Tuesday, January 19, 2010

19th JAN'2010 11:51PM
Ytd i waS FrEaking emO! But I Have tUned baCk to mY nOrmal seLf! (: iTs aLl abOut pLannIng. Am i riGht? (X

My lOve thAnks fOr ASking uR brO to seNd me hOme! desPite of uR incOnvenIent, u tagGed ALoNg tO seNd mE hOme!

my lOve i jUst wAnna saY......

thIs Is mOuld bY me! CuTe riGht? hUggs!

gg tO lOad sOme oUtdatEd phOto thAt are takEN oN 14th Jan'2010 (:

phOto Taken duRing physiOthErapy! (:

smIlinG wIth tEeths agAin! haha =D wiThOut tEeths iS Nicer riGht? =P

AFtEr phYsiOthErapy, wEnt to eaT tEppanyAki wIth his sIster anD BRo PLuS TheIr gF anD bf (:

hIs bRo anD gF! (:

as UsuAl, i atE The chIcken One wIth frIed rIce anD CHa-wHa-mUShi! (: haaHa =D

anD.. He atE The bEef One! (: ThaT's aLl cOs i dOn reAlly likE to take phOto! (:


Eh! sOon i gUess i wiLL be deBarred frOm eXam lOr! hOw hOw? fOr 8am lEssons, i jUst cAnt wakE Up On tIme >.< hee ="p" omg ="{">

gOodnIght! (:

P.S. I JuS lOve sPending mY tIme wIth u! HuGgs!

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