Wednesday, January 27, 2010

finaLly haVe gOt the tIMe to blOg (:

28th Jan'2010 01:43am
i lOve Ang Chee SianG!
jUst beIng ranDom =P

when he iS yOung! (: sO cUte riGht! =D
the 4 lEtter wOrds t descRible Us (:

On 23th Jan'2010
wEnt vIvo wIth yIjia, pOoh anD My sIs (: whEre's Han-bI-Ler-bI?

pooH anD me (:

i reaLly lOve thIs phOto! im the phOtographer (x haha!

yiJia anD mY sIster (:

im tryIng to cOver up my uGly pImples anD pOoh cOpy me!

my mEmories becOming bad tO wOrst! caNt rmb stUff! =( bUsy wIth scHool, wOrk anD preSentatIon! STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! and I kePt havIng nIgtmares latEly!
eXams fAll On 20, 22, 26th FeB! Doom Day! LOL!
mOnday is mY NSL praCticaL exAm! =( nOt PrepAred at aLL!
20Th feB Is my sIster bDay! (: shE Is tuRnin 21 thIs yEar.
What tO get For hEr?
got tO enD heRe!
P.S. I JuS Wan T STaY By uR sIde! (:

Monday, January 25, 2010

12:40pm 25thjAn'2010

I sTarted to thInk....
My liFe is fUll of uP and dOwn. I thOt thAt I wIll stArted tO enjOy my liFe wIth u bUt sOmethIng happEned..
PerHaps gOd is tryIng to tesT hOw strOng oUr lOve is.
ToDay my lEcturer asked, " wHat do u wAnt ppl To rmb U aS whEn u pAssed aWay?".
havE u aLl evEn tHot oF thIs kind of qnS?
THen I sTarted tO wOnder....
Am I making aLl my stUff tOo cOmplIcated fOr myseLf to haNDle?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

23th Jan' 2010 12:11 am
im fEeLinG extRemely tired rIghT nOw bUt mY stUff arE Not dOne yet! mY nSl pracTical exAm On paTient edUcation jUst seemed tO have sO mUch stUff to dO! im rUnning oUt of timE BuT Im gG oUt tml lOr (: yEah! lIke fInally Gg oUt bUt im brOke!
tOday bY rIght wOrking frOm 2.30 to 5.30 an 7 to 9pm but wHen i rUshed anD cab dOwn to wOrk thEn tHey toLD me thAt i m Only wOrking On niGht shIft anD no One inforM me! sO pIssEd oFf lOr! =( tOday is thE 5th Day Of wOrk bUt im stIll kInd Of blUrr! =( haHa!
sO.. i gOnna UplOad sOme pHoto! (:

thIs is mY bReakfast fOr tOday (: Only $1.80

Oday we wEarin cOuple tOp! hee =P the evIl tWins! Oh yA! She is SYLVIA (:
SAme cLass, sTayIng at sAme bLk tOO!
I LoOk sO faT! cOs im weArIng lOts Of layErs Of clOthinG la! thIs imaGe is fOr mY ns4 viDeO And IM acTinG As sO mEntal dIsorDer patIent! =D haHa!

thIs iS IzzatI (: anOther "siAo" paTient! shE DAmN GoOD In acTing la!

last bUt nOt lEast, hE dID ThIs anD mMs me lOr dEspItE His hAnd is kInd Of weAK! sO cUte la! lOve! (X

AnW, HAn tOld my sIS that hE was diSAppOinted whEn he dOesnt have a bEar fOr hIs bIrthday! haha =D wIll gEt One fOr u sOon! (: prOmiseD!
Hee =P nOw im woNdering whO read mY blOg? LOL!
GoOdnIght! hUgGsssssssssssssssssssss!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

19th JAN'2010 11:51PM
Ytd i waS FrEaking emO! But I Have tUned baCk to mY nOrmal seLf! (: iTs aLl abOut pLannIng. Am i riGht? (X

My lOve thAnks fOr ASking uR brO to seNd me hOme! desPite of uR incOnvenIent, u tagGed ALoNg tO seNd mE hOme!

my lOve i jUst wAnna saY......

thIs Is mOuld bY me! CuTe riGht? hUggs!

gg tO lOad sOme oUtdatEd phOto thAt are takEN oN 14th Jan'2010 (:

phOto Taken duRing physiOthErapy! (:

smIlinG wIth tEeths agAin! haha =D wiThOut tEeths iS Nicer riGht? =P

AFtEr phYsiOthErapy, wEnt to eaT tEppanyAki wIth his sIster anD BRo PLuS TheIr gF anD bf (:

hIs bRo anD gF! (:

as UsuAl, i atE The chIcken One wIth frIed rIce anD CHa-wHa-mUShi! (: haaHa =D

anD.. He atE The bEef One! (: ThaT's aLl cOs i dOn reAlly likE to take phOto! (:


Eh! sOon i gUess i wiLL be deBarred frOm eXam lOr! hOw hOw? fOr 8am lEssons, i jUst cAnt wakE Up On tIme >.< hee ="p" omg ="{">

gOodnIght! (:

P.S. I JuS lOve sPending mY tIme wIth u! HuGgs!

1:18am 19jAn2o10

Can u gUys jUst stOp jUdging me baSed On whateveR u gUys fEel. To u aLl, I'm alWays in the wrOng anD have u aLl thOt of mY fEeling?
YOu gUys wIll nEver undeRstand hOw I fEel. I have enOugh! EnOugh of everyThinG. AlWays talk behInd mY baCk assUming that I cAn't hEar or u gUys thOt that yOu are sPeaking soFtly? NOw I thInk kEep quIet is whAt I gOing to dO nOw cOe argUe-inG is not gG to work anD u gUys wiLl jUst have thIs thInking that I'M jUst stUbborn and iGnOrant. #.#
And whEn u are bRoke, u havE mum to sPonsoRed u bUt I have nO One. U guys jUst dOn knOw how helPless I am. =(

I'm sOrry mY dEar! =( I kEpt stUff to mYself cOs I diDn't want to add On to uR burden. JUst waNt u to be haPpy (: AlThou crYing doesn't chanGe any faCt, proBlems stiLl exiSt bUt poUring my hEart out wIll deFinitely makEs me fEel bEtter! Crying makes my sOul fEels liGhter! (:
I'm fIne! (: jUst be there fOr me.
I'm sO hungRy nOw..={ I last atE at eleVEn plUs am bUt there arE snAcks in btw! =[ my stOmach is cOmplainiNg!
I'm miSsing u so mUch riGht nOw. I nEed huggs so badly right nOw >.<

Monday, January 18, 2010

07:41pm 18Jan2010

Hey! mY cUtie haPpy 8th MonTh-nivErsary (: mAy Us lASt till thE EnD. HEE =P xOxO!

i rEalizEd liFe is gEtting mOre and mOre tOugh, i have nO IdEa hOw lOng i wiLl be abLe to hanDle aLl thIs. mY liFe jUst Sucks. i havE To handLE Everything incLuding my studiEs, exPenses, wOrk, scHool feeS BAsIcally everyThing inclUding my lOve Ones. im jUst..
im reAlly bad in hanDling aLL thIs stUff. whaT am i sUspose tO do?
i jUst havE To stAy stRong anD hanG On.

i dOn nEEd anyOne to piTy me bUt i knOw my lIfe caNt cOntinue thIs way..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

13jAn'2010 11:17pm

I knOw u waS unhAPpy wIth all thOse arGuement. =( pERhaps bOth oF us aRe insEcuRe thAt's whY.
ImsoRry! >.< iT's aLl my fAult. I'M JUST A LOSER IN RELATIONSHIP!
StOp caLlIng mE tO lEave whEn u wAnts me tO sTay!
BeCause One daY pErhaps I wiLl waLk Out of ur lIfe to Let u thInk whAt u rEally Want.
Me? SOmeone elSe? Or......I dOn't knOw.

For U!
BOth Of us is tIed wIth a strIng.
It wIll rEmaIn tiGht unLess u cHoose tO lOosen iT.
ILU (:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

9th Jan'2009 00:18 (:
Its YEAR2010!!!!!
first weeks of school, i skipped lectures and tutorials despite the first day of school i say i wanna study hard! haha =D

My Plan For This Year! (:
-Study Hard And Get Good GPA
-Get A Stable Part Time Job!
- After Having A Stable Income, Go And Get Car Licence!
-Go Lots Of Places With Him And Of Course Hope That He Love Me More!
-Hope That Some Of My Meaty Meaty Will Be Gone (X *HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!
-Not To Be Late For School.

*today went for interview and gotten this clinic assistance job (: i am really happy! woo.
working hours : 2.30pm to 5.30pm or 7pm to 9pm
working hours are short but to me its a prefect job so that i still have my time with Him.

photo taken today (: but i think the mini notebook camera is really BAD! LOUSY!
Basically what i have to complete ASAP is my NSL and ELAHA!!!!! STOP BEING LAZY!

Can u guys c the smiling face on the leg?
Just Wanna Tell u Guys, No Matter How Bad Life Is, We Must Learn To Smile! (:

Lots Of Love.