30thOctOber2010 9:55am
Hmm nEver Been uploading photo cos I'm not using lappy to bloG!
BaD nEws! My phOne sPeaker spoil! =( anD tml is mY practical eXam! I'm nOt prepared! OH NO!!!
So. Start Off wIth 28thMay2010.
I waS daMn mOody dUe to sOme cOmmunication bReakdOwn and unDerstandin issuE. That Day just sEems to bE a sTay hOme Day.
I reaLized I nEed sOmeone I hEar me Out cOs kEeping things to mYselF is so mIserabLe! I Cried. =(
WenDy at fIrst kEep pyco me go toWn bUt nOt in the mOod then alSo dOn fEel likE bEing the Extra One bTw thEm
BUt enDed decideD to mEet up for diNner! =] i bOUght alOng a vEry cUte snOopy cheeseCake! UploAD sOon (: ate at xIn WanG aNd we deCideD tO gO fishIng! First TIme anD I Was lOoking fOrward tO it (: wEnt to bouGht sQuid as bAit! TitbIts fOr us anD bAsicaLly hAnyo was like bAby sitter! And me and Wendy is the bAby! LOL =D waiTed wEndy at lOt 1 cOs sHe wanNa cHange lEns and stuFf. Me and hanYo walK arD lot 1 and decided tO chill at rooftOp! (: GOT COCKROACHHHHHHH...! Later hE pUlling me. Thanks gOd >.<
ThEn hEad tO hanYo house, Get prepAre, watcH lOst taPe! (: fishing at 11plUs to 3am? No fish =( bUt nEw expErienCe! I waNt to gO AgAinnnnnn! AnW gOt thEir two frienDs! ThEn waLked hOme, bAth, watCh gHost lAb bUt faLlen aslEep! =( guEss hanYo anD wenDy havE lots Of fUn! =D anD pOoh sprAined hIs ankle! Get weLl sOon!
Cab hOme at nine plUs, baTh, mEet babY for Zoo! BUt alOt oF pPls sO decIded nOt to gO! HEaded tOwn instead to gEt his altEred jEans, AtE tOri Q anD bacOn and cheese, wenT waLk walk, chill at cEdele! (: drAnk iCe chOlcolate, bAby drAnk vallina cUppacIno, nOt that awesome afTer aLl! J.C.O anD stARbUck is bEtter =] *thUmbup* hEe. BabY paiD for the whole dAy expenSes! >.< I Only paiD for choco! thAnks baby! Love <3 afTer that Went hOme, sOmething saD haPpened, criEd tIll Eyes sO swolLen! =(
TOday gg tO watch mOvie wiTh babY an it's mY trEat! (: deciDe to eaT iCE cream too lAter! (:
ByEeeee! (:
Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
28mAy'2010 1:40pm
Finally, my interview for my wpd Is over! (: but I know I didn't do well cos I was out if point! (X
And Monday is my practical exam! OmG. WondEr if I cAn ScOre or not. =(
If u Ask me if I'm fine? I will tEll u. I gUess so? Cos my lIve is consistenCe. A fEw Day of nOrmal of happy Day + sOme Arguement anD UnhaPpiness. I'm tiRed. =( gg thrU all thOse Days jUst seems unfOrgEtable. I dOn wAnt thOse mEmories. U arE innOcent, sO am I. I'm not the bEst, I'm nOt gOod enOugh coS my Ear chOoses WorDs thAt shE wanna hEar. If unwanTed anD mEan wOrds is a "No No" to hEr. Cos it hUrts. I always RejEct u anD dOn wanT u nOt becAuse I dOn lOve u iT's becAuse I thInk u will be hAppIer wiTh someOne else, wiTh sOmeone who diDn't gO thrU all thOse stUff, with sOmeOne who knOw u the waY u aRe nOw. SOon, u wiLl mEet more Ppl, mayBe ppl whO will whO will bRing u lOng tErm of happiness, lauGhter anD joY. Even if I cAn't bEar to lEt u gO, I will lEt gO. I'm reAaly tIred sO do u cos we dOn undErstand eacH other.
Anw we havE made oReo cheeseCake last weEkenD I think! It's nIce. IT's a sUccess! (: I Went interview fOr nokia anD I gOtten thE jOb. Should I Feel hAppy? I'm scAred thAt I cAn't cOpe with my stuDies. #.#
And Im dOing nothing nOw, I'm aLl alOne.
Finally, my interview for my wpd Is over! (: but I know I didn't do well cos I was out if point! (X
And Monday is my practical exam! OmG. WondEr if I cAn ScOre or not. =(
If u Ask me if I'm fine? I will tEll u. I gUess so? Cos my lIve is consistenCe. A fEw Day of nOrmal of happy Day + sOme Arguement anD UnhaPpiness. I'm tiRed. =( gg thrU all thOse Days jUst seems unfOrgEtable. I dOn wAnt thOse mEmories. U arE innOcent, sO am I. I'm not the bEst, I'm nOt gOod enOugh coS my Ear chOoses WorDs thAt shE wanna hEar. If unwanTed anD mEan wOrds is a "No No" to hEr. Cos it hUrts. I always RejEct u anD dOn wanT u nOt becAuse I dOn lOve u iT's becAuse I thInk u will be hAppIer wiTh someOne else, wiTh sOmeone who diDn't gO thrU all thOse stUff, with sOmeOne who knOw u the waY u aRe nOw. SOon, u wiLl mEet more Ppl, mayBe ppl whO will whO will bRing u lOng tErm of happiness, lauGhter anD joY. Even if I cAn't bEar to lEt u gO, I will lEt gO. I'm reAaly tIred sO do u cos we dOn undErstand eacH other.
Anw we havE made oReo cheeseCake last weEkenD I think! It's nIce. IT's a sUccess! (: I Went interview fOr nokia anD I gOtten thE jOb. Should I Feel hAppy? I'm scAred thAt I cAn't cOpe with my stuDies. #.#
And Im dOing nothing nOw, I'm aLl alOne.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
1:04am 08052010 #.# I'm tireD. Pls stOp taLkinG to mE in thAt tOne anD plS stOp sayIng sorry.
HavE nOt beEn bLoggIng cOs I havE beEn bUsy wIth scHool, wOrk anD hIm.
AftEr sChool reoPen, EveryDaY sEems so tirIng aNd thIs already enD of thiRd Week! It's dAmn fAst!
I havE decided tO study hArd bUt sEems like the mOtiVatiOn is dYinG oFf.....=(
I hvE to rUn faster thAn time or elSe I wOn't be abLe to catCh up! I'm stUck at my lIteratUre reView! STUPID ME =(
AnW, by rIght I havE lOts of pHotos thaT are sUpposed to upload iT hEre bUt weLl.. I'm laZy plUs tiRed! =( hoWever aLl the piCture in my fcEbOok aLready! (: On weD jUst went senTosa! I'm bUrn! So itChy pluS pAin.
I alSo have lOts of fun wiTh hIm but somehOw things chAngEd! ThAnk fOr everythIng bAby! (:
ThAnks fOr Ur bIg bIg lOLlipop! ThE biGgest one I evEr recEived! ThAnks for aLl thoSe cUte stuFf that bRighten Up my daY. LOves!
ThIs weEkenD DIE DIE must fIniSh my lIt revIew! ThEn wOn't bE meetIng hIm. Think for thE paSt few days u havE seen enOugh of me.
SOmetImes I wOnder....if I shOuld.....
HavE nOt beEn bLoggIng cOs I havE beEn bUsy wIth scHool, wOrk anD hIm.
AftEr sChool reoPen, EveryDaY sEems so tirIng aNd thIs already enD of thiRd Week! It's dAmn fAst!
I havE decided tO study hArd bUt sEems like the mOtiVatiOn is dYinG oFf.....=(
I hvE to rUn faster thAn time or elSe I wOn't be abLe to catCh up! I'm stUck at my lIteratUre reView! STUPID ME =(
AnW, by rIght I havE lOts of pHotos thaT are sUpposed to upload iT hEre bUt weLl.. I'm laZy plUs tiRed! =( hoWever aLl the piCture in my fcEbOok aLready! (: On weD jUst went senTosa! I'm bUrn! So itChy pluS pAin.
I alSo have lOts of fun wiTh hIm but somehOw things chAngEd! ThAnk fOr everythIng bAby! (:
ThAnks fOr Ur bIg bIg lOLlipop! ThE biGgest one I evEr recEived! ThAnks for aLl thoSe cUte stuFf that bRighten Up my daY. LOves!
ThIs weEkenD DIE DIE must fIniSh my lIt revIew! ThEn wOn't bE meetIng hIm. Think for thE paSt few days u havE seen enOugh of me.
SOmetImes I wOnder....if I shOuld.....
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