22thmarch2010 8:45pm
hey (: Never bEen bloGging cOs of my attachment! Thot like poSting at IMH can slaCk abIt bUt I wAs wrOng. The fiRst day I'm already sTress likE hell =( jUSt 4mORe days to gO!
AttacHment cAuses pImples OutbreAk and alSo my eyEs baG is likE bIgger than mY eyEs! =.= WTH.
Anw I dIdn't do weLl fOr exAm tOo anD yEar tHree tImetAble likE shIt >.< OMG! lEssOn alMost aLl enDin at 6pm =(
reALly hOpe that I can sCored 3.5 fOr my yEar three GPA bUt seeMs impOssible cOs nOw onLy 2.8 #.#
anD lasT saT wenT to waTch mOvie -> how tO trAin a dragOn 3D. Ilove TOOTHLESS (X suPer cUte de.
I alSo went tO taKe bLood tEst anD mY hB is stIll lOw aNd lymPhacytes is slIghtly highEr. NoW On suPplement aNd doC wiLl revIew agAin afTer 3 mOnths (: I wiLl be fIne!
WiLl updaTe agaIn afTer my attAchment (: gOodnIte.
Lots Of lOve ("v") B...!
Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
7th mArch 2010 6PM
jUst wOrk Up frOm afTernOon nAp *yAwns!*
tHe weAThEr is fReakiNg hOt!!!!!!!!!!!
it have been quite some times since i blog bUt i woNder whO reAd my blOg nOwadaY? Only hIm i gUess (: havE beeN quIte bUsy wIth aTtACHmeNt! ANd ItS is kIllIng mY lEgs! mY lEgS ArE AcHinG anD it havE bEen tWo Days bUt stIll acHinG! THe WoRst thIng is thEre is stILL THReE WeEks tO gO.. BuT WeLL, Im lOoking fOrward to my IMH Attachment! (X cOnfIrm vEry intEreStIng! it seEms inTeresTinG wOrking at IMH! ANd SHoULD I siGn bOnd wIth thEm? *infLuenCe by eLin* bUt theN wOrking thEre wiL Lose aL the nUrsing skIlls!
ToDAY Wanted to meet aH baO fOr bReakfaSt bUt i dIdnt wAke up earLy enOugh fOr bReakfaST So EndEd uP mUnched a bRead! tOday was suPer bUsy lOr! OMG! NeaRly dIed bUt at lEaST GoT JoANne! (: fIrst tIme wOrking wIth hEr! (: anD alSo i gOtten mY paY TodAY ALTHoUGH its lEss thAn 150 bUt im sAtISfied! (: cOs at lEAST CaN USEd To BuY CoNCeSSiOn! hmM, have beEn sPendIng vEry lItt tIme wIth bf and FrIends. anD FrIEnDS ShOuldnt be nEgLeCTED Too! *thAts whAT eLin sayS*. HEE =p
Gg To HAve mY earLy Dinner anD mEetIng mY sIster latEr at Cck.
P.S. i wiLl nEveR lET U DoWn (:
jUst wOrk Up frOm afTernOon nAp *yAwns!*
tHe weAThEr is fReakiNg hOt!!!!!!!!!!!
it have been quite some times since i blog bUt i woNder whO reAd my blOg nOwadaY? Only hIm i gUess (: havE beeN quIte bUsy wIth aTtACHmeNt! ANd ItS is kIllIng mY lEgs! mY lEgS ArE AcHinG anD it havE bEen tWo Days bUt stIll acHinG! THe WoRst thIng is thEre is stILL THReE WeEks tO gO.. BuT WeLL, Im lOoking fOrward to my IMH Attachment! (X cOnfIrm vEry intEreStIng! it seEms inTeresTinG wOrking at IMH! ANd SHoULD I siGn bOnd wIth thEm? *infLuenCe by eLin* bUt theN wOrking thEre wiL Lose aL the nUrsing skIlls!
ToDAY Wanted to meet aH baO fOr bReakfaSt bUt i dIdnt wAke up earLy enOugh fOr bReakfaST So EndEd uP mUnched a bRead! tOday was suPer bUsy lOr! OMG! NeaRly dIed bUt at lEaST GoT JoANne! (: fIrst tIme wOrking wIth hEr! (: anD alSo i gOtten mY paY TodAY ALTHoUGH its lEss thAn 150 bUt im sAtISfied! (: cOs at lEAST CaN USEd To BuY CoNCeSSiOn! hmM, have beEn sPendIng vEry lItt tIme wIth bf and FrIends. anD FrIEnDS ShOuldnt be nEgLeCTED Too! *thAts whAT eLin sayS*. HEE =p
Gg To HAve mY earLy Dinner anD mEetIng mY sIster latEr at Cck.
P.S. i wiLl nEveR lET U DoWn (:
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