so glad that my exam ended (= but the saddest part is that i know i didnt do well for all my paper simply because im LAZY!
Friday i am gOing SENTOSA with my clAssmates (: i wan to sun tan!!! haPpy!! anD juSt nIce On thAt daY BlOODY VALENTINE is out! its m18 movie so under 18 cant watch d= i want to watch!
now not feeling well >.< think i falling sick soon! really did not have sufficient rest for the past fews day! )= so after exam went to town to meet him cos he wanted to alter his clothes so i accompany him. im good right! haha XD hmmm den as for dinner i ate at cck food court at in love with the duck rice. its quite nice. you guys should try too!! hmm got to end here already. so tired! take care everyone. Goodnight! dOn Catch a colD (:
Welcome to my Blog! I'm Wei Ting, Turning Old On 6th OCT Every year. Attached to my Cute Litt Boy Since 18th May'09 <3 I love Dote anD pampered On! Travelling, Shopping and My Boy
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
tOday iS a pInk PanTher Day (:
nOtice a Change in my font size? simply becos i wan to become smaller in size *haha XD* I sound so STUPID!! Today after my exam, my friend came and fetch me from school bus stop and went to watch the pink panther2 (= the movie is so hilarious xD MUST WATCH! after the movie im much happier cos i laugh all my stress away.
sad to say, today my AAP is so badly done. when i flipped thru the paper, the SAQs........
only can blame myself for skipping my AAP revision lesson =( haha xD.
now is already like twelve plus but havent even started my revision think i not gg to do well again. i wan to go sentosa after my exam (; hmmm. im feeling so tired now. got to end here already. takEcare my lOve!
piCtures!! (=
Saturday, February 21, 2009
iTs wenDy's bIrthDay On 20fEb'2009
ThIs phOto Is takEn wIthMy GirlfRienD (: ShE So cUte! We tOok thIs phOto at sOmewhEre nEar EsplanAde.

BasiCally, we have planned a surprise party for wenDy (= wIth the Elly anD FrienDs anD tImO AnD fRienDs. BuT I SpEnD qUite alOt yTd >.<>
Yesterday quite fun but i sacrifice my exam to celebrate my sis's birthday however its still worth it! birthday onli one year once (= Ppl mUst rmb mY birThday O! BUT GueSS ThIs Year shOuld be Quite bOring ba?
Recently i saw a gUinea Pig at vIvo City and i Hv The Urge Of bUyin It (= sO adOrable!!Like the GuInea piG in bEdtimes stOry!
tOday exam was tOtally UnpRepared and i fElt sO stUpId! i Was hOlding On to the LectUre nOtes bUt i asSumed tha Qns wOnt cOme Out den nV stUdy enD up It aPpeared at the SaQ dEn i dOn nOe hOw to dO =(
hMm. i wiLl blOg mOre whEn im frEe ba (x gG To BAth nOw dEn wrIte dOwn nOtes fOr my mOnday PapEr. jUst nOw mY dad wAnts mI To drInk a vEri bItter drInk. EeE.. sO diSgUstinG >.<
JiayOU! jIayOu! JiayOu! hee =p gOodnighT!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
thIs Is fOr hIm fOr Valentine's Day ! (=
Saturday, February 14, 2009
hmmm. im sOoo Lazy!!
basiCally i don like to blog but since i have got a blog den just try to blog about some stuff (=
ytd when to my "zhu ren" -> e-lIn house, supposingly i havee to do some presentation discussion but i didnt >.<>
that time the newspaper got advertise that someone lost their dog den i thot is that owner's one. i contacted the owner but unfortunately the dog don belong to her. however, she is kind enough to take the dog home den helo the dog to find her owner (= got to end here! so tired =( i have to wake up earli to work! goodnight (=
last but not least, HaPpy ValenTine'S Day ^-^v

i Saw this dog at around Taman JurOng that area
BlK 115 hO chinG rOad bUs sTop
On 12feb2009 at arD 8.40pm
a fEmale labOrdOr RetrIever (=
Currently sHe is safE at a sOmeone hOuse. really hOpe shE can finD her Owner. shE is reAlly Cute anD obeDient!
if thIs iis yOur Dog thEn cOntact mi thrU my mail
thankS (:
Monday, February 9, 2009
its jUst anOther Day..
recEntly have been Quite busy =( or PerhapS im Lazy! cOs im nOt thOse who alWays uSed cOm de >.< aCtualli toDay wantEd to pOst sOme pHoto fOr u gUys to sEe bUt mY frIend havEnt senD it to mI. Some othEr Day ba! anw, sOrry jIahaO for bEing sO straiGht forwaRd anD mEan tO u! to bE continUed.. gOodnighT! (: GoD BLesS.. HAHA xD
OopS. i Damn lOng nv blOgGggggg!!
My clOse frIend in claSs (= He is a foreigner but i dont know hOw to spell the cOuntry that he is frOm. HAHA xD my enGlish sUcks!! Anw, hIs namE is Saw Pyay htOo (:
Anw, to be frank, i havE no iDea who acTually knOws that i havE GoT A BlOG =( So, caN do mI a favOur? thOse whO vIsit mY bloG can taGg mI..? thAnks (:
Anw, to be frank, i havE no iDea who acTually knOws that i havE GoT A BlOG =( So, caN do mI a favOur? thOse whO vIsit mY bloG can taGg mI..? thAnks (:
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