Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
sO tIred >.<
my blogs seems veri boring cos i don like to take photo! d:
today im feelng so exhausted >.<>
today went for training that last around 2hours and my brain cells are working real hard to absorb all the impt information (x hee :p
went to town after the training. but the first thing that we do when we reach there is EAT! althou im not hungry but my sis was veri hungry >.<
just realised i havent domy very impt assignment that due on 5th jan.ikept forgetting! can some kind hearted soul remind mi..?
year2008 is ending and hopefully year 2009 will be better! (:
my aim for year2009
1) to get good results for my exam GPA <3.1>
2) PAMPER myself more! if someone can pamper me then it will be the BEST! =p
currently only got 2 =p
tml i intend to try to cook something but not sure whether it will taste nice or not >.<>
hee =p very long nv go count down >.<>
goodnite peeps! (= rmb to hold blanket tight!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
ChriStmas Day!!
today is Christmas day! (: i bought strawberry biscuit for my hamster. she looks so adorable and photogenic right! hee =p her name is Mao Mao cOs she vEri fUrry.
fnally my attachment is ending. kind of glad and relieve! (: then one more week to school reopen >.<>.<>
oh ya! ytd was the first time that i went to city harvest for service. actually, quite interesting (: can,t believe that i went there lo cos i don't go church =P
i want to watch TWILIGHT!!! everbody are so crazy about the movie la! xP got to end here den!
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO AALL ^-^ may all your cute litt wIshes cOme trUe! lOts Of lOve <3>
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I aM sOo tirEd anD bUsy!! >.<
bEn anD jErry iCe cReaM at vivo City -13dec- (= that spoonful of icecream is the mixture of Pineapple+CookiesAndCream+Chocolate=DISGUSTING!!
AlthOu its my haPpinEss bUt thaT DAy quite dOwn >.<

the girl beside me is Yun Yann (= a Samsung promoter.
photO taken On 14dEc -shE fOrce mi to take photo- hAhaa XD
So bUsy nOw!!
havIng attaChment nOw and it is frOm 15dEc tO 26dEc (: attachment with no allowance at all doing FOC work >.< aT first i was quite reluctant to go but i feel that i starting to like my current ward that i am attach tO.(= sOmething bad is that the morning shift start at 7am den i need to wake up at 5aM. now im like a panda )= insufficient sleep!!
TAKE NOTE: CAPE NO 7 MOVIE is extremely nice!
My cOmmOn tEst rEsults are Out (=
quiTe gOod! My UnexpEctedly results. hEe =P
oNe A+, oNe A AnD TwO B+
maybe to some pple is not that good but for my own standard already counted as GOOD! (:
got to go SLEEP soon! finally tml is afternoon shift (x yipee!
goodnight! late slp will become FAT!! haaha xD
tO =P
even since wad happened that day..
im was affected =( no one to be blame (: but i will get over it soon!
There's this place in me where your finger prints still rest..
your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo...
It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me
Thursday, December 11, 2008
tOday iS a raInY daY!
anw,i remembered that before i gg oout, it started to pour heavily. the wind gusted thru the window panel. quite scary but its damn cooling and comfortable (=
to be continue..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
eM, ABoUt thE stanDard ChartereD raCe (=
thE girl on the left sidewith spects is mE!
thE Cute gIrl On the right is my best buD =P
because of the standard chartered race on 08122008, we have to reach school at 9pm on 07122008.
*i did not participant in the race but i was the standard chartered first aid volunteer (:
we set off from school at around 2am then reach there at 3plus due to the road block and the uncle also blur blur.
my station is at br7 which is at the bus stop. at that point of time i was delighted because there is shelter. (=
my team have got 2 girl and 2 guy, including me.
after we settle down, in a nick of time, my team mates all fall asleep, so fast!
then, i don't know what to do but it seems like the mosquitos were having buffet >.< hee =p
cant wait for the race to start! hee =p if i not wrong, the race started at 5.30am..? suddenly, my team mates auto wake up (x den we start betting on wad time the first running will reach our side. anw, my station is located at 37km.
our eyes were wide open while waiting for the first runner to arrived. and guess what the first runner is a guy from african and he took 1hr57min to reach. very incredible right (: hee =p
even since the race started,we have been standing under the scrotching hot sun.
the race end at around 2plus i think den meet my friend to go bugis to eat ice cream (= so happy! hee d: i sun burn lo!
hmmm, there will be this marathon call adidas sundown marathon 2009 coming up den my friend and i may be joining the 10km marathon (= hee =p
goodnight peeps!