29nOvembEr2009 11:18Am
tOday sUppOse to wOrk bUt I dIdn't gO cOs I dOn have mOod. =( thEn tml is mY firSt paPer bUt I havEn't stUdy yEt. Cos mY brAin is nOt wOrking! >.< whAt's iN my mInd nOw is yOu. All abOut u =(
AfTer the accIdent, I reAlize the iMpoRtanT of u In my liFe. U wOn't kNow hOw mUch tEars I have shEd whEn sOmethinG haPpened to u. I have beeN tryIng haRd to be therE for yOu sO thaT u wOnt think sO mUch.
BUt nOw.. I nO lOngEr havE idEa hOw mUch yOu neEd me in yOur liFe. U wOn't knOw hOw hUrtfUl iT is whEn u cAn't even rmb u tAlk to me, cAn't evEn rmb thaT u tOld me thAt u mIsses me, u caN't even rmb thaT I dId vIsit u bUt u dId rmb that the sunflOwer anD baLloon is sHe gaVe yOu. WhY? PerhAps I shOuLd leaVe aftEr u recOver thEnnu can gO afTer hEr. Its nOt about u bEing a bastArd or whaT.. WheneVer u told me, I caN't rmb anD I dOn know, I fEel like cRying.. SometImes I wAs wonderinG, whY I'm nOt behInd hIm whEn he mEt with accident sO that I wOn't be cryIng so mUch nOw.. If I reaLly mEt wIth an acCident, I wanTed to forgEt..forGet whAtever that makes me saD =( I cAn't takE it anymOre.
Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
25nOvemBer2009 9.40 am
NormaLly On mOrning whEn I waKe uP, the fIrst I wiLl dO is lOok at my PhOne cOs I knOw he gOt MSG mE. bUt.....=(
imIss hIm teLling me hOw mUch hE miSses me anD I sO mUch waNted to huG hIm anD teLl hIm ImiSs hIm sO mUch.
ImIss hIm whIspherIng in my eaR teLling me that, "ilOveyOu".
ImiSs him teLling mE, "baby yOu gOt pIGgy snOre!". I wiLl snOre whEn theRe is obStrUction wIth my aIrway! >.<
imiss hIm teLling me that, "my baby waLk like pEngUin and baby iS so cUte!". Anw he lOve pengUin alot!!! (: fastEr recOver thEn I bRing yOu to zoo anD sIt at the pEngUin sectIon fOr hours!! (X anD mY lOve is cUter!
Imiss hIm huggInG me in his arM wHen we slEep! AnD I rEmembeRed he huGg me frOm nIte tIll I wake up the nExt mOrning! He is the fIrst gUy thAt reaLly hUg me to slEep wiThouT leTting gO.
Imiss yOu bY my sIde chEering me up!! AnD taLking laMe lamE stuff tO me bUt I nEver faIl to lauGh!
I'm missing u sO mUch! FastEr wake uP anD tell me u mIss me alOt!!! (: MAUCK! My One anD Only lOve.
NormaLly On mOrning whEn I waKe uP, the fIrst I wiLl dO is lOok at my PhOne cOs I knOw he gOt MSG mE. bUt.....=(
imIss hIm teLling me hOw mUch hE miSses me anD I sO mUch waNted to huG hIm anD teLl hIm ImiSs hIm sO mUch.
ImIss hIm whIspherIng in my eaR teLling me that, "ilOveyOu".
ImiSs him teLling mE, "baby yOu gOt pIGgy snOre!". I wiLl snOre whEn theRe is obStrUction wIth my aIrway! >.<
imiss hIm teLling me that, "my baby waLk like pEngUin and baby iS so cUte!". Anw he lOve pengUin alot!!! (: fastEr recOver thEn I bRing yOu to zoo anD sIt at the pEngUin sectIon fOr hours!! (X anD mY lOve is cUter!
Imiss hIm huggInG me in his arM wHen we slEep! AnD I rEmembeRed he huGg me frOm nIte tIll I wake up the nExt mOrning! He is the fIrst gUy thAt reaLly hUg me to slEep wiThouT leTting gO.
Imiss yOu bY my sIde chEering me up!! AnD taLking laMe lamE stuff tO me bUt I nEver faIl to lauGh!
I'm missing u sO mUch! FastEr wake uP anD tell me u mIss me alOt!!! (: MAUCK! My One anD Only lOve.
Monday, November 23, 2009
my lOve.
23:16PM 23nOvember2009
from ytd 9plus aM till nOw, i Only slEep for less thAn twO hOurs!
whenever i stepped into his ward, my heart beat will become faster and when i stepped into his room, my tears just cant stop..it just keep on flowing..=(
when i talk to him, i have no idea whether he recognise me or not. then he will reply some other stuff. he is very very very PAIN now. it hUrts to see hIm thIs way. really hope that he will be fine.no matter what happened to him in the future, i will be there for him. (: reaLLy mIss heaRing u saYing hOw mUch you miss me.i havE so mUch tO teLl u.
oN SATuRDAy nIte, we havE GoT LoTs OF Fun bUt.....WHY?
JuSt gg to upLoad sOme pHotos fOr u gUys to see..

smIlinG wIth tEeths (x
he tOok thIs phOto On rOoftop!
we went to eat this On saT 21nOvember2009
please dOnt lEave me alOne, im fEeling sO cOld wIthOut ur hUgg!
from ytd 9plus aM till nOw, i Only slEep for less thAn twO hOurs!
whenever i stepped into his ward, my heart beat will become faster and when i stepped into his room, my tears just cant stop..it just keep on flowing..=(
when i talk to him, i have no idea whether he recognise me or not. then he will reply some other stuff. he is very very very PAIN now. it hUrts to see hIm thIs way. really hope that he will be fine.no matter what happened to him in the future, i will be there for him. (: reaLLy mIss heaRing u saYing hOw mUch you miss me.i havE so mUch tO teLl u.
oN SATuRDAy nIte, we havE GoT LoTs OF Fun bUt.....WHY?
JuSt gg to upLoad sOme pHotos fOr u gUys to see..
photo taken by him on the rooftopof orchard central (:
Us (: Part of YoU WIll bE pArt of mE (: SMiLinG WiThoUT TEetHS

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
18nOVember2009 9:25am (:
Currently having NS3 tutOrial bUt my classMates are presenTinG (: and I m uSing my itOuch! Hahah XD
ToDay whEn I wOke up, I have got gastRic =( fEeling so tired. I'm leadin a insuFficienT slEep liFe. =( FOr the paSt twO nIght I dreAmt of zOmbie! LOL! My frIend, NIna, tOld me that if u dream Of pOntianaK, mEans that sHe Is iN ur rOom. *laUghs* mEans that jUstin'S rOom gOt POntianaK!!!! (X eH. I'm gG oUt tOday (: gg tO waTch mOvie! Hee =P I fEel like sLeepinG nOw..(:
-if LIFE is abOut HAPPINESS thEn whAt's my liFe abOut?-
Currently having NS3 tutOrial bUt my classMates are presenTinG (: and I m uSing my itOuch! Hahah XD
ToDay whEn I wOke up, I have got gastRic =( fEeling so tired. I'm leadin a insuFficienT slEep liFe. =( FOr the paSt twO nIght I dreAmt of zOmbie! LOL! My frIend, NIna, tOld me that if u dream Of pOntianaK, mEans that sHe Is iN ur rOom. *laUghs* mEans that jUstin'S rOom gOt POntianaK!!!! (X eH. I'm gG oUt tOday (: gg tO waTch mOvie! Hee =P I fEel like sLeepinG nOw..(:
-if LIFE is abOut HAPPINESS thEn whAt's my liFe abOut?-
Sunday, November 15, 2009
15thnOv'2009 11:40am
ListeninG to Try bY Asher bOok (: havE u trY..?
BaCk hOme aftEr plaYIng badmInton. I don havE mOod to plaY lOr! PlayEd for ard tWo hOUrs! (: perhaPs evEninG alsO gg jOGginG! GambatEh! (:
Have nOt been blogginG for quIte sOme tiMe! >.< cOs I'm bUsy or dUe to there is nO meaninG to continuE blOgging!
PracTical exaM is juSt tml but I hvEnt even starTed stUDy! I'm nOt very cLear toWard that 12craniel nerves and gCs skills! Omg! TonIght mUst chIonG (: well, I jUst cUt my haIr! Eh nOt very nIce I prefer my longEr hAir =( nvm ba my haIr will grOw baCk!
Listening to broken hearted gIrl bY beyOnCe! When I lOoked at the mirrOr, I realized I lOok quite hagGard! hahha! What haPpened? I tOTally have no clUe! #.# I fEel like watChing mOvie today (: I want to watCh 2010 cOs my sis says That iT's nIce!!!!!! (: perhaPs it's time fOr me to watch alOne cOs I have nO One? Hmmm.. Alot of presentation is dUe sOon bUt yet nOthinG is done! My indiviadual assignment, NS4 role plaY, psychOloGy presentation and sociology preSentation!!!!!!! LoAds and lOads of things is awaiting for me...=( die! HOpefully I will sleep afTer I baTh then at nigHt can stUdy hard for practical! Listening to I DO frOm westliFe (:
Actually lOts of thIngs haPpened but......=( ytD wenT ann sIang hiLl followed bY orchard iOn then jUrong pOint to eat teppanYaki (: I enjOyed myself! (:
One mOre day to my pracTical exam.
Five mOre days to weI Han's bIrthday.
11 mOre days to work at m1 iT faIr 26 to 29 November (:
12 more daYs to richson's bIrthday.
18 mOre days to chEe sianG birthday.
22 more dayS to my attachment at KkH.
EnD here thEn (: take caRe pEeps! ....lOves!
ListeninG to Try bY Asher bOok (: havE u trY..?
BaCk hOme aftEr plaYIng badmInton. I don havE mOod to plaY lOr! PlayEd for ard tWo hOUrs! (: perhaPs evEninG alsO gg jOGginG! GambatEh! (:
Have nOt been blogginG for quIte sOme tiMe! >.< cOs I'm bUsy or dUe to there is nO meaninG to continuE blOgging!
PracTical exaM is juSt tml but I hvEnt even starTed stUDy! I'm nOt very cLear toWard that 12craniel nerves and gCs skills! Omg! TonIght mUst chIonG (: well, I jUst cUt my haIr! Eh nOt very nIce I prefer my longEr hAir =( nvm ba my haIr will grOw baCk!
Listening to broken hearted gIrl bY beyOnCe! When I lOoked at the mirrOr, I realized I lOok quite hagGard! hahha! What haPpened? I tOTally have no clUe! #.# I fEel like watChing mOvie today (: I want to watCh 2010 cOs my sis says That iT's nIce!!!!!! (: perhaPs it's time fOr me to watch alOne cOs I have nO One? Hmmm.. Alot of presentation is dUe sOon bUt yet nOthinG is done! My indiviadual assignment, NS4 role plaY, psychOloGy presentation and sociology preSentation!!!!!!! LoAds and lOads of things is awaiting for me...=( die! HOpefully I will sleep afTer I baTh then at nigHt can stUdy hard for practical! Listening to I DO frOm westliFe (:
Actually lOts of thIngs haPpened but......=( ytD wenT ann sIang hiLl followed bY orchard iOn then jUrong pOint to eat teppanYaki (: I enjOyed myself! (:
One mOre day to my pracTical exam.
Five mOre days to weI Han's bIrthday.
11 mOre days to work at m1 iT faIr 26 to 29 November (:
12 more daYs to richson's bIrthday.
18 mOre days to chEe sianG birthday.
22 more dayS to my attachment at KkH.
EnD here thEn (: take caRe pEeps! ....lOves!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
22:01 1st NOvember2009
My blOg Is not dEad yEt (: reCently qUite bUsy sO dIdnt bLog! i havE got phOto that i waNted to uplOad bUt Im laZy.. bUt aLl thOse phOtos are In my fAcebOok!
reCently my wEekends are weLl plannEd. i rEally enjOyed myself (: * all thAnks to hIm!* HUGGS!
MY bowl Of danG yUan (: One gReen tEa, twO peanUt anD twO yam! yuMmY! 

He teach me hOw to fLy kIte (: HUGGS!
reCently my wEekends are weLl plannEd. i rEally enjOyed myself (: * all thAnks to hIm!* HUGGS!
Last sUnday i went to fly kite (: firSt time eh! quitE sImple but Its frEaking hOt thEn thOse uncOvered arEA of my bOdy is bUrnt! im tAnned nOw and mY classMates kEep lauGhIng at me =( theY sO bAd la!
laSt sAtuRday i weNt chInatoWN to eaT riCeball (: its deLicIous! esPeciaLly the YAM and thE peanUts Ones!
SEE! whEn i Eat danG yUan, im likE daMn hAppy (:
He teach me hOw to fLy kIte (: HUGGS!
thIs One i Look One! quIte nIce lOr! (X
rEcently i very bUsy wiTh schOol stUff like presentatIonsssss.. OMG!
AcTually quIte alot of stUff haPpened. i reAlly dOn nOe who to trUst anD WhO nOt tO trUst. i havE No Idea whO is the One lyIng tO me bUt weLl...... imDisaPpOinted =(
anW, my scH is riGht besIde chRis sCh bUt dIdnt gEt to meEt hIm at aLL!
ToDay i waS MoOdlEss! mOrnIng weNt to PlAy badMintOn, celebRated weIlun fRiends bDay (: theN pOng pOng mEet Ah bE.. (: *aH be hAir lOnger liaO! He bOtak sUits hIm weLl* wIth wenDy. weNt yEw tEe tO EAT Then alsO gOt Go LOt1! WEnT FoR IntErview bUt wonDered whEther thEy wIll emPloy me or not >.<
gOoDnigHt (: hoPe im nOt late tmL anD My preSentatIons wIll be fIne!
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