21october'2009 08:21am
I'm in schOol right nOw! I thOt thaT lessOn stArt at 8 bUt it's at 9am =.= =.=
haha! XD on mOn and tuEs I late fOr schOol I'd today I know that lesson start at 9 I think I migHt be late tOo! >.< hee =P
ReCently have beeN lOoking for pArt timer jOb cOs I'm tired of prOmoting =( then ytd weNt to lOt 1 then finD out thaT one of thE shOp call heiDi waNted to employ ppl. TheN weNt in anD asK then the fiRst thIng that laDy aSk me waS we arE emploYing ppl at the age of 18 and abovE! Haha! I dOubt the LaDy will emploY me cOs she is nOt the bOss theN whEn I was talkin to hEr theN her facE so blaCk! LikE charCoal. Hee =P hmmm. During my lectUre lesSon I have beEn struGgling to kEep myselF awakE! But u sImply love ELAHa that lEssOn cos d lEctUrer is awesOme! (: she vEry hilarIous!! Hee =P
ThIs sUnday I'm gg to fLy kIte anD pIcnIc! =} I'm lOokinG fOrwaRd to iT! Hee! I reaLly miSs yOu (:
Hee =P hmm. My necklaCe snapped!! I thInk it's fatEd ba. The fiRst onE also like that. >.< haha! But the paiR of buTterfLy Is niCe but iT's gOne nOw. Hmmm. Ytd I saW a bOard sayIng thIngs shOuld be in a paIr! Ant reallY rmb alsO. WaIting fOr lessOn to staRt nOw! My stomaCh is achIng! :( bloG agAIn some othEr day. Hee! =P byeeeee.
Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
im jUst.................
13thOctober'2009 22:40pm
im feElin sO dOwn riGht nOw. i knOw if i sTart cRying thEn it cOnfirm wOnt stOp!
im fEeling sO heLpless nOw..
it jUst caNt stOP RiGht nOw.
im a lIar?
im feElin sO dOwn riGht nOw. i knOw if i sTart cRying thEn it cOnfirm wOnt stOp!
im fEeling sO heLpless nOw..
it jUst caNt stOP RiGht nOw.
im a lIar?
Monday, October 12, 2009
11october'2009 1:40am
Hey (: I'm nOt aslEep yet! Haha! Tml firsT daY wOrking and have to gIve oUt flyers (: wondErIng whEther is it tirIng or noT! JiayOu (:
On sUnday 10october'2009 , went out fOr the whOle day. Went to watCh that cloudy mEatbaLl mOvie. It's nICe! Also quIte tOuching (: bUt in the threatre, I'm In pAin! So paIn tHaT I fEEl like cryIng =( don fEEl hElpless that u nOt beIng abLe to do anything! (: coS u are by my sIde jUst nOw (: so I'm nOt alOne whEn I'm in pAin! HuGGs! (: tOday dInner at fOOdcourt! =] waNted to saVe mOney. Cos at first wanted tO eaT cafe cArtel bUt so ex la! So I suGgestEd fOodcourt! (: I have realized that I reallY have to save mOney! I'm sO brOke! >.< havIng headache nOw! ArGh!! GOodniGht everyOne! (:
Hey (: I'm nOt aslEep yet! Haha! Tml firsT daY wOrking and have to gIve oUt flyers (: wondErIng whEther is it tirIng or noT! JiayOu (:
On sUnday 10october'2009 , went out fOr the whOle day. Went to watCh that cloudy mEatbaLl mOvie. It's nICe! Also quIte tOuching (: bUt in the threatre, I'm In pAin! So paIn tHaT I fEEl like cryIng =( don fEEl hElpless that u nOt beIng abLe to do anything! (: coS u are by my sIde jUst nOw (: so I'm nOt alOne whEn I'm in pAin! HuGGs! (: tOday dInner at fOOdcourt! =] waNted to saVe mOney. Cos at first wanted tO eaT cafe cArtel bUt so ex la! So I suGgestEd fOodcourt! (: I have realized that I reallY have to save mOney! I'm sO brOke! >.< havIng headache nOw! ArGh!! GOodniGht everyOne! (:
Saturday, October 10, 2009
10thOctober2009 15:45pm
jUst uPload sOme pHotOS oN THat Day I WEnT oUt wIth pOoh, weI han, Yi Jia anD WenDy On 7OctOber! we weNt tO watCh thE MoVie thAt sTarts wIth s... i dOn knOw hOw tO spEll!
had a enjOyabLe daY tOo (:

mE AnD wEiHaN (: FiRst tIme samE HeIght daMn cUte la!
had a enjOyabLe daY tOo (:
mE AnD wEiHaN (: FiRst tIme samE HeIght daMn cUte la!
he tIp tOe lOr! cHeatEr! bUt he is reaLly TALL!
ME And pOoh pOoh! baCkgrOund vEry cUte hOr (:
i reaLized i nV taKe pHoto wIth yI jia! (: nExt tIme taKe ba! hOme SWeEt hOme afTer thaT (:
10thOctober2009 15:33Pm
i wIll bE bLoGging abOut ytd (:
ytd afTer aTtacHment i wEnt Out wIth hIm (: whIch is cHee sIanG anD alSO zhIwei anD Ivy! (:
we wEnt tO eaT dIan xIn! thEn SenD iVy hOme (: shE stAy At taMp!
afTer thaT Went praWning (X So HaPppy! i reaLly enJoyed mYself aLl tHanks tO u! lOve!
weNt prAwninG With cHee sIang, rena, beNny, tOmmy and zhIwei!
the bIggesT anD the smALLest PRAWN!
ytd afTer aTtacHment i wEnt Out wIth hIm (: whIch is cHee sIanG anD alSO zhIwei anD Ivy! (:
we wEnt tO eaT dIan xIn! thEn SenD iVy hOme (: shE stAy At taMp!
afTer thaT Went praWning (X So HaPppy! i reaLly enJoyed mYself aLl tHanks tO u! lOve!
weNt prAwninG With cHee sIang, rena, beNny, tOmmy and zhIwei!
10thOctober2009 15:03pm
On mY birThday 6ThOctoBer2009 (: i aM nInetEen alReaDy!!! hee =p On My BiRthDay thAt daY i havE GoT AtTachmEnt,By RIgHt is aftErnOon sHiFT BuT I ChanGe tO MoRnIng shIft (: sO i waS wOrking frOm 7am tO 3pm! anD i waS kInd of sUpRised that theY bOught a caKe aNd cElebRATe fOr me! aLL Thanks tO sylvIa! (: lOve!

thEre! ThIs is me In my nUrsIng uNiforM (: Is it fUnny? the gIrl besIde me is sunIta. hEr bIrthday On 7 October! (: sO sWeet of my aTtachMent mate!
after attacHment, i rUshed hOme (x whIle On the waY hOme, my mUm calLed mE tO saY that jIahaO bOught a caKe over! Haha xD he is sweet toO!
then whEn i reAched hOme i baTh! (: theN rIchsOn caMe ovEr tO paSs mE preSent! (: thEn weNt lOt1 wIth hIm tHen waIt fOr my sIs tO reAch!
aftEr my sIs reaChed thEn we heAd tO OutraM! (: Cos we Gg vivO tO meet shAwn, chrIs anD keNneth (: its shAwnwhO orgAnised thIs oUting! (:
rIchsOn anD Me! hE is the phOtOgrapHer Of the daY! (: hee =p
phOto at bEn anD jErry! (: i dId sMth sIlly! i fEll dOwn anD i zhOu gUANg >.< waH!!!! i sO embarrassed lA The tabLe of Ppl besIde me alSo lauGhinG =(
dO u fEel like eaTing iT? hee!
us agAin!
theN hOme sWeet hOme afTer thAt (: i havE gOt a enjOyabLe daY! ThAnks fOr aLL the preSents! (: u gUys sO swEet!!!!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hey (: u gUyS mUst be thInkin wHy I dIdn't bLog fOr quiTe awhIle! But weLl, my blOg is stiLl alive (:
TodAy is mOon cakE festIval buT it's jUst another daY. TodaY beIng wakE up by my parenTs cOs theY quarrEllinG!
whaT's wrOng wiTh my fAmily? I'm feeLing sO miserAble nOw. My 'hOme' is likE a niGhtmare. I haTe mY mUm. ShE is alWays riGht and we aRe wrOng! She saY thIs and we can'T say anythIng mOre. She always feel thAt we shOuld aPpreCiate whatEver she dOes. BuT I feEl that iT's her whO waNted to do it wiLling then wHy expeCt a retUrn? I don unDerstaNd whY my famIly is likE that? I haD enougH of everythinG. SometImes I fEel that iF I dOn't exIst maybe wiLl be bettEr.
I wiLl alwaYs rmb 1octOber! ShE slaPped me. She jUst beinG unreasOnable! I gOing to be a Mute at hOme whEn she use hOme! Cos we sImply can'T cOmmUnicatIon. AnD my granDma I livIng at my houSe nOw. AlthOugh sOmetime shE vEry trOublesome bUt we is not a bUrden (:
FInally lefT laSt week of aTtachMent anD my laSt day attacHment is afternOon shIft! And my CF alreaDy siGn all the skiLls that required In my attachment! =} I'm glaD. Next weeK caN reLax liaO. SchOol openIng sOon =( neeD to bUy lecTure nOtes agAin. How?
Today gg out again, I'm brokE. >.< toDay whEn I wakE up, the fIrst tHIng cOmes iNtO my mInd is tOday is whaT day? Do I havE attachmEnt and aM I laTe! Hahah! Too strEss! =( anD my phOne is spOil! WhEn ppl caLl me, theY caN't hEar my vOice bUt I cAn hEar thEir vOice.
TodAy is mOon cakE festIval buT it's jUst another daY. TodaY beIng wakE up by my parenTs cOs theY quarrEllinG!
whaT's wrOng wiTh my fAmily? I'm feeLing sO miserAble nOw. My 'hOme' is likE a niGhtmare. I haTe mY mUm. ShE is alWays riGht and we aRe wrOng! She saY thIs and we can'T say anythIng mOre. She always feel thAt we shOuld aPpreCiate whatEver she dOes. BuT I feEl that iT's her whO waNted to do it wiLling then wHy expeCt a retUrn? I don unDerstaNd whY my famIly is likE that? I haD enougH of everythinG. SometImes I fEel that iF I dOn't exIst maybe wiLl be bettEr.
I wiLl alwaYs rmb 1octOber! ShE slaPped me. She jUst beinG unreasOnable! I gOing to be a Mute at hOme whEn she use hOme! Cos we sImply can'T cOmmUnicatIon. AnD my granDma I livIng at my houSe nOw. AlthOugh sOmetime shE vEry trOublesome bUt we is not a bUrden (:
FInally lefT laSt week of aTtachMent anD my laSt day attacHment is afternOon shIft! And my CF alreaDy siGn all the skiLls that required In my attachment! =} I'm glaD. Next weeK caN reLax liaO. SchOol openIng sOon =( neeD to bUy lecTure nOtes agAin. How?
Today gg out again, I'm brokE. >.< toDay whEn I wakE up, the fIrst tHIng cOmes iNtO my mInd is tOday is whaT day? Do I havE attachmEnt and aM I laTe! Hahah! Too strEss! =( anD my phOne is spOil! WhEn ppl caLl me, theY caN't hEar my vOice bUt I cAn hEar thEir vOice.
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