Monday, April 19, 2010

YoU always says that i dOn understand u then perhaps u can tell me how much u understand me?
It's my anger thAt makes me says all those cRuel stuff to u cOs u are cruel too cruel to me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

11:14pm 18042010

Just nOw we was veRy haPpy, isn'T it? ThE lasT fEw Days wE enjOyed oUrselvEs too?
WhY my haPpinEss is alWays so shOrt?
Why mY happiNess iS alWays lInk with saDness?
I thot everYthIng waS fIne? I thOt thE lAst Day bEfOre the One weEk bReak shOuld enDed wiTh huGgs and a gOodbYe kiss?
I hAve gOt nothIng but tEars anD hEavY hEarT.
WhAt's wrOng? It wAs mY fAulT?
PErhAPs.. SOmeone cAn teLl me?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

lOvIng hIm isnT A liE

14april2010 1:49am

tryIng to uplOad phoTo fOr ytd bReakfast at mAC BuT Its takIng a lOng time tO lOad! =( WTH!

HaVe got aN enjOyaBle daY wIth hIm arOund bUt tOo baD That im wOrking at 7pm Or elSe cAn havE DinnEr tGt! =(

Life aRe fUll Of uP anD downs bUt i wIll try tO hOld On u anD WaLk On..(:

sOmetImes hAppinEss iS jUst thE cOvEr uP fOr sadnEss.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

mY phOtos (:

Our sUshi trIp (: we havE gOt lOtsa fUn that daY! aNd as cOmpared to that Yew tEe 99cEnts sUshi, thIs suShi buFfet is mUch chEaper! (X ToTaL bIll was $32+ bUt yEt thAt tIme at yEw tEe was $48+.


moOVie tIme! ClasH Of the tItans! Quite nIce!

enD Of an enYoyabLe day!

Friday, April 9, 2010

im baCk to BLoG (:
I FAll sIck anD fEver FoR 4 DAYS! MY DoC AT First thOt that iTs denGue! bUt im finE NoW.
at fIrst wanTed to UplOad sOme pHoto bUt CAnnOt! =( nvM thEn nExt tIme!
anW, mY BaBy cAn waLk alReadY (: (: SoO HApPy fOr hIm.
thE daY b4 yTd, we weNt fOr mOvie + sUshi bUffet trIp at cAuseway pOint. hee =p havE gOt aN enjOyaBle daY we waTch clAsh Of tItans In 3D. hee (:
rEcenTly i wENt fOr sOme reSearCh thIngGy thEn Have gOt exTra incOme bUt sEemS likE finIshIng sOon cOs i Gg rebOnd my hAir! hAppy lOr!
sOoN SCh gG To REopen aNd i WiLL be yEar 3! daMn fASt =( im scAred thAT i Cant cAtch uP im scARed thAt i cANt dO weLl! >.< im sCare of sO mani sTuff!!!!! i scAre thAt my bABy......
hMmm, im lOoking fOrward to gO watCh mOvie wiTh baby On wweD HoPEFully by thEn my cOugh recOver anD IT WIll Be my trEat On that dAy (:
reCently the weAther is freakIng hOt =( cAnnot takE IT!!!!!
Gt tO enD herE (: