Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I aM sOo tirEd anD bUsy!! >.<

i have not been blogging for a few day cos im TIRED! okay den, i shall share with u guys abit of stuff that happEned on the past few day (=

bEn anD jErry iCe cReaM at vivo City -13dec- (= that spoonful of icecream is the mixture of Pineapple+CookiesAndCream+Chocolate=DISGUSTING!!
AlthOu its my haPpinEss bUt thaT DAy quite dOwn >.<

the girl beside me is Yun Yann (= a Samsung promoter.
photO taken On 14dEc -shE fOrce mi to take photo- hAhaa XD

So bUsy nOw!!
havIng attaChment nOw and it is frOm 15dEc tO 26dEc (: attachment with no allowance at all doing FOC work >.< aT first i was quite reluctant to go but i feel that i starting to like my current ward that i am attach tO.(= sOmething bad is that the morning shift start at 7am den i need to wake up at 5aM. now im like a panda )= insufficient sleep!!

TAKE NOTE: CAPE NO 7 MOVIE is extremely nice!

My cOmmOn tEst rEsults are Out (=
quiTe gOod! My UnexpEctedly results. hEe =P
oNe A+, oNe A AnD TwO B+
maybe to some pple is not that good but for my own standard already counted as GOOD! (:

got to go SLEEP soon! finally tml is afternoon shift (x yipee!
goodnight! late slp will become FAT!! haaha xD

tO =P
even since wad happened that day..
im was affected =( no one to be blame (: but i will get over it soon!

There's this place in me where your finger prints still rest..
your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo...
It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me

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