me (: evEn iF a daY the wOrld cOllapse, i wiLl stILL hOld u tIght teLling u thaT U Will be fIne.
welL, EverYthIng cHanged, incLuding u bUt i wiLL b strOng! u jIa yOu oh!! bEst wIshes.
MAUCK IlOveyOu! mY One anD onLy!
baBy! =D
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