recently have been so busy looking for new year clothes then ever since school reopen then nv blog already! my lEgS are aching like hell! Even since ATTACHMENT till now, i didn't really allowmy legs to rest. sch just started but yet presentation and assignment starts to Queue Up at my nOtebOok >.< anW, mY dEar thAnks fOr heLping me tO tyPe Out mY AsSignMent <3 Basically, nowaday im just so BUSY! in sch, i kept dozing off! tOday dIdnt attend sch cos i lazy then end up quarrelled with my mum >.< 2packet of tissue is also insufficient for mi to dry my tears! im so tired, guess im turning in soon but my hair havent dry yet.
tml working my new job! wonder how it will be. frankly speaking, im quite scare >.<
tOday didnt attend sch den went town to shop shop but only bought one levi polo tee and one short.
so far, for this sem, i think i only like cell and molecular biology (= i think i spell wrong or wad seems weird. haha xD end here then! goodnight! slp early o!
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