when he iS yOung! (: sO cUte riGht! =D
yiJia anD mY sIster (:
im tryIng to cOver up my uGly pImples anD pOoh cOpy me!
Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
thIs iS IzzatI (: anOther "siAo" paTient! shE DAmN GoOD In acTing la!
last bUt nOt lEast, hE dID ThIs anD mMs me lOr dEspItE His hAnd is kInd Of weAK! sO cUte la! lOve! (XthIs Is mOuld bY me! CuTe riGht? hUggs!
gg tO lOad sOme oUtdatEd phOto thAt are takEN oN 14th Jan'2010 (:
phOto Taken duRing physiOthErapy! (:smIlinG wIth tEeths agAin! haha =D wiThOut tEeths iS Nicer riGht? =P
AFtEr phYsiOthErapy, wEnt to eaT tEppanyAki wIth his sIster anD BRo PLuS TheIr gF anD bf (:
anD.. He atE The bEef One! (: ThaT's aLl cOs i dOn reAlly likE to take phOto! (:
Eh! sOon i gUess i wiLL be deBarred frOm eXam lOr! hOw hOw? fOr 8am lEssons, i jUst cAnt wakE Up On tIme >.< hee ="p" omg ="{">
gOodnIght! (:
P.S. I JuS lOve sPending mY tIme wIth u! HuGgs!