Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Im baCk (:

24th Feb 2010 01:42 am

fInally Can upLoad pHotos! loTs Of thInGs haPpened bUt dOnt thInk wiLl be taLking abOut it (:

20TH feB 2010
mY sIs 21st bIrthDay! (: weNt tOwn!

my sIs anD i sIttIng at shaW hOuse therE rOtting! @.@

WhIle waIting fOr trAin!! (X
baObi LIPS! but whY my hAir got pArting! eeE!

sOmehOw i lIke thIs phOto alOT! (:

hanyO anD Me! weLl, im gOnna saY sOmethIng!
he iS CuTe! (: haHa =D

aLl Of Us ceLebrated my sIs bIrthday! (:
bUt i dOn nOe her fRiEnds!

thaT daY BefOre nEw YeAr i waS arrAngIng my stuFf thEn i realIzed thaT I HAVe One whOle paCk Of thIs cUte lItt thInggy! SUPER CUTE! thaNks to rIchsOn anD mySElF! HAHA =D
NoT FoRgettin my bAby, hE caUght One bIg One fOr me aT bUgis! anD itS on my beD NoW.

ThIs drEss i regRetted for nOt buyIng =( whEn i deciDed to bUy,nO mOre stOck!
DISAPPOINTED! =( Its 49.90! wOrth it?

hmmM, ThIs is my "pOngpOng"!
haI =( iTs gOne nOw...

5th fEb 2010
my bAby gOtten thE ORD CERT! i rEad thE tEstimOnial! verY gOod cOmments Lor! dIdnt knOw my babY So harDwOrking anD mOtivatEd in caMp!
anD nOw my bAby is a MAN! =D

thIs phoTo is befOre mY babY CuT HaiR! (x afTer cUttIng hAir is cUter! (: lOves!


hmM, FinaLly i gOtten mYself a FRED PERRY shOes! laSt pIece lOr cOs my sIze fOr uk Only 3.5 =D ItS 119BucKs!
anW, FrIday is my lAst Paper! =D ANd nExt weeK wiLl be mY attacHment alReadY! =( and ItS at KKH anD IMH! I DoN EvEn nOe hOw to gO IMH!!!!! @.@
UpDate mOre On sOme oTher daYs! (:

P.S. BaBy u Are iRrEPLAcaBle! (: im tIe-ing u tO me! lOve

Thursday, February 11, 2010

11 feb' 2010 12:23Am

*SIGH!* WaNted to lOad phOto buT BlUetOoth nOt wOrking =(
havIng vEr baD rashEs nOw! arGh!!!!

imIssyOu sOooo mUch!

Monday, February 8, 2010

QuIck uPdates! (:

8thfEb'2010 12:32am

A fEw hOurs mOre, I havE to wakE up for scHool! =( PAS PRESENTATION! #.#
I'm rEally tireD!

On saT nIght (060210) stArted doinG my elaHa assIgnment anD paS presentation slIdes. EndEd up slEeping at 3+ AM! @.@
thEn wAke uP at ard 9am upOn hEarIng a bad nEws anD I sTarted cRyinG! =(
a fEw daYs baCk, my daD brOught a bIrd baCk. He fOund it On the fLOor strUggling anD he bElieved thAt of drOpped frOm the trEe. leG fracTureD! CannOt stanD at aLl.
It's smaLl. FeD the bIrd wIth rIce or prOrriDge. FIrst daY saW the bIrd, the fEathers nOt fUlly grOwn bUt afTer fEedIng fOr 4 to 5 dayS, the fEather becOme alot bUt stIll cannOt fLy! I nAme it "ponGpOng". It'S extrEmely cUte. I'm alWays the oNe whO fEd ponG poNg bUt it Died. I reAlly dOn knOw whY. =( *soB*
Went sEntosa wiTh elAine and ethEl On 050210. Quite fUn! Main purpoSe is to sUn tanned! (X bUt end uP I havE gt hEat rash >.< veRy iTchy! arGh!
On tuEs 020210, I waS sIck! HavIng feVer and fLu! >.< deSpite that, I Went to aCc hIm anD also weNt to wOrk! (: I'm respOnsible de Okay! (X
Mc fOr twO days! (: tues anD weD! on tueS nIte, jUstin sUdden tOld me thaT it's NS3 presentatIon On weD bUt nOne of the GrOup mEmbers dId anythIng sO have tO rUsh it Out on tues nIte bUt I didn't wEnt for pResentatIon =[
moNday 010210 PRACTICAL EXAM!
PASSED! But......waS tOld thAt the infOrmation tOo liTtle! #.# DIE!
TIme to sleep! (: wIll upLOad photo sOon!
P.S. baby u arE sO ...........! HuGg