24th Feb 2010 01:42 am
fInally Can upLoad pHotos! loTs Of thInGs haPpened bUt dOnt thInk wiLl be taLking abOut it (:
20TH feB 2010
mY sIs 21st bIrthDay! (: weNt tOwn!
my sIs anD i sIttIng at shaW hOuse therE rOtting! @.@

WhIle waIting fOr trAin!! (X
baObi LIPS! but whY my hAir got pArting! eeE!
sOmehOw i lIke thIs phOto alOT! (:
he iS CuTe! (: haHa =D
bUt i dOn nOe her fRiEnds!

thaT daY BefOre nEw YeAr i waS arrAngIng my stuFf thEn i realIzed thaT I HAVe One whOle paCk Of thIs cUte lItt thInggy! SUPER CUTE! thaNks to rIchsOn anD mySElF! HAHA =D
NoT FoRgettin my bAby, hE caUght One bIg One fOr me aT bUgis! anD itS on my beD NoW.
DISAPPOINTED! =( Its 49.90! wOrth it?
hmmM, ThIs is my "pOngpOng"!
haI =( iTs gOne nOw...
5th fEb 2010
my bAby gOtten thE ORD CERT! i rEad thE tEstimOnial! verY gOod cOmments Lor! dIdnt knOw my babY So harDwOrking anD mOtivatEd in caMp!
anD nOw my bAby is a MAN! =D
thIs phoTo is befOre mY babY CuT HaiR! (x afTer cUttIng hAir is cUter! (: lOves!
hmM, FinaLly i gOtten mYself a FRED PERRY shOes! laSt pIece lOr cOs my sIze fOr uk Only 3.5 =D ItS 119BucKs!
anW, FrIday is my lAst Paper! =D ANd nExt weeK wiLl be mY attacHment alReadY! =( and ItS at KKH anD IMH! I DoN EvEn nOe hOw to gO IMH!!!!! @.@
UpDate mOre On sOme oTher daYs! (:
P.S. BaBy u Are iRrEPLAcaBle! (: im tIe-ing u tO me! lOve